Horde vs. Ally Start point in AV

Not really, if you have the flu and have a runny nose because of it you don’t say you have the flu because you have a runny nose you say you have a runny nose because you have the flu.

Basic cause and effect which some people have a hard time understanding.

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The only thing I need to do to refute the alliance hypothesis is point out that if no horde rush to SF/SHGY and no horde defend IBGY the supposed map imbalances dont even come into play which blatantly contradicts the alliance theory that its 100% the map 100% of the time.

Blaming Alliance for ANY loss in current AV is nothing but obfuscation.

Even during AV weekend where Alliance outgear, outsmart, and outplay the Horde the win rate is abysmal.

I’ve played dozens and dozens and dozens of games over AV weekends and won . . . three. Seriously. Why are you even discussing Alliance being demoralized and humiliated??? What could you possibly gain by doing so?

I’m not?

I’m saying and continue to say that the map is not the primary or singular reason that Alliance loses in AV.


Like how Alliance started losing significantly more after Blizzard changed pre-mades and rankers left for other BGs to preserve HPH?



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The argument that alliance have to premade to be able to beat horde pugs doesn’t really help your argument that the map is a non issue.

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You use that word “fact” a lot. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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Theyre winning AVs now without premading…

:roll_eyes: :point_down:




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Then you’re guilty of perpetuating untruths.

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Once again you demonstrate why blizzard is likely ignoring the subject at this point.

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Keep in mind this was never an issue in original vanilla or private servers.

Also keep in mind it wasn’t changed till 2.4 when the way the BG was played changes.

TL;DR - Alliance are bad, and should feel bad about how they changed the AV meta. This is 100% our fault.


Except it is, alliance do just fine in the other two BG’s so we know it’s not that alliance just suck at pvp. That leaves the map as the issue.

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You think they’d do just fine with a third of their team AFK, botting or leeching?



Right those are problems caused by the map.

If it was a systemic issue to alliance it would be happening in the other BG’s as well.

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[Citation Needed]


You just explained it yourself :slight_smile:

These are not general alliance issues they are specific to AV hence the issue is AV not alliance.