Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion

orcs are very handsome

look at the size of them meat mallets

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Speak for yourself, honey. I am gorgeous.

*Preens. *

idk more about those kul’tiran human men.

I did say “hey blizz can we have some hot guys” and blizzard did deliver with them.

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Yeah, I know right? Folks say Blizz doesn’t listen, but I asked for more hot elves and Blizz gave me Teldrassil!



Y’all Forsaken need Smoky the Bear. You’re ability to prevent forest fires sucks.

The funniest part in my mind, is they have alot of french styled influence, so they would have been a more natural fit for the “elven house rp”, french politics back then were pretty outlandish great for rp.

Instead we get relegated to portal jockey and forgotten about


I consider playing an NB which would be wine drunk lanky himbo but I had a hard time getting into the head space when I leveled a guy in remix. Meanwhile magic blue alien goat man, tons of ideas and inspiration that are totally not all Arnold Schwarzenegger rip offs.

  • Draenei Rangaari hunter that’s totally not the predator/Arnold from predator
  • emotionless killing guy LFD DK that is totally not the terminator
  • Manari rogue but it’s running man/total recall GET UR BUTT TO ARGUS GET UR BUTT TO ARGUS

Original characters donut steal

This discussion is leaving me tempted to spend more time on my Nightborne, but it’s just so hard to start fresh with a new character who has a completely different vibe from the one you’re used to playing.

Going from a haughty, self-important spoiled brat with a spicy temper to a bored divorcée a dozen times over who mainly uses her magic to churn out trashy romance novels is some serious whiplash…

My nightborne is a children’s author that took Elisande’s side out of fear, and then decided to not repeat that mistake with Sylvanas. He ended up being imprisoned and tortured for it. Ironically, he’s happier now than before, because even if it sucked, he stood up for his convictions and he respects himself more.

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The Draenei have a connect through they came and ruined Draenor…

Also it would have been neat story lore for Thrall and Calamari face to sit down and talk about old times on Draenor with his dad and Doomhammer and what not.

Old times being the, mass murder of the Draenei by the Orcish horde. That would not be so lighthearted a conversation as one might expect.

And the acts of the Orcish Horde make the kind of reconciliation that forms alliances, a hard thing to achieve. A conversation could be interesting, but as allies is not a likely scenario given their history.


I could see Draenei not wanting to join the Horde because reasons. But the welcoming back of the Man’ari just does not suspend my disbelief. Like okay. Orcs are unforgivable because they killed alot of us… but the people who betrayed us, and hunted us for millenia, killing and ruining who knows how many lives… yeah. Those guys are okay now.

Come to think of it, I am pretty sure Velen says in Antorus that the war council committed atrocities that could never be forgiven…

Tbh to me the Draenei hating the Horde seems outta character them. The Orcs are a victim of the Legion and ultimately it is the Legion that lead the Orcs to WAAAGGHH the Draenei. This was before WoD thow lmao. Turns out anyone can just show up and give the orcs goblin tech and they’ll go on a murder rampage. I understand races/cultures aren’t a single monolith.

Otherwise, it’s just kinda silly/bad slap stick writing. The Draenei have to hate the Horde because we are beholden to the restrictions the video game imposes with its two faction system. Also original pandaren were datamined to be the TBC Alliance race and omg whatever would WoW had been like if we got them instead??

I did agree Manari being added was an odd choice but it was expanded on in the heritage quest. It’s implied they are not very common and are generally not well trusted. That doesn’t stop people from RPing humongous cringelords outside the Cathedral but I think they did a good job making it make sense.


They should have gone to the Horde. Even setting aside my love of the draenei ladies. It really seems like they could connect with the orcs more than the draenei they split from.

Draenei and orcs are natural enemies. Like Draenei and Eredar! Or Draenei and Korkul! Or Draenei and other Draenei! Damn Draenei! They ruined Argus!


You Draenei sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!!


the blood elves did a lot of things the orcs did to them, but Velen still relit the sunwell and brought Liadrin under his teachings.

I got the idea that some draenei hate the Horde, but the draenei are Alliance because of the blood elves and the night elves, not the orcs. Velen seems to be pretty chill with Liadrin, so he’d probably forgive orcs too. This is actually my headcanon as to why the vindicaar wasn’t used during the fourth war: Velen didn’t think the Horde as a whole should suffer for Sylvanas.

I personally believe that race-based factions are bad writing in general, though, because realistically I think there would be people who wouldn’t go with their racial leaders’ beliefs. I think there are justifiable IC reasons for any character to be on either faction.

You think if blizz had has as many good writers as they think they do. The nightborne would have flipped the bird and whipped out some of that powerful ancient magic.

But no they languish in legion forgotten.

One of my pet projects for a while was a nightborne warlock. They were a loyalists but when it all came down suddenly they have a “change of heart”.

They would hide the fact they were warlocks and enjoyed the power they wielded over the others. In public a very caring and jovial person, in private a very Gilles De Rais.

I love french history

Edit: the name would be sacrenuit (nightborne in french)


I’m gonna pull my daily allotment of ‘Ackshually’ here…

It was established in BC, in some quests in Netherstorm, that the Draenei had always had a protocol of offering redemption and asylum to any Man’ari they could, knowing that most of the Eredar didn’t have a choice in becoming servants of the Legion, but almost every time, the Man’ari would reject the offer, either addicted to the Fel to the point that leaving it behind was incomprehensible, or so profoundly broken by what they had experienced that the thought of earning their leaders’ ire made redemption impossible.

And TBF, the Draenei would have made a fascinating race for the Horde, and I will die on that hill, but Velen also knew that the Draenei had lost so much and that even if Thrall was everything he’d hoped the Orcs could rise to become, the rest of the Orcs weren’t exactly there, and so many of his people were traumatized by the events of Shattrath and years of running and hiding from the Old Horde across the dying world of Draenor. Admittedly, I would have loved for the Kaldorei Sentinels’ reactions to have driven the Draenei into Horde arms and it being a case of the Draenei choosing the one side that didn’t try to kill them on sight, and the Orcs just destroying themselves trying to make amends and prove they’d changed and moved on.

But at the end of the day, despite a rocky start, the Sin’dorei haven’t just proven they’re Horde, but that they’re a cornerstone of the Horde at that. Without them, we’d be a significantly more monotone mega-faction, and I struggle to imagine a Horde without the Sin’dorei in the future.

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