Horde v Alliance exclusive content in SL?

So BfA greatly expanded from Legion in terms of a whole swath of horde and alliance only content. Apart from the story and quests, there were exclusive factions, mog, pets, mounts etc. Does anyone know whether this is the case for SL? Because from what I’ve seen so far, it would appear both factions are getting identical content in SL.

It’s probably gonna be a no, bfa had lots of problems so I think blizzard is just gonna keep things simpler this time around with only one story.


Yeah, I’m sure Blizz is sick of the Alliance victim complex threads cause they perceive Horde getting something they didn’t.


I really really hope not. because i hate that design so much.

You dont know how many times i have run into a situation on alliance where im left wondering why the hell is this going on in the game? only to have my friends say, “Oh its explained if you play horde.” Well i dont play horde, none of my toons are horde, i dont like playing the horde races, and i hate that so much of the story is seperated by factions, its annoying as hell.


And yet ironically the first complaint is from the Horde.


Shadowlands is clearly a neutral expansion, likely going to be very little faction differences. BfA went all in on that anyways so it’s nice to ease up and go back to one story for awhile.

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I am hoping not…I really do not understand how people like this other then the “haha I have this and you dont” crowd.


No. Every bit of content available is the same for both factions. Maybe The Maw will be different.

Thank christ for that.

From what I’ve heard, we’re going to be stuck there canonically for the entire expansion. Given that, and the fact that it’s not exactly a giant army rushing through to the Shadowlands, I don’t see much room for it.

I think a lot of it is because it seems like there are more options and variety, especially if you play both factions. If you play just one you might feel left out by having them split but if you play both and they’re exactly the same, it gets old twice as fast.

Plus, some people enjoy having their faction matter in the story. If both factions get the exact same story, it’s hard to feel much faction-based flavor.

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I think the Tyrande and Vol’jim questline will be faction specific(not 100% sure). And while this is a more neutral expansion I expect to see a very small amount of faction specific content though.

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Factions were the major theme of BfA. Just like classes were the major theme of Legion. So no, there’s no reason to believe there’s going to much faction exclusive content at all.

You keep using those words…

Like how you abuse the ellipsis while you try to deflect?

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I’m just going to leave this here


Ion confirmed that canonically we aren’t. But he did say that time in the Shadowlands flows chaotically. It’s not exactly 2x or 3x the speed. Essentially what he’s saying is that they can just time skip whenever they want when we’re in the Shadowlands. So at one point we’ll go back to Orgrimmar and it will be normal. The next time it could be 40 years later.

It’s just a writing tool really.

Ah, I must have read it wrong then. I suppose that’s what I get for listening to second-hand information.

I sincerely hope not, while the idea of two separate continents and divergent storylines was to be commended I do not believe it should ever be repeated. There was too much disparity and lack of cohesion.

The first raid as Alliance we get to go to Nazmir and wait, why are we here again? It made not sense.



The Horde exclusive content was basically everything leading up to the first raid of the expansion, while Alliance just jumped in to kill whatever that big slug is.

In Legion, the order hall quests made me want to level as many classes as I could, to see all the really amazing order hall stuff. You would think that would translate to BFA and levelling at least one horde and alliance toon, but that didn’t really happen, at least not for me. The inability to be in the same guild, or even mail boe’s or crafting mats between opposite faction toons really disincentivizes (is that a word?) playing cross faction.

I’m fine getting one story in SL.