Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

just read it all.

Oh, sure.

I know I find myself arguing more blue, but full disclosure: that’s partially to be contrary.

That being said, I imagine most of us have at least a beloved toon or two on the other side. Out of curiosity if nothing else. Except maybe Zerde or Erevein.

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Mate, I’m not fighting a battle with the EU forum.

Keeping up with the side I play on is more than enough.

Besides, EU has the opposite problem of NA. Too many Alliance players, not enough Horde. This isn’t a secret, and is part of the reason why I don’t really blame the story for player numbers.


It’s such a shame, he could have just been a war criminal, it would have been such a good opportunity for a questline that was a rare example of cross-faction cooperation in a story. With Horde PC directly seeking revenge, and the Alliance side PC uncovering evidence of dishonor and war crimes on thier side, maybe even givinf that evidence to the Horde.

Instead we get “war crimes are fine if you had good intentions and are very honorable.”


Compare and contrast with the mirrored quest (Silverwind Refuge), which was just quietly insane and left rather unfinished.

Partially because it became a questing node thanks to the Cata balancing act.

The arguments are all like “Ceding land to Worgen is good cuz Genn stops being angry.” and such.

Ceasing to occupy the Gilnean homeland.

How terrible.

Especially given all the benefits that the Horde reaped from being in Gilneas such as…

Well, rogues got a dagger there once.

Sorry, just yanking your chain. But seriously, as far as I can figure, Horde never got much benefit out of being there. So little, in fact, that we were never quite sure WHO if anyone was in Gilneas at any given time.


The Forsaken taking Gilneas always seemed like a contrivance to explain why the Gilneans just can’t go back home after the events of thier starting zone. Since Blizzard wanted more races but not to make more capital cities in Cata.

The result is that it just never really made much sense, and its resolution was a huge flop.

Should have just had Deathwing cook the place.


The gilnean homeland is south of the Wall. There should be no worgen in Silverpine

Calia gave you everything for peace. Not just your starting zone. Hillsbrad too. If you can’t grasp why this is bad beyond appeasement you don’t care for Horde story.

Oh, is that what we’re talking about?

Citation needed for anything beyond Gilneas itself belonging to Gilneas, though it’s not the first time Bliz has left a zone unclear.

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This new character would find themselves facing off against God-Tier characters within the Alliance. Turalyon, Alleria, Velen, Tyrande, Malfurion, and Jaina. Gelbin isn’t exactly a slouch either, and Moira’s not a damsel in distress with no power of her own.

The Alliance is inundated with characters whom will preserve the peace to the best of their ability. Unless they’re removed, they’ll be safeguarding against something like that.

Exploring Azeroth eastern kingdoms. I can draw you a line in the map with paint back home.

I mean, the Horde already faces off against those characters and somehow survives.

Anyway, you could have some interesting political reasons for why squelching the new character would work against the Alliance Pantheon. Let’s bring back the intrigue and infighting that used to be in the Alliance!


So you’re telling me that Gilneas was worgen turf, undead turf, worgen turf, incredibly blighted, empty, whatever was going on in MOP, full of undead, empty, undead, worgen, scarlets, then finally worgen again?

Haha, Blizzard just cannot be bothered to deal with worgen, can they?

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Except, they don’t.

The Horde doesn’t face characters like Jaina or Malfurion with the kid gloves off. The closest that ever came to happen, the Horde place and a squadron of leaders were chased across Stormwind by Jaina while trying to flee Talanji, and even then were saved by deus ex Zul burning a stone city.

When it comes to faction conflict, the Alliance is written to hold back. Could you imagine how fast the Fourth War would’ve been over if Turalyon had parked the Vindicaar in orbit over Orgrimmar and started firing indiscriminately?

Zandalari couldn’t been wiped off the face of the planet during the Battle for Dazar’Alor, but the Alliance just pulled back after failing their objective of capturing Rastakan. Even that was entirely on Jaina’s terms, preventing the Horde from giving chase.

I just don’t see how it would work out, speaking for myself. To address the why:

Its gone, and there’s no grounds on which to bring it back. The Alliance’s bad actors are dead or retired. I mean, who do you bring out to be this instigator of conflict with the Horde, how do they convince the Alliance, and how do they get away with committing an atrocity severe enough that the genocide of the Night Elves is forgotten?

The Horde defeated that void herald and G’huun but a single frost mage is too much. The power levels are ridiculos at this point.

It is not gone the alliance community just needs to take the bat one time to even the field for good. If our community can survive it yours can too.

It does seem a bit odd that a mage, who is relatively young compared to most mages seems to have an off-the-charts high power level.

I don’t have an issue with Jania being powerful, but does she need to be one-woman-army powerful?


She basically laughs in our faces the whole fight and bubbles at 5% health with no visible injuries.

'member when the Dracthyr loved the Alliance but only stayed with the Horde for the memes?

I 'member.