Horde v Alliance exclusive content in SL?

One that im really scared of. Because it basically lets them hand wave a lot of things as “OHAHHohohohoho Time skip! OOOOooooOOOOooO magic!”

What’s wrong with that?

I’m in the opposite camp, I think the lore could use a soft reset/refresh/whatever, and a time skip allows for that.

For me, i dont think blizzards writing has been good for a while, and a time skip mechanic would allow them to wipe the baord clean of any existing plot points and then add their own which with how well, or not so well, they have been writing it makes me concerned with waht sort of silly crap they will do.

Like if they hand wave Genn siding with tyranda and just doing something dumb like rebuilding the wall, with out explaining why did he not fight with her, why did he not push into silverpine ect ect. Or just things like that.

Basically blizzards current writing is not the best imo and i see the time skip as a way for them to establish foot holds for very bad story points.

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This seems needlessly complicated, but I guess they need the out in case they decide not to do a rework.

Which means - they could do away with parts of the faction barrier when it comes to grouping! Just add an optional toggle to the various LFG systems and nothing else has to change.


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Or… it allows those things to develop. You’re saying it’s a bad move because of something that hasn’t happened.

It’s not that complicated. People have been throwing around the idea of a time skip for a while. Especially in the case of Shadowlands. Going into another realm and coming back to a changed world is easily digestible.

Going into another realm and coming back to a changed world is easily digestible

It’s also an easy solution to the “what were our characters doing all that time” problem.

No, no no no, im saying im concerned about it based of their current story telling. BFA being a total cluster of a story, the complete assassination of both tyranda and Sylvanas over the course of MoP-BFA.

For all i know they could end up making great stories, but with what i have seen so far, in my opinion, i dont have confidence in them.

Separate treatment is never equal treatment. Those two things are mutually exclusive.

If you don’t want people to complain about imbalance, you have 2 options.

Give absolutely everything, to both sides, all the time. With no outliers or uniqueness for either side.
And enforce a 50/50 player count.

Or, you could just remove the faction divide. Let people get what they want on whatever character they want.


Tyrande and Sylvanas weren’t ruined. Sylvanas has been acting in character, so too has Tyrande.

No reason to have faction specific. BFA had a huge emphasis on experiencing fights from both factions 'cause it was a ‘‘faction war’’ (lol ya right)… and shadowlands it’s really just covenants so the idea of alliance vs horde is put to the side and no reason to have that kind of exclusive content in shadowlands.

I mean, there was definitely some lore smudging going on. That’s how you go from Sylvanas’ internal monologue complaining about Vol’jin making her Warchief (as I’ve been told happened in the books) to “she planned it all along”.

Well not necessarily. She was working with the Jailer, but Mueh’zala set everything into motion. She wasn’t aware with this and was frustrated that it was happening too soon.

Then Azerite came along and it then allowed her to convince the Horde into a war to farm up souls. Hence the “this changes everything” line.

Except what part of that is “perceived”? That was actually Alliance getting something completely unavailable to horde unlike the horde mounts Alliance was complaining about.

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I would expect not since the factions aren’t really in play this time around. But I’m sure there will be unique perspectives depending on the characters interacted with.

Or people’s opinions are being colored by past experiences. BfA was a shining example of that for quite a few people. I have no faith in what is coming in Shadowlands. I’ll simply focus on to the side quests as that’s where I find the better story telling.

BFA wasn’t all that bad. The only problem was the dual narratives going on at the same time.

Cool. But from someone who knows about Shadowlands, it’s story-telling is much better, and it has a consistent theme.

Hopefully not. Still waiting for people to let go of their nostalgia of a broken tired system that has done nothing but harm every aspect of the modern game.

Shadowlands will be experimenting with sub-factions for the first time. Rather than having Alliance / Horde exclusive content, your exclusive questlines will be Covenant based.

This is a welcome change, and I hope its a sign of larger changes to come.

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Alliance faction BfA mounts: recolor of gryphons and horses
Horde faction BfA mounts: hyena (new), bloodswarmer (new), pterrordaxes, direhorn

So what happens is the Alliance gets the first ever bee model that is Alliance only, which you also have to do an extensive rep farm and you need to follow an entire guide and have pet tokens/gold ready to even start it and I’m 100% sure it will eventually get shared with the Horde.

Then take into consideration that for the Alliance to even get a Hyena or Bloodswarmer mount, they have to rely on a 0.01-0.2% drop chance on NPC’s. You literally have a higher chance to get Ashes of Al’ar (1.4-1.7%) instead of those mounts lmao.

Compare this to the Horde getting their unique mounts from the rep system like normal, and the other 2 unique mounts are simple straight-forward quests, albeit time-gated.

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