Horde should not be allowed to merc mode

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Yeah try being in a que for 10+ minutes to join a in progress losing bg happens all the time not as bad on Alliance cus their ques are so short.

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Heā€™s not. The problem created by OTHER players choosing to no longer play alliance is being fixed for him. Thatā€™s not a reward, thatā€™s balance.

If i could push a button and turn all former Alliance back to Alliance i would.

Youā€™re not getting it.

PS: Itā€™s hilarious you hid your profile, because all i have to do is click on literally anyone else, then search for your name. Bam profile.

Most Horde groups arenā€™t so bad as to lose to Alliance just because youā€™re useless.

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You donā€™t need the Hordes help ā€œthrowing matchesā€. You guys do a fine job of that on your own. :slight_smile:

Yeah, all the merc hordes are ungeared onesā€¦

You make no sense. No feelings were expressed in my post. Facts were listed because I was there as noted. Examples of expressed feelings would be your feeble triggered response. Btw, learn to spell glaive, or is that the ā€œmistakeā€? From your weak retort, I cannot give you that creditā€¦

if alliance is upset that they lose all the time itā€™s simple go horde

Le sighā€¦ For the first partā€¦ The fish feast guys trolled both sides. Not just alliance. Sooo pretty irrelevant to Merc mode.

Nawā€¦ Itā€™s way healthier for the game for everyone to have faster que times. Merc mode is a minor thing that isnā€™t anything but positive.

Get more of your Alliance buds to PVP. Alliance isnā€™t under-populated. It just doesnā€™t participate often.

Holy crap, this is an old thread.

Nice tin foil hat. I played alliance this entire last season and I never saw a single horde person trolling. They were just some random dude like every other alliance player. One random troll on 50 games isnā€™t any different than some alliance troll or horde trolling horde.

Merc mode is fine. Thereā€™s no conspiracy of horde players out there trying to sabotage alliance games :roll_eyes: most people play to win. Horde mercs included.

This is a slightly aged threadā€¦ itā€™s likeā€¦ right around the time everyone started doing lock down activities. Ahā€¦ memories.

The original reason for merc mode was to allow horde players to queue for randoms without a long wait - I believe this was first setup so balanced Ashran games could run and people didnā€™t have to wait forever for a match.

Iā€™m a fan of merc mode BUT Iā€™d like to see it offered equally on both sides. Thereā€™s no reason horde should get exclusive access to it, even if queue times are longer.

Iā€™m torn on this, part of me wants to say let them have the quicker queue times, yet another part of me wants to say, you chose the more popular faction, you can deal with the longer queue times. Shouldnā€™t be able to have your cake and eat it too.

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Fine, but only if both sides lose access. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d be sad to see it go only because I hate playing pvp and when I do I prefer beating up on the dominant faction.

I always feel bad killing alliance on my horde toons.

You missed the point entirely :roll_eyes: the horde troll isnā€™t any different than the alliance troll that would take his place. Thatā€™s gonna happen occasionally in random bgs.

Horde mercs do not increase your odds of getting a troll.

Alliance afk out easier because of short que times. So of anything youā€™re profiting from having horde mercs.

Really eh? I had a blast and a 60% win rate. Sounds like a you problem and not a horde tin foil hat issue :roll_eyes:

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We all play the same game, soā€¦both sides are more than capable of being toxic, especially in PvP. This isnā€™t something the Horde ā€œbrings overā€. It already exists, regardless of oneā€™s faction.

Tribalism is my favorite high, itā€™s always the hordeā€™s fault isnā€™t it?

And yet you have the same amount of toxicity with or without the Horde in merc mode. Honestly, judging by your attitude toward the opposing faction I have to wonder if it isnā€™t other players. Some self reflection may be in order.

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Thatā€™s a good idea of they want to help faction balance, they should start by removing Merc mode.

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