Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion

You slung mud first and expected…what? You called people degenerates then put pronouns in quotes as if they are not real things to assert some childish idea of smug superiority. Now you come back with Z-tier reddit debate logic.

If you cannot follow the forum rules of common decency, that is entirely your fault when you face punishment for it. Don’t blame me for your failings.

Holy crap, I didn’t know we were a server of commies and furries. Did I skip that point in the brochure before transferring here? Now what am I to do.

I guess I’ll roll a Vulpera.


God, this is bleak. We used to have a higher standard of pointlessly bitter argument on this server. There’s no respect for the old traditions.


My Vulpera comes equipped with a sickle and hammer.


Isn’t that their heritage armor?


I expected nothing less from you

I would’ve had more fun on a WrA that was nothing but LGBTQ+ communist furries, I think.


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It already is. What’re you complaining about?

To bring it back to the original point of discussion—I’m pretty happy with the way things are on WRA-H at the moment! While I admit that my own corner of RP (Forsaken and undead) is quite niche, I’ve still managed to find plenty of great players out there seeking good RP and willing to go the extra mile to create it as well.

It definitely feels different than it did in BFA, but I’m not counting that as a bad thing. Yes, racial guilds are harder to recruit for these days, but after almost two years of running a Forsaken/undead guild, I’ve come to really appreciate the feeling of a community that’s smaller but in which every player’s contributions are felt. I’ve met a lot of players who are returning to WoW RP after (in some cases) years-long hiatuses, and I’m always happy to see that they’ve chosen to come back to this server in particular. I think WRA-H offers its own unique flavor that can’t really be found anywhere else.

Longstanding and dedicated heavy RP guilds have always been a staple of Horde RP here, and as long as I’m a Wyrmrest Accordian, I intend to continue that tradition for the sake of Wyrmrest’s Forsaken community in particular.


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Jesus wept

Tauren and Druids have been playable since vanilla. Your argument about furries being a later thing is invalid.


If we are talking about the furry subculture instead of the literal definition of “anthropomorphic animal”, vanilla Tauren are incredibly far removed. They have always been a native american analog. Druids wouldn’t even be in the same category.
Like calling a DND druid with Wildshape a furry. Doesn’t make sense, its just spell flair.
Your average druid is far removed from cat RP and comparing the two is frankly insulting.

Me and a friend in discord were actually discussing how the two servers used to just be faction analogs, but at this stage they have grown to two completely distinct cultures.

As Senecca tactlessly put it, both servers have a progressive mindset that I will admit gets a bit grating at times when there is just abject disrespect for anyone outside of that discourse.

But Horde-WRA seems to at least keep the veil of reality unpunctured and, thank God, doesn’t really have any reports of doxxing over RP themes.

It certainly used to, But I would argue the servers more moderate than other role playing havens. Which unironically leads to more diversity.


I, for one, have never had an issue with any progressive mindset or group on WRA or MG in all my RP years. I have had issues with those that seek to shut the stuff down and try to control RP to mold it into what they want. See my earlier post on the concerning amount of eugenics guilds that I have run into.

WRA-H and MG-A have nearly the same attitude towards roleplayers in that they can do whatever, and be whatever, they want. The difference in reality bleed is coming from high school level popularity contests that lead to drama. Drama that continually snowballs on MG due to the social hierarchy of the Projects and their constant need to assert themselves as the chief source of Server Lore. WRA doesn’t have that same Server Lore and that is why I am an advocate for it, in the absence of it WRA flourishes when players play the way they want. Whoddathunkit?


I have never really been one to care about ‘server lore’ enough to ever be for or against it. I have had people in both Tauren and surprisingly Scarlet Crusade guilds try to inundate me on it but it just doesn’t stick in the brainspace.

However I do understand the appeal of it, especially in the commodifyimg of player stories through wiki entries and what not. If these fortify or aid in building cliques is up for debate, because quite simply cliques are part of human nature and it maybe shocking to learn that every single role playing community has them.

What may be even more shocking to hear is that the lower or smaller a player base is, the more rigid those cliques become and the more pronounced the positive and negative traits of said social stratum become.

Server lore or whatever doesn’t really foster or prevent their formation. The only thing that really does in my experience is either in group drama, leading to the natural destruction of the tribe, or a particular person or event of eccentricity changes it.

On the other topic however, qnd bear with me here this is going to ruffle some people.
Ideology also has a very pronounced effect of bolstering these positive/negative expressions within cliques that immediately filters/gatekeeps/excludes just from the mere act of expression.

I like to call it “standard carrying” or “banner waving”.
The simplest and easiest expression of this is TRP3/MRP ideological tagging like putting ‘LG[B]TQIA+’.
In a progressive environment this is usually just a way to signify that you are an ally as well as display your orientation. Its become a pretty normalized thing to signal to others and find like minded people.
However, by doing so, everyone else neutral to the topic or otherwise might passively avoid you because of the connotations and stereotypes associated with that ingroup. Many of those stereotypes being, unfortunately, a pronounced habit of fighting, harassment, and doxxing.

You usually don’t witnesses these things because you are unintentionally surrounding yourself by those of a like and similar mind and creating a positive feedback loop.
There is a commonality between the people you surround yourselves, and in essence form a clique.

Now, this is where I get to the point of how ideology pronounces negative or positive traits, coming from things ive witnessed personally.
Banner carriers tend to notice when others are not waving flags. Instead of suspecting neutrality, the more ideological someone is the greater their tendency to otherize. Intentionally or not.

A profile not showing pronouns? Thats a dogwhistle.
No LGBTQIA+ in their profile? Clearly they are anti LGBT.
These are fringe mindsets, but they still exist. I frequently have to clap down on them pretty hard in my role playing groups to the point of unironically makes me a centrist authoritarian at times [lol].

And primarily this is what I mean when I say I experience a few minor frustrations in a progressive environment. Ten years ago I was dealing with the exact same thing on the right hand of the spectrum and dealing with the same bull.

Now what point was I trying to make again…

Oh right. I tend to see less expressions of the above on WRA, and the player base is usually mature enough to understand my reasoning whenever I clap down on strict rules to try to truly be inclusive to everyone.

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I think what you find on WrA is that the people who have been here for a bit have seen some things and they don’t want to repeat old cycles. I’ve been here since shortly after the place opened and the community has gone through some phases. In the early days when I was learning to RP, I encountered some very un-nice “mean girl” type cliques. There was a particular one in the Tauren community that was just awful. I also remember the days of being Tauren and presumed furry. I remember a couple of phases that were roughly equivalent to the Salem witch trials but for rp and lore. Just about every type of mean, unpleasant, and irratating behavior has happened here and people got tired of it.

I’m certainly not saying we are all angels or saints. I think most of us have had our brushes with the dark side. I had a couple of very negative experiences when I got started in RP. And I vowed to never treat anyone the way I was treated. Well, sometimes, you end up becoming the thing you hate. I became so intolerant of elitist RPers that tried to police other people’s RP… I became just like them. Hopefully I realized it quickly enough not to make anyone feel the way I had been made to feel. But I learned my lesson.

I think you’ll also find players here who came from other servers where they had a bad time. And most of them have tried not to let the place become what they were running from.

Anyway, that’s just me and what I think. I’m not really around much, so I don’t have a good read on how things are now. This is just how I hope things are.


This thread suddenly got good. We’re in brave new territory for argument here.


I’m honestly kind of surprised by the silence myself. Usually when I talk about stuff like that, the ideological inquisitors usually come out of the woodwork to scream witch-adjacent admonishments instead of pausing and doing a bit of self-reflection.

My point that WRA has self-imposed higher standards continues to hold true.


It’s ok.
You can type the word.
Nothing bad will happen.
I promise! :grinning:

I know. I can go kill hundreds of them in the Barrens right now.