Horde should not be allowed to merc mode

Alliance have had shaman since 2007

Heh?! That didnā€™t happen. It was for the same reason it is used now. Alliance was not overpopulated then. I merced on my horde toons all the time, not my alliance toons.

Iā€™ve seen it happen a couple times when I was actively farming 100k kills. I saw it several more times where Alliance were throwing or just ignoring any team strategies.


This is why Iā€™m more inclined to think the allyā€™s are the ones throwing.

This childish mentality I see far more on the Allianceā€¦


I dunnoā€¦every merc mode I go into I lose, so ā€¦technically speaking I am purposefully throwing the game

But how do you know they were horde mercs?

I disagree.

I use merc mode all the time and have never seen anyone use it for trolling purposes.

Also, as many others have stated, some of us have been playing Horde since extremely early in the gameā€™s life cycle (2006 for me) back when the faction imbalance wasnā€™t as bad. I donā€™t think you should punish the players for Blizzards failure to make the Alliance interesting.

How are Alliance players being punished?

Please enlighten me.

Ahh I see. I didnā€™t know the gear would say horde only. I always see a couple of alli afking at the entrance, but I could never assume if they were mercs or not. Next time, Iā€™ll check it up.

Yes i chose the over populated side 16 years ago when i rolled on a server where Horde was outnumbered 10-1.



What donā€™t you want to play with Horde? From my understanding there is no way to tell if someone is a merc in a bg other than asking them.

He said that the gear apparently tells you off. The gear says ā€œhorde onlyā€. I canā€™t confirm because Iā€™ve just read it and didnā€™t know about it. Iā€™ll have to check it up next time I bg

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Not true. If you hover over their character the character information that is displayed will display their original character, not their merc moded one. For example If I merc as a Troll druid and I go into the BG and it turns me into a night elf. I target them it shows as a troll on alliance.


Yes because this never happens on Horde side rolls eyes Afkā€™ers are afkers, theyā€™re using Merc mode because they donā€™t care if they win or lose, they just want more BGs.

I will agree that there is a problem with people afkā€™ing in bgā€™s. The last time I checked the system is really tough to remove them as well. You have to have multiple people report them before they are even flagged, and then they have a minute to get in combat before they are removed.

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Or not? Maybe Alliance should have stayed on Alliance side then Horde wouldnā€™t have to deal with these queues in the first place.

Not your decision troll. Alliance created this mess youā€™re complaining about, and i wouldnā€™t be surprised if these ā€œHorde,ā€ youā€™re complaining about are all Alliance transfers as well.

Heck everything bad in this game seems to come from Alliance players whether theyā€™ve gone Horde or not. HMP is a PRIME example.

What about it? What do Undead PLAYERS do? Nothing.

The story and the writers do things to make us the Villian from an RP perspective, but itā€™s always the Human Male Paladins trolling, or the Night Elf druids stealing chests/nodes, or the waggles dancing for gold.

wut is ā€˜merc modeā€™ ?