Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

Well considering we did see that old orc dude in the Waking Shores I assume there are still survivors. It has only been 40 years. So an orc that was say a teen then would be about 58 ish years old now.

You mean the elementals? Better start joining the Primalist.

Draenei account for the least populated Alliance race. Whereas Orcs are the most populated Horde race. You should be saying 70% of the Horde should go back to Outland

Orcs picked an entirely uninhabited tract of land to colonize, they’re fine. Nobody claimed Durotar/Org :slight_smile:

They’re not the ones who wiped civilizations off the map to establish their own kingdoms.

Again you forget history. Orcs, quite literally, committed genocide on the Draenei on Draenor and took it over. Twice in fact, when they willingly drank demon blood and again as the Iron Horde. How about Forsaken wiping out two civilizations? Gilneas and Teldrassil.


I mean the orcs did also wipe out the Gorian empire, slaughtered the Arrakoa, built a road of bones made from innocent men, women and child. Tried to genocide the humans in two major wars, committed a genocide against the night elves,etc

Wiped out the quillaboar population in the area to make room for Ogrimmar. I’m sure there’s more I’m missing.

I love the orcs an’ all, but I wouldn’t exactly hold them up as paragons of good behavior all things considered


Kind of related, I was looking over A Good War and this was Saurfang reflecting as he watched Teldrassil burn on the last page.

Sylvanas turned back toward the World Tree, watching it burn. Saurfang made himself watch the flames consume city and citizens alike. He would not dishonor himself further by turning away.

The screams continued. They reminded him of Shattrath. He had loved the sound, then.

Smoke filled the air, reminding him of Stormwind, of racing through the streets as buildings burned all around him, finding cowering humans and butchering them as they begged for their lives. He had loved the slaughter, then.

And he had loved this war, too, hadn’t he?

Saurfang did not move for hours, not until the screams faded and the flames had burned themselves down to embers. Before him stood a smoking husk that had once been a great civilization.

Drekthar also said he’d die before the frost wolves ever helped sylvanas.

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I’m not either, but their current home was not built on those behaviors. They specifically sought out uninhabited lands. Meanwhile the Barbarian king who was so good at genocide that his sword literally still has a psychic radiance of horror (a feat no individual orc was apparently able to replicate) is considered a founding hero of the Alliance.

The founding of the Alliance was basically the first/second war but sustained through generations, with the Orcs winning and never actually regretting all that mass murder they did.

The “horrible brutish orcs” mostly all were horrified and severely depressed when they came to grips with what they’d done. The “pure, ethical, heroic” humans laughed and just kept pushing further and further. All without the influence of demons!

Nobody said that’s a good thing, I’m just saying Org isn’t built on a foundation of troll bones like basically every Alliance capital on EK. Orcs didn’t displace anyone to build Org, they can keep it :slight_smile:

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So…honestly? What did you expect the humans to do? Roll over and just let the hostile trolls slaughter them? The trolls were the aggressors repeatedly and they lost everytime.

The humans simply conquered the land afterwards and never left it. Can’t really feel sympathetic when the only other option is the total annihilation of their tribes via troll aggression.

Let’s be truthful though, I know we all joke about everything being troll or elemental land or what have you. But most troll tribes are violent, territorial and cannabalistic

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How is the trolls defending their lands different than the Nelves shooting at the warsong?

And that’s just the Amani and other northern forest trolls, they pushed into Frost troll lands, they pushed into Gurubashi lands. They were absolutely willing to carve out more and more land long after they had established themselves.

It’s been a whole ongoing thing. Take the Gurubashi war (a few years before WC1). Literally started because Stormwind couldn’t help but continue stealing more and more land from the Gurubashi and had finally pissed them off enough into retaliation, with trolls raiding the settlers sitting on stolen land.

Varian’s dad had the brilliant idea of pouring gas on the fire and went with Lothar and Medivh to kill everyone in the Gurubashi capital as retaliation for the raiding.

Medivh was so horrified at what he’d been forced to do in Stranglethorn and the inevitable defense of Stormwind when the now-REALLY pissed off gurubashi stopped raiding and actually went to war that it was what ultimately cracked his psyche, leading to his corruption and the events of the first war.

Great guys, those humans :smiley:

Over the years, Stormwind farmers and settlers had been pushing south, claiming more more territory NEAR the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale.(ie they didnt steal land from the Gurabashi) That had brought them into conflict with the Gurabashi Tribe. Blood had been spieled(we dont know who started it) and the conflict had escalated from small skirmishes to frequent raids by troll bands(considering they would be fighting farmers/settlers it looks like the trolls might have started it)
Llane’s Father, dispatched his forces in a DEFENSIVE manner, commanding his soldiers to intercept raiding parties but forbidding retaliatory strikes into Gurabashi lands.

The big different is it wasnt their land. Or more precisely, it was land they had but lost as their civilizations declined only to take interest again when humanity was suddenly settling it/making something useful of the land.

In the same vein, Durotar would probably be land once controlled by the night elves but you dont see them starting raids on it.

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They settled “near” Gurubashi land, not on it. Not only that but Gurubashi attacked villages ( non combatants ). You have a real problem differentiating between attacking actual aggressors and civilians.

Medivh wasn’t horrified at what he did to the trolls, he was shaken at how much power he didn’t know he had. He could have used too much power performing magic in the Stormwind throne room and still been shaken. The display of power also was not what “broke his psyche”, his mind was lost long before that. Sargeras was always whispering to him and it wasn’t until he contacted Gul’dan did Sargeras truly take over


cough Quilboar cough


I blame the writing.

As much thought goes into it as a modern Marvel movie does.

It will always be about that guy with anger issues and nothing about the home he came from or why everyone around them was just…absent…and for some reason put a crown on his head before letting him do whatever he wants.

The Frostwolves never drank the blood of Mannoroth.

Durotan forbade his kin from drinking from the blood and refused to do so himself when Blackhand offered it to him as he considered himself ‘unworthy to drink from the same cup as the Warchief’. That line fooled Blackhand easily enough, but it didn’t fool Gul’dan who had him watched from that moment forward.

While he did not allow the Frostwolves to drink the blood, he did allow a few of the Frostwolves to use fel magic. Drek’thar being one of those who went down that dark path, only to turn back to shamanism after they were exiled to the Alterac Mountains.

When the elements abandoned the orcs following the beginnings of their genocidal campaign against the draenei people, Drek’Thar and the other shamans of the orcish race followed the evil Gul’dan and his apprentices from the Shadow Council into the path of the warlock.

The very nature of Conan’s sword instantly instilling fear in the entire troll race suggests that the humans were, in fact, the instigators.

Never-you-mind that humans originated in Northrend.

Well, their distant relatives are from northrend. The vykrul that would become the human race had been living in Arator/tirisfal for a while as the curse of flesh gradually progressed.

But we’ll ignore that…again I suppose

Either way, the trolls aren’t the innocent victims people keep desperately trying to portray them as

Play the Howling Fjord quest chain.
Humans originated in Northrend.
The Vrykul sent their misshapen children away.

Those would eventually become…oh that’s right, the human race

They were humans.


  • What’s the relation between The Order of the Silver Hand, Tyr’s Hand (City from Lordaeron region) and Watcher Tyr (from Ulduar)?

Long ago, on the continent that would eventually become known as the Eastern Kingdoms, a small group of creatures struggled to survive, using the limited supplies provided to it by parents who had just abandoned their children on an unfamiliar shoreline. These creatures, eventually called “humans,” would occasionally take to gathering around a fire whilst trying to read from scrolls telling of ancient heroes and leaders – tales from the civilization that had cast these creatures out. One of these scrolls spoke of a great leader, a paragon of order and justice, who sacrificed his right hand in a fight against an unfathomable evil. Although it was within this hero’s power to fix his hand after the fighting had ended, the hero instead chose to replace it with a closed fist made of the purest silver. In this way, the hero impressed upon those who followed him that true order and justice can only be accomplished through personal sacrifice. This hero, who slipped into memory long ago, went by the name of Tyr.

Anyway, the human race colonizes whatever it wants, and kills with such gleeful abandon that they literally take surnames such as ‘Trollbane’.
It’s one thing to kill enemies to save your people.
It’s another to make it a thing that is celebrated and praised.

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