Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

Still missing the point.

Why would the Alliance attack the Horde at this point, and commit an atrocity great enough that the burning of Teldrassil is not awful by comparison? What is the Alliance’s rationale behind this?

Alleria doesen’t want peace. that’s an awful retcon. She originally tried to exterminate all Orcs.

So no answer as to the rationale behind why the Alliance should commit an atrocity against the Horde, gotcha.

No. The OP wanted to know what would be needed to make sure the whole Horde rallies behind the idea of waging war on the alliance to make sure the expansion isn’t ending with getting rid of yet another tyrant warchief character and siege of Orgrimmar.

The only real answer to make that happen is to tur the Tauren into victims of the opposing faction.

Only Tauren are passive and have a leader that constantly preaches peace.

Only Tauren turned the other cheek when Theramore forces stormed the barrens and were hiding behind the wooden wall while the trolls and Orcs fully committet to the efforts.

Only Tauren was exiled for even trying to retaliate against the blue team.

They are by far the only likeable race that gave no one ever any reason to hate them or think of tehm as combatants.

And if you think you would butcher alliance heroes characters to make them agree to war and genocide then I welcome you. THAT was the whole Horde story since Cataclysm and we couldn’t control it.

Eat up the villain bat and let us play uno reverse.

How about we don’t and instead we try to convince blizz to stop writing the horde as stupid savages who commit heinous acts just because a leader asked them too

The alliance doesn’t need to be stupid evil in an expansion, because in the end, the horde will always have done much worse anyway. The scales will NEVER be even between both factions


Can you actually admit if things were the other way around the alliance community would have imploded by now? We want compensations not half butted promises when the past shows Blizzard will keep lying.

Of course. That much is obvious. We all seen how half them lost their minds over Amidrissal alone. I’m just saying the factions are too far gone to ever be equal

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Nop that just means we need to try harder because what happened between MoP and Bfa is curse of the same source.

Who are “people” in this case? There’s certainly a subset of Horde players who think that way, but definitely not all of us.

I do think there’s also a subset of Blizzard writers who, to this day, think the WC3 retcon was a bad move and undermine it every chance they get.

If you’re talking about the situation we have now, I don’t believe the current Horde much resembles the pre-Cata Horde. I don’t see a lot of “If they will not give us peace, we will give them war” among the current crop of Horde leaders. Nor was there a great deal of “My best friends are Alliance leaders” among the pre-Cata Horde.


I’ll repeat a suggestion I made a while ago:

Then let’s create a new character who rapidly rises to prominence by taking a hardline anti-Horde stance and gathering support from those who are frustrated with the current government. My only requirement is that this new character NOT be motivated by revenge.


I mean, the dirty secret is that the Horde and Alliance players are… the same people.

Some folks get all “my sportsball team!” tribalistic about factions, but they’re both being written by the same people and played by the same people.

Which is why I’m repeatedly baffled that we think it would be any more fun to take a ride down the “Tunnel of Warcrime” with a blue coat of paint instead of a red one. That confusion you felt about everyone supporting Sylvanas for patches? It’d be the same if Rogers (a character CRIMINALLY underutilized in the war expack) went ballastic. The frustration you saw from Alliance players as their RIGHTEOUS RETALIATION was kneecapped by the plot? Not that much fun either.

But we’re here in a two faction mmo, and both need to be playable when the dust settles. Alliance population has been on the decline for a while on the North American side. Maybe a hefty serving of what beefed the Horde up from Cata on would help… but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the war crimes.


Wasn’t Camp Taurojo a pretty clear example of a war crime being committed against Tauren?

Players and even some of Blizzards writers still try to justify it anyway.


Pre Cataclysm the only alliance connection of Horde leaders was Thrall and Jaina. Now sellout characters like Calia, Baine, Aethas are bending over backwards to appease their friends Anduin and so on. This isn’t even close to be comparable. The outcries come from the legitemate fear that the Horde will now just play second fiddle in an alliance driven story.

Not at all it was whitewashed like everything else now Baine went even so far to exile the survivors.

You would think so, but then Blizzard had to go back and put in all these quests to say that actually, the guy who carried that out was super-nice and honorable.


Not at all. The MHPs out there are still adamant not to touch the Horde to play ever because of what Sylvanas did in Cataclysm to their reclaim Lordaeron fantasy.

Mhm, mhm.

Are the human male pallies in the room with us now?

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Zerde, Vardaoc, Moontear, Mace, Aureliagan, the list is long. They aren’t here all the time of course but their presence is notable. I am an europoor but its impossible to miss. Over in Euroland Kurst is the most notable partisan and keeps telling horde players we should be glad to have Calia on our side because muh peace/diplomacy and such arguments.

In a lot of cases, sure, but I think most players tend to have a favorite faction that they gravitate more towards.


Not a pally, who, who, who, who…

Well, I guess you won because they’re all not around.

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