Horde vs. Ally Start point in AV

Personally, I’ve never argued otherwise.


Extremely parisian why are all horde blind to problems they don’t have.

Who cares about “personally”? It’s not all about you.

We’re not? Just disagreeing about the source of said problem.

Never suggested it was.


And yet you felt it important, in response to my reply to someone else, that you “personally” aren’t one of the people I was talking about. That sure sounds like you’re making it all about you.

If you agreed with my statement you could have just agreed with it instead of focusing the statement on you.

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Because they don’t want to admit their win rate in AV is due to something other than them being gods of pvp.


Cmon you can’t be that naive. Don’t pretend we win 95% of AV’s because we try harder. It’s incredibly asinine to think that somehow we win because of extra initiative. The fact is, even during AV weekends, Horde wins most games. The map is unbalanced, the graveyards are janky. It’s a mess, and just because I’m horde doesn’t mean I can’t also see it.


Another clueless horde with no ability of introspection!

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We are winning the alleged 95% not because we try hard, but because alliance do NOT try. (by and large, and those that do and find success are ostracized by the defeatist cheerleaders)

My evidence is the history of the BG from 1.12 in vanilla, through PSs, and up until alliance had their premade exploit removed. YES, the spawn mechanics attribute to a certain advantage, but it is NOT severe enough to explain the “95%” loss rate.

I mean look at this garbage:

Another alliance with no “introspection” beyond feels and insults.

Right the map creates the 80+% loss rate alliance still have on AV weekends. Without AV weekend there’s no reason for any alliance to bother trying in AV and there’s the other 15% loss rate.

The fact you are unable to look at that video and understand the facts is pathetic.
Please next time before you open your mouth think.

This is what you are going to go with after I called out a blatant strawman? Really?

Flail and insult more. No doubt blizzard is going to take you ever so seriously.

Just wait till TBC and the alliance winning 80% of the games just like they have ever since, all the way to retail. This was the bad design in vanilla so it’s the bad design in classic

If you are unable to understand the clear picture the video paints I don’t think anyone can help you. The fact you dismiss everything is so incredibly pathetic.

Alliance was winning a higher % in vanilla as well.

Wow, more insults :roll_eyes:

Zyrius tosses out yet another strawman, I call him on it, and now he has you running interference for him. And then you have the gall to call ME pathetic. Good grief.

I’m only speaking for myself. Any other rules with regard to responding to your posts in the future?


Wow not able to come up with clear points against the facts you are being told!
If you are going to try and argue against reality you will lose evey time.

Don’t bother.