Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion

Come on out to the Dance of the Dead on Friday. There might be a very cool orc starring in the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe’s plays :wink:

(yes while i have a few blood elves, i’m technically an orc RP’er. i use kitarg enough to count.)

They used to be night elves but were the high born. Used magic to shield themselves from the legion back on ancient times.

Joined the horde because (in my opinion) terrible alliance side writing. The addiction to mana is much worse, arcwine has all the mana they need.

After that they have become portal jockeys for the most part.

Sigh, another “Pretty” race for the Horde…
I think the story would have been WAY more interesting if the Draenei had been Horde and the Blood Elves Alliance.

The TL:DR is the Shal’dorei really did want to join the Kaldorei in the Alliance, but a few things kept cropping up.

Tone and phrasing between the Alliance and Horde versions of the Suramar World Quests painted the Kaldorei as going in to save Azeroth, and hang the Shal’dorei, while the Sin’dorei went in trying to save the Shal’dorei, who they saw as kindred spirits due to their addiction to an outside source of magic, under a tyrannical ruler who sided with the Legion.

We actually get a scene during the recruitment with Thalyssa who shows us she really was quite eager to reconnect with her Kaldorei cousins, but Tyrande smacked her down, hard, accused her of just being the next Azshara, the next Elisande, and pointed out that the Shal’dorei addiction to the Arcane made them threats to all of Azeroth.

Except, you know, the freakin’ Arcan’dor Tree, and the fact that the Kaldorei re-invited their own Mages back into their society … the writing was trash, but it wasn’t the Shal’dorei people’s fault that they had to join the Horde, especially given how the Alliance had no interest in listening to anyone outside of their own ranks in the aftermath of Varian’s death and the Horde’s ‘betrayal’, and the Horde was struggling with Vol’jin dying and Sylvanas repurposing much of the Horde’s forces to serve her agendas and being significantly better at politics than Garrosh ever had been.

peers in

Shal’dorei are the best!


The Horde needed a fleet to counter the Alliance and the mighty Shal’dorei gondola fleet answered.

Thank you for your service :saluting_face:

Blood Elves had a built in connection to the Horde through Sylvanas and her Forsaken, and they were beaten down and mistreated by the Alliance.

Thanks Garithos.

And Blood elves have been horde longer than the horde in the meta standalone timeline of World of Warcraft as an MMO. They ARE Horde.


Better idea. If the lady draenei had been Horde as well as the belfs. The Alliance can keep the refrigerators with hoofs.

I feel this. For nightborne we kinda have to headcanon things since the lore isn’t entirely there for us.

Our guild has opened its doors to other races but we are still mainly Shal’dorei and we’ve been lucky to get a good amount of excellent RPers that love nightborne as much as I do. But I agree, racial guilds can be hard when there’s only so many RPers to pull from.

I really like the Nightborne, I just wish the male models weren’t so awkwardly proportioned.

All Horde races are pretty in their own way.

I feel like the Nightborne are under-represented, just like the Pandaren. Where are they in cut scenes? Why don’t their representative faction leaders get more mention?

Same with Vulpera - who even is their faction leader? Is there one? And are we going to get a solid faction leader with the Earthen who’ll be equal to the ones for the other races?

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Look guys, all of these questions will be answered as soon as Baine gets up. But he’s still super tired from being dropped off that slight ledge by the Jailer. He needs time to heal.

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It’s me. I’m the faction leader now.


I, for one, welcome the new regime of Akira Vulpera. They’ll do sick anime motorcycle slides all over Orgrimmar.


You clearly haven’t seen me in my thighs out mog. Horde needs more himbos!!!


Blame the Alliance and stinky night elf male models for being so bad and ugly lmao. I think male NB are an improvement but their foundation is built from crap (male night elf rig lmao). I leveled as one in remix and being a lanky elf guy I didn’t mind

I forget his name, because of course I forgot his name, but the guy who leads the main caravan, narrates the Vulpera intro, and coordinates efforts to show the Horde the Vulpera can help them in the recruitment questline I think is suppose to be the Horde Vulpera leader.

The character that’s gotten the most screentime after BFA is Meerah however. Maybe she’s the real faction leader?

I like my mens to have wrists…


Me too ;c

I just like Draenei males because they remind me of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove.

Basically that’s the main inspiration behind my guy. Kronk’s brain and incoherent Arnold sounds the character.

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Sometimes u just wanna be handsome in The World of Warcraft but it’s very hard :pensive: