Horde should not be allowed to merc mode

Just calling it as I see it. You do you, but don’t expect a warm reception.

When not the alliance crying in the forums

I did merc mode to get the AV mount done quickly by double dipping on quests. In the end I found it was quicker to queue ally and lose than wait for a horde queue and win.

It felt dirty but it got the job done.

Ironic, since merc mode was made when Alliance was overcrowded and ques were long and Blizz wanted to address it by giving them merc mode.

But I like the extra honor for afk’ing…

Tell that to the 5300 alliance to the 1700 horde on Arygos/Llane.

Its fun getting together with some friends and queuing normal BGs as merc. Sort queues and then you get to stomp all the horde with 9 to 11k hps

merc mode should be opened up for both factions, added to the interface for easy access for all, And everything will balance itself out.

Their sample data is flawed, and there has been no accurate way to measure faction population since they changed the auction house.

I’m not blaming one or the other. I’m saying that toxicity occurs on both sides. Blaming one faction for the behavior of an entire player base (and only a fraction of it at that) is misguided.

lol people picking the side with most players shouldn’t come with consequences. Some people like playing with a lot of players because it’s more fun. This is just another problem with the 2 faction system. It’s bad game design and needs to end.

I assume this is a troll? Or do Alliance players truly consider everyone is secretly Horde when its convenient? Alliance had the larger population for years but I guess those were just Horde alts messing up the metric? If Alliance gets a larger pop later on does that mean they are overpopulated or is that too just Horde spys?

I dont know if your paranoid or just trying too hard to play victim here friend.

100k honor in about 4 days of playing because a 10-15 minute horde win gave as much honor as a 5 minute alliance loss.

Ez rank 4 BotE. Especially when there’s me and my 4 friends all afk’ing.

I explained it in the second. :slight_smile:

Blizzard has given up on the faction imbalance. You’re wasting your time.

Lol dude, alliance people afk and troll twice as much as mercs. I have zero issue with mercs. I have a blast in bgs. You might need to stop looking for people to blame and just play the game. You’re gonna win some and lose some. Both are equally due to alliance and horde mercs.

So then we are really being trolled. Lets try and control what we can then

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Dude. Don’t necro threads. That’s how you get suspended. Any thread that’s over 30 days old and necroed I think is at risk of the thread being locked.

Does necroing your own thread count as necro though? Like making a new thread about the same problem would be spam :thinking:

I was curious about that once too. In the PvP forums, saw a poster necro his own thread and I told him he shouldn’t do that. A moderator actually edited my comment and said the same thing before locking the thread. :flushed: