Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

No one’s ever going to take you seriously if you tell lies so brazenly.

The only liar here is you. You can check chronicles yourself if you want and if Azshara had wanted all of the trolls conquered. She could have done it with a snap of her finger.

While you make some valid arguments, there are some flaws with them.

  • True, what happened to the Amani trolls was wrong. That said, there was good reason for imprisoning Talanji and Zul.
    ** Talanji was actually already on her way to speak with the Horde when the Alliance captured her, so trying to force Rastakhan to stay out of the conflict by holding his daughter hostage may have seemed like the safest move at the time.
    ** As for Zul, after what he tried to pull off in Zul’Gurub, Zul’Aman and especially the Isle of Thunder, it would be incredibly stupid of the Alliance not to capture or kill him if they got the chance. Even Rokhan admitted freeing Zul is a horrible idea once he saw him.
  • Calling the Alliance supremacist and elitist is a case of “pot, meet kettle”.
  • The Gilneans terrorizing the Forsaken happened AFTER the Forsaken slaughtered many Gilneans and destroyed their homeland. It’s less “evil invaders” and more “eye for an eye”.
  • The same could be said of the Alliance being better off without the Horde, especially after the Bombing of Theramore, the destruction of Gilneas AND The War of Thorns.

Plus, Sylvanas didn’t win or wage the War of Thorns by herself. She had an army who did most of the damage. It wasn’t even Sylvanas who seriously wounded Malfurion, but SAURFANG, of all people. Sylvanas didn’t personally fire the Azerite catapults that burned Teldrassil, Horde soldiers crewing them fired those shots.


I did.
You lied, to the surprise of no one.

Then you failed reading comprehension, to noone’s suprise. It specifically state Azshara did not care about conquering the trolls.

You’re not even worth talking to.
You lie constantly over some of the dumbest, smallest things.
It’s pathological how much you need to lie.

Azshara wanted to own the world.
She and her night elves genocided trolls to take their land.
Then, when Azshara got bored and considered them animals that were beneath her, she made the Zandalari police the other trolls for her under pain of extinction.

The only liar here is you. Also the ignore button is that way. Go back to discord if you want keep trolling. Guess that’ why you want to keep defending them because you recognize your own kind.

Aszhara wanted power more then she ever wanted the world.

lol. lmao.
:dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao:

Yawn, i’ll take a page from Azshara. Your beneath notice.


Don’t bother replying.


Funny you cut this paragraph:

Only the openly hostile troll nations drew the full attention of the elves. Small, sporadic battles ignited between the two sidea. Azshara was not interested in conquest. In her eyes, the trolls were a minor nuisance, there battle lust a symptom of a primitive and unenlightened minds. Ultimatelt, the queen struck an accord with the Zandalari tribe, which held immense influence over all other trolls. In enchange for ending troll incursions into night elf territory, the Zandalari would be allowed-by Azshara’s grace-to keep the sacred Zandalar Mountain south of the well of eternity.

Side note, it also explains what Azshara wanted, cultural and technological advancements. So while the trolls were playing a conquest victory(and failing) Azshara wanted a tech/culture victory.

Guys you sure you dont want to argue about lore that’s even older?

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Don’t give ‘em any ideas :rofl:

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Garithos was right about Kael.

Garithos was right about Varimathras.

Garithos was right about Sylvanas.

N’Zit was a big simp who paid for Azshara’s premium Onlyfans.


The Alliance of the modern day is not the Arathor Tribes of ancient times, or the High Elves of ancient times. That’s like saying the Orcs deserve to be killed in the Fourth War because in ancient times on Draenor they rose up against the Ogres and slaughtered them.

Yes, they held Zul and Talanji in the stockades. But that was not even an ember that started the war, so it can’t be used as justification for it.

Branding an entire faction for the actions of one General isn’t fair. That’s like me saying all Horde are bloodthirsty monsters because of how Blackhand led the Horde in their slaughter of the Draenei on Draenor.

As for the Amani, they were only the enemies of the Alliance because they joined the Horde. How they were treated by the pre-civilization human tribes and ancient elves is irrelevant as far as the Alliance is concerned.

Gilneans fighting for their homeland that the Forsaken invaded is not justification for the Horde to wage another war.

I agree with everything you said up until this point, but kidnapping the daughter of a king is a crime and that king is going to kick your butt for doing it.


Gilneas attempting to assassinate the warchief of the Horde is justification for another war. Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t like to give the Horde good reasons for anything, so it’s barely touched upon.

  1. pretty sure allying with a genocidal maniac is a crime. 2) rastakhan wasnt even the one who saved his daughter and was the Horde because they wanted her to give them the use of her ships. 3) the Horde literally kidnapped Anduin back in MoP. Pretty sure he knows how the game works.

Okay, but that’s between the Alliance and the Zandalari. Their capture can’t be used as justification for the Horde starting the Fourth War.

Primarily because the Zandalari were not part of the Horde.


“But Genn had really good reason to be mad!” is generally the excuse people give for Genn

But that argument Ignores:

  1. Genn’s/Gilneas’ inclusion into the Alliance was directly contingent on Genn swearing an oath to not make his hatred the Alliance’s problem.

  2. Genn broke a direct order not to attack

  3. Genn’s kamikaze attack did nothing to stop Sylvanas’ plan, none of the Horde troops there were there to help her until he forced the two sides into conflict. He could have stalked and hunted her just as well without getting a ton of anti-legion forces killed. Probably been far easier with Sylvanas being less on guard and having more of his own alive and able to assist him.

  4. Starting a conflict during the demonic apocalypse is really stupid. His actions got a ton of soldiers killed or tied up instead of fighting Demons, and he delayed the Horde/Alliance PC in collecting one of the macguffins we needed to not all die horribly.

If Stormwind wasn’t a corrupt oligarchy he’d be dancing the Hemp fandango, or imprisoned for starting a damn war in the middle of an existential crisis.


Honestly in a better written story the Kirin Tor, the PC’s Class hall, and Tyrande/Malfurion/Velen should have been furious about this attack. Not just the Horde.

The Deputized champion of the Kirin Tor, the Hero who rescued the Nelf leadership and saved a religious/heritage site of theirs, and saved the Exodar from an invasion force, and a leader of a broad cross-cultural organization dedicated to stopping the Legion almost died because Genn couldn’t keep his murder-lust in his pants?

After Argus the PC should basically be a living saint on Azeroth for all their work stymying the Legion. Trying to assassinate them mid-work, or almost getting them blown up because of his idiot grudge should have made Genn persona non grata among the sentience-having peoples of Azeroth.