Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

You forgot to highlight the Eastern Kingdom part bud :wink:

Edit: I know I’m just being overly picky atm :slightly_smiling_face:

Which makes it particularly funny that someone on the forum wanted to send the Horde there, away from the “human homelands.”

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Saying humans originated in Northrend is not correct.

Yes, the Vrykul, as they were affected by the curse of flesh did begin to create the first proto-humans, who would, over the centuries, transform into the human race that we know today. (I say proto-human because that is a reference Blizzard specifically uses to describe the ones that were kept as slaves by the Night Elf empire during its height) but Northrend as a continent did not exist at that time, nor did the Eastern Kingdoms, as the War of the Ancients had not happened yet, meaning the entire continent of Kalimdor was still connected and whole.

So they originated on Kalimdor, much like the other races.

As for their interactions with the trolls. They never really engaged with the trolls prior to the Troll Wars. The Amani were aggressive, yes, but there’s no indication of humans and trolls being at war or slaughtering each other for territory. Even after Thoradin began to unite the tribes and form the first human kingdom of Arathor, the trolls and humans only really engaged in border skirmishes. They only became committed to war with the Trolls after the High Elves reached out to them and Thoradin realized that his people would be in a far worse state should Quel’thalas fall to the Amani.

As for who started that war? Well that was the Amani Empire. They launched an all-out assault against the High Elves and tried to wipe them out after leaving the Elves alone (mostly) for 4000 years. So they were absolutely the aggressor in this situation.

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While Drek’thar never drank the demon blood he did learn warlock magic/learned to summoned demons and participated in the genocide of the draenei. Same with Durotar.

You are both wrong:

In the ages that followed, the afflicted children and their offspring would continue devolving into mortal being called humans.

So its looks like the initial children of the Vrykul were still vrykul(albeit deformed) and only later generation turned into their own distinct race called humans.

Side note, considering the Vrykul themselves were servants of the titans that helped cleanse Azeroth of the Old Gods, the Northern part of Kalimdor would not be their “homeland”. Technically it would be greater Kalimdor where there ancestors once controlled/fought for control against the elements.

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Technically not even that. The Frostwolves never drank Mannoroth’s blood, as Durotan forbade his clan from doing so after Ner’zhul secretly warned him and Doomhammer against it.

The Frostwolf Clan were never afflicted with the blood curse, and only turned green from ambient exposure to the Horde’s widespread use of fel magic.

Humans originated in Northrend.
They were sent away.
They colonized the Troll land they were sent away to.

Northrend did not exist when the curse of flesh afflicted the Vrykul.

You cannot come from a place that doesn’t exist.

That’s like saying that all humans come from Pangea, which isn’t true because by the time the human species evolved, Pangea no longer existed and there were a number of different continents already.

It did exist, it just wasn’t its own continent. They originated there.
They were sent to troll lands.
They, an invasive species, colonized troll lands.

No, it did not exist.

At the time when the Curse of Flesh affected the Vrykul there was only one large mega-continent (that we know of), Kalimdor (or as it’s known now, Ancient Kalimdor). The Curse of Flesh was cast on the Vrykul 15,000 years (approximately) before the events of the First War, and 5000 years before the events of the War of the Ancients.

During that time the Night Elves even captured and enslaved proto-humans, using them for manual labor.

The continents as we know them only formed after the Sundering, so humans already existed in one form or another for 5000 years before Northrend was even created.

This is splitting hairs, it’s very obvious what he meant lol.

That said- we honestly dunno how true this is after Chronicles 1. It seems somewhat implied that the Amani didn’t go into those lands until they hunted Ki’thix there. Which would have the followers of Tyr who settled in the region after Tyr died as possibly living there first, since Tyr is why Kith’ix went south to recover.

oh boy.
time for you to slink away in shame.
may i introduce to you the map from Pax Nelfana:

And incase you’re unaware of recent retcons, humans have existed as a species longer than night elves have.

No it’s not. It’s factually accurate.

Northrend did not exist when the Curse of Flesh was cast on the Titan-Forged races.

Ancient history

Sometimes poetically called “the crown of the world”, “the roof of the world”, or “the crown of Azeroth”, Northrend is a frozen wasteland that lies far to the north. It is one of the most infamous locations in all of Azeroth. As with the other continents, it was once part of the original Kalimdor landmass that was broken apart during the Sundering. The area was the birthplace of numerous would-be empires, though not all managed to survive to the modern day, and even fewer in the forms they originally took.

As with the other continents, it was once part of the original Kalimdor landmass that was broken apart during the Sundering.

Given that the Sundering didn’t occur for 5000 years after the Curse of Flesh was cast on the Vrykul, it’s safe to say that humans were not created in Northrend.

Additionally we do not know how large the Vrykul’s territory was at that time. The Curse of Flesh affected all Vrykul clans, which includes not only the Dragonflayers, but also the Winterskorn, Tideskorn, Bloodwake and Drust Clans and they spread far and wide. The Tideskorn inhabited the area that would eventually become the Broken Isles and did not hibernate like the Dragonflayer and Winterskorn did, and the Drust inhabited what is now known as Kul Tiras.

Debatable. There’s no official date for when the humans were created (the Chronicle doesn’t specify with even a rough year), nor are the events in the Chronicle in precise chronological order. When you get to the chapter for Ancient Kalimdor it starts by talking about the Empire of Zul, which formed approximately 16,000 years before the events of the First War and then it covers events in Pandaria which happened thousands of years later. Then it swings back to 15,000 years before the events of the First War when talking about the Night Elves.

The best source as a timeline states that the Night Elves and Humans were roughly created at the same time period, approximately 15,000 years before the events of the First War.

You make it sound like drinking the blood per say was the problem and not the whole participating in mass genocide, in Drek and Durotar’s case, a genocide specifically against the draenei.

Also, while drek never drank the blood, he did become a warlock for a time and used said powers against the draenei.

So as you acknowledge yourself, the land which is coloquially known as Northrend existed. Thereupon, humanity originated before it began it’s campaign to kill all foreign races that would own land that they would have instead.

Literally does not matter.
My point is that the humans originated in what is now known as Northrend, and colonized what is now known as the Eastern Kingdoms in a campaign of racial hate to colonize them and render the troll race extinct.

So your gotcha moment just makes you look even doofier.

They did not. What is modern day humans originated in what is now modern day Lordearon.

And if we are applying this logic, the trolls should go back to whatever hellhole proto trolls original came from.

It comes as no surprise that Zerde would lie in the thread where the blues were already quoted stating they originated in Northrend.

Chronicles literally states they continued devolving into humans. Whatever blue post you have was before Chronicles was released.

Besides, if you want to follow this line of reasoning then the orcs should be tossed out of Azeroth and sent back to their world.

Read what you quoted very carefully.

It says, as I bolded ‘As with other continents, it was once part of the original Kalimdor landmass’

Do you know what that means? Let me go slowly for you.

That means before the Sundering, it was a part of Kalimdor. In the same way that the Americas were once a part of Pangea. Back then though, nothing ‘originated’ on the Americas, because the Americas didn’t exist, it was all Pangea.

Prior to the Sundering, the continents of Northrend, the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor (as it is represented in WoW), Pandaria and the islands that form the Broken Isles, Kul Tiras and Zandalar were all part of a single landmass. Those continents/islands did not exist.

If you were able to go back and ask a Troll or Night Elf where Northrend was, they’d respond with “What are you talking about?” because back at that time Northrend as a continent did not exist. It was simply a part of Kalimdor.

I know you want to bow down before your Troll overlords, but right now you’re coming across as way too desperate to please them.
