Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

Not sure if dense or just ignorant.

Either way, I’m not wasting any more time on you.

Your claim was dumb and resolutely proven wrong.

So you agree that Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken and Alliance have no place in it? Got it.

Or that the Forsaken and Lordearon survivor have join claim over it and that you can’t just blame the Alliance for what happened. You should also blame the very Horde members who would just be as culpable.

Forsaken having any land more than the bare minimum is dumb regardless. They don’t have the same needs as the living and therefor don’t need as much of it. They don’t need air, food, or water.

They’re literally occupying land and keeping it dead despite their own allies needing more food and water. Ironically the more land the Horde help the Forsaken defend, the less worth it is for them.


Is this a joke, or are you just drinking the terminally online kool-aid? It’s like you guys have selective amnesia towards the lore.


Blizzard has clearley marked the Horde being wrong in every sense in the story. You were not supposed to root for your team and only for those people trying to bring Sylvanas down. It is not nice but we have it now. Blizzard has finished the Horde and damaged them beyond repair.

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Look, I think we have to sadly & bitterly accept that:

  • Blizzard are liars.
    The expansion wasn’t “morally grey”. :unamused:


  • They don’t care about the story or lore.
    Take a look at what followed with Shadowlands. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: