Horde vs. Alliance - Epic BGs Reflex (1 pic says 1,000 words)



  • As I’m not ‘trust level 3’ unfortunately I can’t display the image in the original post.
  • Games played during the same general time of day. Typically I try to get a win on one toon before moving to the next. If anyone has both a horde and an alliance toon you solo queue and play regularly (2 hours+ daily) in smaller BGs, I’d be really interested to see your results.)

Wow, you have a lot of losses on the Alliance side.

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LOL. Yes. These are epic BGs. Last night was terrible. Forgot to add games were played in the same general date frame too. I just don’t have time/energy/smarts to make the experiment scientific, but I was kind of marveling at my Reflex last night and thought I’d post.



These are from a week or so ago, but it’s the most recent I have. I do group up, but a majority are solo (75%+)


Nice Tsa! I notice some of your games go back to last year. Mine were from the last 2 weeks.


Yea you’ve been getting some rough groups. I have 6 or 7 WG done with 1 loss. IOC averages 50% and av is likely lower. All on my reflex but I logged off for the night.

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Yeah, I took a longish break around Christmas, but almost every game on these guys was played at the same time (8-10ish est) and they are both on the same(merged) server

OTOH that does mean I’ve started both season about 8 weeks behind the conquest grind. :grinning:

Also I played MooDruid more until just recently, but the queue times drove me batty so I came back to the good guys.

Also also I played some games with squeaky and Jad tonight and had some fun games.


Clearly, the incentive to merc isn’t nearly high enough. They should increase the percentage of the honor bonus to 75%.


Finally someone with Reflex screenshots! Seriously everyone should install that addon and share their stats. I’d share but I barely play these days.

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Looks about right Pipi :thinking:

Now I don’t really keep track of my wins, but “usually” I experience 3-4 epic bg losses on my Alliance toon for every 1 win… so your win/loss chart seems consistent with my own regular experiences :thinking:

There are alliance on this forum that claim “well, i always win my first epic bg of the night”

Yeah right guys, I doubt it :roll_eyes:

These guys are probably leaving out “the rest of the story” or how they are playing with premades/friends… in which case their win doesn’t really “count” since premades =/= the single queue experience


Guess I can share still:


^ I support this, anything that improves the merc experience is alright in my book :thinking:

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Sweet! I should really try to get more early log in time to play a game or two with you, if there’s room. I just dread Temple of No-Ally-Grabs-Orbs and Seething Chore, among others… :grimacing:

Haven’t heard anyone say epics are good alliance side. I definitely have a better winrate than pips is showing because of IOC and WG. AV brings it down by a lot.

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Definitely 100% not. More rewards = more afk/leechers.

Yes. You should.


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I want to try this but I can’t seem to get the addon to work. Says something is broken on download.

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OK, next time :sunglasses:, as long as I don’t desperately need food or have to go somewhere. :smiley:

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You are either a stupidly lucky or queue with multiple friends

I do tend to be pretty stupidly lucky.