So I basically only do merc mode because the que time is so much faster than Horde. And honestly I feel like I win more normal bgs as Alliance than I do as Horde. Although lately I’ve only been doing epic bgs (which btw is usually a 20+ minute que for Horde, 6 minutes for Alliance), and it seems to be about 50% overall. Alliance mostly win Isle of Conquest and AV (not sure why, maybe map design), and Horde usually win Ashran and Wintergrasp, although the reason they win Wintergrasp is because Horde almost always defends, which is probably easier than attacking.
because it was so hard for you to tell me what it is instead of wasting the time to tell me to google it LMAO
think Id rather just mute the thread and not…
Horde or Alliance can play as the opposite faction in bgs.
It is used mostly to alleviate horde que times.
Also, way to get bent outta shape over a simple response…
I have to disagree.
Based on experience, Alliance almost always win AV and Isle of Conquest.
Fair enough.
I assume they will be largely the same? As long as merc mode stays in the game you will continue to have Horde playing on the Alliance due to quicker queues.
Not quite sure I understand you on this one. Are you asking why mercs can communicate with the Alliance during bgs? I think the answer should be obvious…
Also, the amount of horde mercs trolling the Alliance is probably the same number of horde trolling their own faction in a bg.
If you’re talking with like their friends or guildies yea, but setting it up to have them playing on the opposite team in a random bg is just not going to happen reliably. So no, horde mercs cannot communicate with horde players in a battleground and stating otherwise is disingenuous.
Horde should not be the dumping ground for Alliance.
Deal with your people, the problem is not on my side.
Merc mode isn’t going anywhere, it’s Blizzards solution to a problem Alliance caused.
I don’t think you understand how this works. For every 2 of you that boycott, just ONE of us needs to sign up for merc mode and the queue’s won’t change at all. (1 less horde and 1 more alliance in queue=difference of 2 on the ratio) You’re only hurting yourself.
By all means, every Alliance can boycott, and Horde will play against Horde (merc) it won’t effect us AT ALL.
Holy necro Batman.
No kidding. I remember being heavily outnumbered by the Alliance in Vanilla, and I didn’t hear half as much “woe is me” crying then than I do now, when the Horde is maybe like 6% more populated than the Alliance overall.
They should just make merc mode available to both sides all the time. Period.
it was put in during WoD to help alliance queue times. The pendulum swings.
Yes we did, an Alliance created problem for Alliance to deal with. Enjoy all the afk mercs.
That’s the best part, i don’t have to. Merc mode=even FASTER queue’s since you’re boycotting. Thanks for that!
I’ve met a few cool peeps from merc mode, never had any issue with it tbh… is this a new thing or am I just lucky here?
Yes because talking to an NPC that is in literally every city is such a chore.
So wait… do alliance have issues with overcrowding? I thought we helped fix that problem with Teldrassil but if you need us to weed out another race just let me know.
That actually can’t be correct, there is at least one player lvl 50 that never chosen Horde or Aliance and leveled as a Herbalist.
Because you keep making such a big deal out of being out of the way.