Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

But according to your logic Blizzard shouldn’t ever have deliberately insulted the Horde. Just because they’ve cleaned up their act on that front since BfA doesn’t negate the fact that the BfA shame train happened.


It’s just Zerde really. I don’t think the nelfers are serious.

They are serious. Until the fans get angry. Blizzard wishes the fans were as fascinated with black and white morality as they were. When the WC3 fans throw a fit they finally acquiesce just enough for the conflict to die off.They’ve tried hanging thing up with the whole “morally grey” theme but fans saw right through the lies.

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That’s not what that quote said. It said that the Horde would be, “Evil Races,” as heroes. In other words, the redeemed Horde of honorable savages we were given back during WC3. Orcs, Trolls, Minotaurs, etc… all traditionally evil beings in fiction, but in WoW, were portrayed as heroic and striving for redemption from a terrible past.

The Forsaken were an evil race, and meant to be evil. Apparently they were even considered to be playable as part of the Scourge, according to the quote you provided from the AMA.

We did steal your edgy elves. The Void Elves are very much like TBC era Blood Elves. As edgy and amoral as they were. TBH, it’s why I like them. TBC Blood elves were neat; now it’s TBC era belves but slightly less edgy. Instead of Fel; it is void.

We’ve actually had disagreements on some things with one another. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
— Y’know, just because two people on the forums agree time to time, it doesn’t mean they’re the same person - Right? :sweat_smile:

Plus as if Everien would pass up the opportunity to use his own character to make a post lol

Yeah, I saw quite a heap after the Burning of Teldrassil.
They never really got that chance though. Sure one could argue:

  • “Oh but Lordaeron!”
  • “Oh but Dazar’alor!”

However Lordaeron was retaliation, and Dazar’alor – whilst still obviously bad, wasn’t exactly on the scale that Teldrassil was + Also happened to be a strategic move, during the major war the Alliance & Horde already had with each other at the time.


Yes, it is.

It said they changed the concept of the Horde to be that, after they considered making playable Scourge for the undead faction.

They were originally envisioned as evil when the entire Horde was meant to be evil. When they changed the concept of the Horde, they also changed the concept of the undead.

Yes, before the concept of the Horde was changed.

In other words, the timeline goes like this:

  1. Plans for evil Horde with playable Scourge as the undead race.
  2. Release of Warcraft III.
  3. Realization that players enjoy playing heroic monsters.
  4. Redesign of the entire Horde to fit the new concept, including changing the undead race from playable Scourge to Forsaken.

The problem is that the things that drew people to the Horde originally, and I do mean originally, was subversion of what was at the time a pretty rote series of fantasy tropes. Where you had typically ‘evil’ races that were instead more nuanced, even noble, and were the underdogs. Even blood elves, originally, were subversions, they were the usual pretty elves but ruthless mana vampires, conniving and backstabby. The orcs had done terrible things, but per the original lore were also victims of the Legion, and had to rediscover a shattered culture. They couldn’t lay down and die, obviously, so they moved forward best they could.

This is why people liked the Horde originally, and this is why Warcraft as a franchise really took off with WC3, because those nuances were introduced.

But these themes are harder to write, and after years of the writers giving the Horde lore wins while ruining their themes, people are used to thinking the Horde is supposed to be all edgy Conan the Barbarian without the nuance. People’s idea of a ‘better Horde’ is one where they get to be violent and conquering and destructive, but it doesn’t ever get pointed out by the story.

Which obviously doesn’t work either. But they leaned into the easy thing for so long that any attempt to bring the Horde back to the original roots pre-Cata is met with kicking and screaming and cries of ‘Red Alliance’, so they’re stuck.


They should Connect the forums then I will use my main to post.

Literally every battle after teldrassil was a victory for the alliance. Stop being greedy.

I mean have them be the instigating aggressors, then the Horde the retaliating victors for once – Instead of the other way around.

The problem with that is sadly any aggressive action the alliance takes is going to be seen as justified by a lot of people

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So it’ll need to be extra heinous. :dracthyr_nod:

Blizzard use to have the courage to do risky storylines like the old days, such as the events of Auchindoun that lead to its devestating explosion — or the orcs genocide upon the Draenei & the slaughter of Shattrath …

Now it feels like they’re trying to avoid anything remotely jaw dropping or thought-provoking.


Having the Alliance be the instigating aggressors is difficult without destroying characters to make it happen. The Alliance’s roster of power house characters also tend to be those whom seek peace with the Horde the most. Turalyon, Alleria, Velen, Jaina, Malfurion, even Tyrande these days.

If the genocide of the Night Elves wasn’t enough to make Turalyon go full deus vult, for Velen to have PTSD from what happened on Draenor in the past, and for Malfurion to turn Orgrimmar into an Emerald Nightmare of his own creation, then at this point nothing will. There is no justification these characters can possibly have to do something that, per your own words:


Alleria personally send Umbric to Turn carnage on the Zandalari.

And then went to Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s wedding alongside her husband.

Alleria doesn’t want war. She wants her family to be able to live peacefully, safe. Turalyon, Arator, and Vereesa. That doesn’t mean she won’t fight one if it comes to her, but she’s not about to stand by and let one start if she can nip it in the bud.


The agression always come from the alliance elves. You should be glad Blizzard doesen’t allow Horde leaders to hold grudges. Best point is Aethas the ultimate cuck character.

There is one race passive and bendover enough whose demise would even the scales and finally put Baine out of his loser personality. Destroy the Tauren and we are even.

You missed my point.


Why would the Alliance, filled with characters pushing for peace, decide to commit genocide on the Tauren? Out of all the races, why the Tauren? What is the motivation to do this?

Cause any other race targeted would just get the comment of “Well they actually deserved it because…” And then insert notion either smelly savages or betrayed the alliance in the past.