Horde should not be allowed to merc mode

What does that have to do with anything. Stay on topic

I mostly played Horde during Legion and BfA, I agree with you 100%.

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Having two seperate factions without any way to control territory or influence the game world is pointless to begin with. Instanced battlegrounds should just be faction agnostic, instead. :man_shrugging:

We’re literally always going to have issues with queue time, otherwise. They will never, as in NEVER be balanced enough to make everybody happy in their current state.

Considering how often alliance lose BGs, is it really worth queuing as Merc just to take an L?

Feelings mutual buddy. At least I’m not whining about Horde having a solution to this ALLIANCE created problem.

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The amount of Alliance posters who think the Horde should be screwed over for the actions of (current or former) Alliance players is nuts.

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you shouldn’t be rewarded for not playing Alliance either

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The popcorn is generally far more relevant than the subject of the threads it gets posted in.

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Is it? Or is it more nonsense alliance jerks post to try and punish fellow players for daring to play horde?

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I only play merc mode because it was so easy constantly winning as horde. I felt bad for all the poor alliance that got mowed down that I just felt empty inside. Merc mode offers to me all I could possibly want in casual bgs: A challenging opponent and I get to read Alliance QQ in the chat. Which by the way, Alliance love to type in bg chat, like a lot. Makes for fun times :joy:

The issue would be solved if more Alliance played PvP. If the Horde didn’t have long wait times, the option to play Merc wouldn’t be available.

I mean, I can post on an Alliance toon if it’ll make you feel better.

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Poster necros old thread to attack the horde and generally insult them, gets offended when called out.


Why should the horde be punished for this non-issue?


Maybe you should go and take your alliance players back. The ones who moved here for racials, or something, pretending like it matters.

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He probably gets rekt in bgs, and starts flaming his team about how they are they problem, while secretly wishing he was Horde :joy: :+1:t2:


But you’re not grouping up with Horde characters, you’re grouping up with temporary Alliance characters.

If I used Merc mode, it wouldn’t be any different than if I hopped on my Alliance hunter to do a battleground. Well, minor difference, since my Horde toon has better gear. Technically, me doing Merc mode would work out better for the Alliance.

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Yes it did.

Yes, except for alliance imbalance in WoD.

I don’t know where you are getting your facts but thats incorrect, feelings are not facts.

I agree people take advantage of it and can Troll Alliance by purposely doing bad in bgs like lousy dps or healing on purpose and letting themselves easily get killed so their team is down by 1 player especially (Especially in the healing department) Merc mode needs to be removed.

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ill play my heart out if i merc for alliance, but if were losing badly and i dont see the same effort ill berate them in chat for being useless while commending my horde brothers