Horrible ticket response

Submitted a ticket about a bugged quest that is preventing me from continuing my covenant campaign, and had already tried all the fixes listed in the automated response before submitting the ticket. Woke up this morning to the automated response with suggestions of everything I had already tried.

As it stands now my covenant campaign is currently stalled and there is nothing I can do except wait for Blizz to either fix the bug, a bug which has existed in some form since at least July if the bug report forums is anything to go by, or wait over a day on this ticket which is also not an option since I have work tomorrow, and the wait time is over a day.

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What quest is bugged? How is it bugged? Did you check wowhead to see if there was any work arounds?

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If it’s a bug, at least you think it’s bug, would be best to report it in the bugs report forum. Maybe look on wowhead to see if others know how to get it to work and such.


It’s the quest to go to De Other Side to talk Bwonsamdi, it’s been a bug that is still being reported, and yes I googled it as soon as I encountered the bug. Checked for any workarounds, there are none aside from usually having a GM teleport you to the phased version of the dungeon. This bug has existed in some form since at least July if not longer, and it is kind of game breaking since it prevents you from completing your covenant campaign. Have a ticket in again but the response time is over a day. This bug should have been fixed by now.

If you scroll to the bottom, it might suggest to reopen the ticket if you require more assistance. It’s not uncommon when wait times are high, that players find their own answer while waiting. But the answer probably is not the final answer.

What quest is it, and is there other quests in the area? IE: could phasing of one quest and completing it, fix that quest you are on?

Is the world quest “Rotbriar Trouble” still active? I am not sure if it could be causing a phase issue, try switching in and out of warmode also.


To be specific, What is the name of the quest?

Did you mention that it was a blocking issue in your ticket?

You don’t know this. What is causing the bug? Is it reproducible (needed to test for resolutions)? What line(s) of code is the bug in? Is it only one bug causing the problem? How many players are being affected by the bug? Lots of things can impact how fast a bug takes to fix.

It is possible that was the resolution given by the Devs earlier only to have the option removed if they found it caused other problems later.

These are all things to try while waiting for your ticket to be answered.

There is a display bug that happens that makes it look like your account was hacked. All your gear disappears, all your bags appear empty, you bank appears empty, but you still have your gold. GMs on their end can see that you still have everything. Deleting your cache, interface and WTF folders does not resolve it. It usually clears on it’s on in a couple of days, or after maintenance. This bug has been happening for years. Because it is so rare (I think I’ve seen posts about it less than five times) QA and the Devs don’t have enough information about the bug and reproducing it to know where in the code to go looking for it. So having a bug that only appears to be in the code for a few months isn’t that long.


Someone else who had this issue figured out a work-around. Maybe this will work for you. It’s worth a shot anyway. Even though this person was stalled in the Night Fae campaign, the quest is the same.


That was posted 26 days ago, why is it not fixed?

Because it’s not something that is so widespread that a large majority of players are hindered by it? Sometimes bugs are weird and wonky and not able to be fixed with the snap of the fingers. Especially those that are only an issue for a very small percentage of the player base.

If you’ve got something constructive to add to the conversation - a fix or anything of the sort, please do. Otherwise stomping your foot and demanding an answer isn’t the way to go around here. There are no GMs and certainly no Devs on this forum, seeing as Customer Support is a forum for players to assist other players. It’s not Customer Service.


[quote=“Leilleath-moon-guard, post:10, topic:1091587, full:true”]

It’s been an issue for months, I’m expected to find someone that’s on the quest chain to fix it.

But sure get snarky at me, someone who just wants to play a game they pay for.

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Unfortunately, I don’t believe anyone here is going to be able to state “why” it’s not fixed yet. The QA team would work with the developers to try and recreate the issue and to program a fix. Sometimes these are easy fixes and other times they may not even be able to recreate the problem.

It may also be that there are more pressing bugs at this time. To be honest, I’m pretty sure that there are bugs that are much, much older than this one that they’ve not been able to fix. Typically speaking though, bugs that effect a large portion of the player base tend to take priority.

All that said, you can try putting in a ticket to see if a GM is able to help out:

Just note that sometimes they’re not allowed to in the event that it may cause worse issues down the line.

  1. It is only affecting a few players.
  2. It’s random, so it’s hard to reproduce.
  3. If it can’t be reproduced, it’s harder for QA to determine what is causing it
  4. It it can’t be reproduced, it’s hard to determine if a proposed fix will actually fix it.
  5. The initial issue that this thread is about could have been fixed, but another bug is causing similar issues.

Bugs are triaged. Bugs that affect most of the players are fixed before ones that don’t. Unless QA says they have enough information about a bug, you should still file a bug report. The more data they have about a bug the more likely they are to find and fix what is causing it.


To Rufflebottoms list, I would add that:

  1. Sometimes bugs are interrelated. An easy bug fix may be bound up in a much harder bug fix.

  2. In a similar vein, fixing one bug or implementing a planned new feature may well take care of other bugs. This particular bug may well fall under the QoL changes for covenant switching that is currently on the PTR.


I want to clarify what happened with the responses Tenrigoar received. We receive a very large number of tickets about quest and game-related matters that often are caused by an issue with an addon or confusion about how a quest works or where in the questline a character may be. Because of that, the initial response that may be sent out for those kinds of issues during high ticket volume will be directions on resetting your UI and trying other troubleshooting like visiting Wowhead, etc…

In the response provided it is stated that if these steps don’t help to please reopen the ticket. That was what was done, which allowed a Game Master to resolve the quest issue.

As the others mentioned, a bug may not be fixed because what is causing it to happen isn’t as readily apparent or easy to resolve as we may like.

To be clear, no, you are not. What was suggested was a possible workaround you could try, if you wish.

You are generally expected to submit a ticket under “Stuck on Quest” so that a Game Master can help. This is a known issue and we have policies in place to do just that. We even have a Support Article on the subject.

It doesn’t appear you have submitted a ticket yet, Rombell, so I would suggest you do that so we can get your character back on track. :slight_smile: