Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

Not to mention the fact that Genn’s kingdom is basically squatting in Teldrassil so an attack on the horde by him of all people would put a bulls eye on the night elves anyway. Not exactly the best way to thank someone for rescuing you.

But of course none of that was ever going to be allowed to matter because the story was practically written as if the alliance being infallible was an unstated fact. And even if it wasn’t, here comes the horde with a genocide to top it.


will we ever have another yas queen like sylvanas

I’d be willing to risk it, if it meant not having this council nonsense anymore. We a horde, we need a warchief.

10+ zug zug points if it’s an orc. Half credit if that orc is Thrall.

We do need a Warchief.
That warchief needs to be Thrall or Lor’themar.
Lor’themar has earned it.
Thrall has the mettle to bear it.

Why would the Horde downgrade back to a dictatorship?

There’s no reason to. Considering how pretty much every warchief failed to one degree or another

The Warchief role sucks because it’s so undefined.

Thrall basically just handled the situations in which the Horde as a whole needed to act, I think the Wrathgate is the only situation in which he directly put force/pressure on a Horde race.

Garrosh turned the role into a dictatorship but had to use force to do so, the Tauren/Trolls flipped him the bird day 1 and he had to take it until he consolidated power.

Vol’jin. uh. well, he sure was a warchief for a point in time. Yep.

Sylvanas couldn’t even launch a retaliatory war without first ensuring Saurfang was on board. Baine was (very unsuccessfully) openly trying to undermine her in Zandalar before directly acting against her.


Authoritarian leaderships tend to not work.

I don’t even think it’s directly authoritarian in the modern meaning of it.

I think Thrall tried to basically treat being the head of a multiethnic integrated alliance of nations like being the chief of an orc clan. It just didn’t work because it was too weak when it needed to be strong, and too strong when it needed to be flexible.

Not how Thrall ran it, no.
Garrosh and Sylvanas on the other hand? Ehhhhhhh…

I’ve seen some pretty bad takes, but this takes the cake.

  1. High Elves settled on Amani land long before they joined the Alliance. Talanji and Zul were captured mostly on Zul’s part, he was already known to have instigated Zandalari attacks during Cata and MoP so he was on the Alliance’s watchlist.

  2. Garithos was the major elf hater and he did not represent the entirety of the Alliance. With what the orcs did during the first and second wars they should be glad the Alliance chose to put them in camps. The Alliance could have just chosen instead to execute them all.

  3. Well the Forsaken were the aggressors. They blighted Gilneas and killed their prince.

  4. I also turn your attention to Brenadam when the Horde were spearing parents to buildings while their children watched. Or the Horde attack on Tirigarde Sound where they killed Mistweaver Nian while she was healing civilians.


Sure, but he had a broad amount of troops under him from all over the old alliance and not a single one lifted a finger to stop him.

Bronzebeard dwarves, Kirin Tor Wizards, Humans from all over. All just shrugged their shoulders and accepted that they were going to mass-murder their old allies.

And the Alliance didn’t do any atrocities either? I guess I just imagined the Alliance tossing civillians into the void, void corrupting the wildlife into being horrific monstrocities, burning vulpera alive, and all the “fun” atrocities they pulled in Siege of Daz.

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You forget they also saw Kael working with Naga. His soldiers were not xenophobic like him, they were just soldiers following orders. Plus they didn’t even kill elves, they imprisoned them.

Throwing soldiers into the void, not non combatants. Revived a devilsaur with void as a mental attack to the Zandalari soldiers. Everything the Alliance did was an attack on Horde “soldiers”, not civilians. Horde love slaughtering non combatants and innocents. And go ahead a burn Vulpera, blight on Azeroth.

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Diplomats are not soldiers.

The goblin waitstaff Umbric massacres weren’t soldiers either :slight_smile:

“Just following orders, imprisoning men women and children our leader had already signed execution warrants for and hunting them down when they tried to flee. Nothing wrong with that!”


Garithos took leadership of the Alliance survivors outside the faction’s chain of command, forming a completely independent group, as the Alliance’s command was unstructured at the time.

Furthermore, Garithos despised not only the blood elves, but the dwarves as well, being that that both Quel’thalas and Ironforge ignored his policies to send him aid, recognizing him as potentially the last with any title ascribed to Lordaeron.

To blame the current Alliance for something practiced by Garithos is to ignore the historical context.


Because the Alliance leadership was half a continent away. And most of his troops were Lordaeron survivors with the scant few dwarven troops Magni could send.

We know from Shaw that had the Alliance actually been able to stop they probably would have not least of which is because did like the support from the Quel’thalas elves.

What exactly were the kirin tor wizards(who were just devestated) going to do? Argue and be tossed out of the one peice of land where the Scourge was beaten back?

I’m saying that every one of the people who supported Garrithos are still culpable. Many of them are still alive and still alliance!

Ain’t nobody giving the Horde a pass just because Sylvanas is gone and nobody in power supported her burning Teldrassil or would have.

Sounds fun, can we blame the Horde for the actions of the Old Horde now? Many of them are still alive/were alive when the First/Second War happened?


Are there any such characters left other than Eitrigg and Drekthar, the latter of which is supposed to be on his way out and nobody really gives a pass for anyway?

Does Drekthar even count? The Frostwolves, even under the spell of Mannoroth’s blood bailed the second they didn’t have any of Blackhand’s goons watching them.

But if we’re playing the historical grievance game, I’ma need 70% or so of the Alliance to pack up and head back to Northrend and leave their lands for the actual native Azerothians TYVM.