Horde should not be allowed to merc mode


and you still think in 2020 that the faction imbalance is still big enough to warrant posts about how terribly treated the alliance and horde bias.

You seem like the guy who 10 v1 alliance and thinks you had a good pvp fight.

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you seem like the kinda guy to lose a BG and then cry on the forumā€¦ ohā€¦ waitā€¦

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Character wise, yes. Actual people running content wise, no.

Sorry Bloodninja, didnā€™t realize every wow system is perfect and not up for any discussion

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He mad. XD

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what discussion? all i got from your post was

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They definitely do. Itā€™s not super popular or anything, but it does happen.

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No one? Because I sure have. In one WSG we had two players just sitting at the graveyard saying in chat ā€œDonā€™t bother, just let them win.ā€ It was infuriating.

But then in the next match I played, which was Deepwind Gorge, those same two players were on the Horde side. And actually fighting. An armory lookup confirmed that they were, indeed, Horde players.


And this is why it is World of Hordecraft.

The Alliance is struggling, and all the Horde does is call the Alliance crybabies and laugh at them.


145,000 total 120 characters doesnā€™t sound rightā€¦

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allaince has been crying for alot longer than this. its kinda like the boy who cried wolf. they have been crying for so long, that even if something is wrong, no one cares. just the way it is.

also, did you see a discussion in his post? or did you see alot of crying? be honest.

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Itā€™s been open for Alliance to que as merc and they have. Mercenary mode is for both factions.

People do things in their own self interest and not to benefit some stranger who wouldnā€™t do the same for them. Some people have no faction loyalty, but most people choose their faction by which faction they want to play.

Expecting others to make a sacrifice you wouldnā€™t make yourself is dumb.

If Alliance were allowed to merc, we would see all the players who right now are blaming horde players for not playing alliance merc-ing and making queuetimes worse for everybody.

The fewer alliance queue, the better ones queue as horde, the worse geared the pool of alliance players gets, and the worse their win rate gets. So more quit queuing.

Terrible punctuation - check
Bloodelf- check
Edgy name - check
Terrible armory with no keys or even LFR- check

You are safely ignored.


your kidding right? its factual all the servers are horde dominated now, very few alliance left.

kidding about what?

Funny because the whole merc thing started with alliance in WOD

So if anything your faction started it


Agreed. I put up with the queue times, and Iā€™m okay with that. If anything, queuing as a merc should make you hostile to alliance and Horde for an hour. Think of it as, servant of Nā€™zoth.

Mercenaries - loyalty to only gold, or in this case, shorter queue times. Disgusting.