Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

That win rate… Jesus

Seems to be an epic BG problem. If you look at non-epics, they are 5-3, and the brawl 3-2… that we can see anyway.

I wish there was a way to get your back long from REFlex my messed up, but I had a great win rate now it look like I suck. But this bad luck, I’m on It started about 4 or 5 months ago I’ll be glad when it’s over.

They are proposing to bring that to epic battlegrounds right? That might make them worth doing.

Really fun on classes like Boomy. Such good times.

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If they did that, that’s where you would find me when I cap out. Southshore v’s Tarren Mill all day and night.


Oh, heck yeah I can beat that… lol

(From my other thread: Horde vs. Alliance - Epic BGs Reflex (1 pic says 1,000 words))

Bdm, so do you have good ‘luck’ with SS/TM on alliance side? Mine is always pretty bad, like, really bad… :sweat:

Yes, I do great win a lot more than I lose. I do a lot of Flamestrike and Meteor than when we got it In hand I go for the Kills Greater Pyroblast.

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Good to know. Maybe I have to try earlier games…

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Same :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The last time it was up, on the last Monday night of SS vs TM (before it went away on Tuesday), I did nothing but specific-queue spam it for like 4 hours :joy:

I didn’t even care that I wouldn’t get conquest for specific-q’ing, it’s just a fun bg

AV is the same way, occasionally I’ll specific queue AV simply because I enjoy it and for no other reason (in other words, I don’t expect to “get something” etc) :thinking:

…meanwhile, I’ve never specific-queued for a Wintergrasp game :thinking:

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Fixing to head to bed before I do, I’ll leave you with this :point_down: I cannot even remember the last time I won WG.

Battle for Wintergrasp 11- 32 34%

Bdm my toon, but it will not let me post 2 times In a row.

You wanna know what bad luck I’ve got I’ve lost 10 BG’s in A roll. Got a BG that I love AB we was winning 1200-800 I got kicked offline 2min I’m back game is over we win even REFlex show we win. I was thinking yes, I’m capping out NO Blizzard decided 2 minutes that I missed was not worth any conquest points. :rage:

If you want better numbers, you’ll have to switch to horde (or just merc on over to our side). We’d be happy to carry you for the most part. :slight_smile:


Most people on the forums know me and know that’s never gonna happen and merc to me is just a trader. I may come here and rage some, but I will quit wow before I would become a horde.

Hmm…I mean, it’s really just a color, lol. It’s not like they have some dark views of the world…we aren’t nzs… I can kinda sorta see the whole traitor thing…buuuut…idk, that seems a bit drastic. :slight_smile:

Not trying to be rude here man, but I play wow for pvp killing hordes that it for me. I do not want to walk hand in hand with the horde into battle that why I look at merc as a traitor. when I sit down to PVP man I sit down to PVP before the BG start I may say a few things In chat, but When the PVP starts I’ve barely seldom say anything.

You gotta understand wow is the only game that I played Since 2007

On Bdm
I just cap out :joy:
For this week I’m 7-20 :astonished:

I’ve never done this bad in the 12 years that I play wow

randoms ftw …

f epics altogether
why stress over a losing scenario again and again?
imho, pvp for fun … not gear

that’s my story and I’m sticking to it