Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion

I realized a couple of days ago that we should also have a discussion about WrA’s state of Horde RP.

  • How do we feel about it?
  • Is there anything we’d want to see improved there?
  • How are RP guilds faring on Hordeside?
  • Are there enough RP events?
  • Any other concerns?

Cracks knuckles, not mine but they are knuckles from the last wayward soul I caught in the depths of the Deeprun Tram

Alright, let’s make some magic.

Q. How do we feel about it?
A. I love the Horde of WRA. I come here to play as a typically lone RPer to refresh and dust myself off from MG-A. I find the writing and general RP quality to be far easier in locating quality because WRA-H has few tourists and more dedicated RPers. Other side of that coin, my disappointment is the “Stuck in Org” feeling I get while there. My solution has been to drive my RP towards leaving Org as soon as possible. This is aided by the fantastic community events that leave the city and I look forward to each new one!

Q. Is there anything we’d want to see improved?
A. This is a hard one for me because…well I don’t want MG 2.0. My best advice, and biggest concern, is to steer away from “Server Lore”. I love that everyone has their own stories and styles here, no need to cramp the joint up with projects establishing a class system in my digital RP.

Q. How are RP guilds faring on Hordeside?
A. I am not the Lorax of guilds on this server. I will let more knowledgeable people speak than myself.

Q. Are there enough RP events?
A. I am solo-RPer for the most part here. There are a few events but I’d love to see more, especially posted on the forums so I don’t have to curate a dozen RP discords. That gives me the anxiety and I can only cure that by hunting dwarves for sport in the Tram.

Q. Any other concerns?
A. Horde Deeprun Tram when?


That’s my main gripe. I’m a former Horde main and miss the days when Brill, SMC, Crossroads and Stonetalon had RP activity.

There’s this popular bar here that I never liked because they blasts the music so loud I just can’t hear anything. That’s what WRA-H Horde (and MG-A SW) feels like to me. It’s a me problem (sensory overload), I know that, and there’s addons to help but I prefer to just go to a smaller more quiet spots that doesn’t have everyone crammed in a small room with the music at max volume. Also the scenery gets a tad bit boring after awhile, so it’s fun to change it up sometimes.

Also because it’s now the only walk-up RP hub for Horde, you get a lot of trolls and griefers because they know that’s were all the RPers are.

Dont know how often you’ve been to Valley of Honor, but its rarely like that…
Most people are in their own parties, or using /e to talk so its not flooding chat.

And people spread out quite a bit on top of that…

So iunno man. VoH is the most active spot, but its not overrun by any means.

And id love to go out to Crossroads and hang out, but im not turning Warmode off… lol

and with chromie time, and people getting to level in DF right away, you dont really see any levelers coming through anymore. So its deader than dead.

Excuse you.

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Crossroads roleplay is okay but could be better. The Kor’Kron and Grunts we have there are only a small group and there are few if any random people for walk up RP. Edit I forgot to mention our sole “Brave”(Tauren Grunt)

Orgrimmar has a large number of Roleplayers in it at various times but they are mostly clicks talking privately or solo’s standing around hoping someone will walk up and start something.

There is a VERY SERIOUS lack of Orcs (Including Maghar) for Roleplaying which is making it very hard for me to recruit, train, and distribute free Transmog armor to new Kor’Kron and/or grunts.

Also most of the RP events I want to support are on days/at times I have to work or be asleep for work :frowning:

Lastly, the RP on my all Orc Garrison in Draenor is doing excellent. I feel slightly less completely alone and abandoned when I am sitting there talking to my soulless AI NPC friends who still think I’m the coolest. :disappointed:


I talk to the followers in dungeons. They’re nice. When you sit to eat and drink, they all run back to you and wait.


That Shuja is a looker isn’t she. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Recruiting and running a hyperniche racial guild is significantly more difficult on WRA-H than on MG-A, surprisingly.
I can open a Man’ari coven on MG and get twenty applicants before the day ends. Meanwhile recruiting for BTE makes me super appreciative of the one or two members I am lucky enough to get a week.

I want to say it almost balances out because there’s a higher degree of professionalism in the role playing Guild’s I am a part of, and there’s significantly less stigma to playing antagonistic characters.

There’s also… I am having a bit of difficulty explaining this properly. There seems to be a lot less “reality bleed” on WRA-H, which certainly helps a lot with the immersion.

Like for example if someone plays a scarlet crusader, there’s a lot of preconceived mindsets on an OOC level that you just palpably feel around other players, as if you are being judged on a personal level for playing them.

Yet whenever I see people playing traditional evil/dark things on WRA-H like Kor’kron sympathizers, R.A.S., Grimtotem, Bloodtotem, or Zandalari supremacists; it seems like there’s a community separation of the character and the player.

It is significantly refreshing, and is what keeps me coming back to WRA-H.

I just wish everyone else came over now to play horde now that its no longer high stakes.


This entire post is a joke, but we do have a concerning amount of this happening over on Alliance

Just because we’ve had multiple extremist eugenics guilds on MG-A DOES NOT mean we are all closeted 1930’s Germans!

Checks notes

Oh no…wait, the evidence says…yikes, that is bad news…uhhh…

At this stage its no longer funny and is annoying to witness in action.


Social Darwinism ? :face_with_monocle:

As someone who has ran a goblin guild off and on for… almost 8 years now? something like that.

Your biggest marketing is being present with your idea, if you are doing fun stuff, people will make a character just to join in. Ive converted a lot of folks to goblin, that wouldnt normally play it.

Another tip is, dont use trade or like here on the forums to recruit people. (I do both just for visibility but…) I have gotten most of my recruitments, that werent people seeing us out and about, from using /who r-goblin and then /who those character names, finding ones that are guildless and shooting them a message and asking if they are interested.


The Kor’kron are the bad guys and we killed them off a while ago.

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No they still very much exist and are elite guards within the Horde. Not all of them joined Garrosh.

You could recruit them in the Warrior class hall even.



Dang I’ve never played a goblin but this almost makes me want to. Maybe.

Now, you can’t call it an infestation of furries when furries have been part and parcel of Warcraft since time immemorial.

Half the races of Azeorth are some anthropomorphized animal. Most of them, we’re allied with.

I rest my case.

Proved nothing but your snowflake attitude and hate filled waste called a life. Enjoy the report and if we get real lucky, the ban :smiley:

So you’re actively trying to to censor me and reporting me for what exactly? But I’m the snowflake? I didn’t report you or try to stop you from doing anything. I just said I didn’t like the server culture.