Death Threats, Doxx threats, and more

Hey folks here on the forums, i am seeking some advice on how best to work around some troubling developments. Weve had more than a few members of our guild recieve some pretty awful whispers (everything in the title and more), and of course everythings been reported through the report chat option, but it seems to have only gotten worse/more severe.

For some background, it is a scarlet RP guild, which however you feel about scarlets and the community history of scarlet RPers, threatening people with death or doxxing or other disgusting things is absurd and anyone who does it is the lowest of the low. Weve had 5 members leave us due to the harassment, and im just trying to figure out a better solution than asking them to report and block. Whats worse, these people have some way of discovering alts and will then go about the same behavior on non affiliate alts, going so far as stalking one member to dungeons and the like. Im still relatively new to WoW and im trying to figure out if there is another way to go about preventing this.


I would go straight to police, and encourage Blizzard and whoever needs to be involved to comply with whoever’s legal jurisdiction that would be for said members (depending on country and state/county, province, etc).

That goes well beyond just game CoC violation. But first have digital visual proof of these claims, as without proving such a crime took place the police won’t act because no probable cause would exist. If you have undeniable proof, go straight to police and show them the threats.


First and foremost, I’m so sorry to hear that people are sending such rude and disgusting messages to you and your members.

I know there is some pushback on your guild being in Stormwind, that is neither here nor there, but I wonder why some would go so far than just a comment.

There’s a few things to do here:

  1. Make sure there are screenshots of proof. Even with some messages in game, blizzard sometimes states (even though they probably do have the ability) that they cannot see these messages. Have them screenshotted, it’s better to have -your- proof anyways.
  2. Report them to Blizzard, of course. Also report them to the police if you believe you can. Death Threats are definitely a serious thing, that being said I am not sure how far the police will actually go. Blizzard however will go far.
  3. There are some sites out there, I learned within my second week that they exist. I had someone whisper me on a character saying: “Why do you have characters on Area-52 as well?”. There are settings in the app, but these do often conflict and stop the ability to use IO and such for Mythics, as well as one for PVP.
  4. If they’re in guilds, probably report them to their GM too. It is a much minor step, but I don’t think any GM would be okay with a member telling people to harm themselves.

I hope this helps and I hope it stops them as well. While my character has disagreements with your guild in-character, I wish you all the best! Stay safe, good luck!


:point_up_2: 100% agree with everything said in this post but 200% agree with this, at least any GM worth their salt.

I will go full Megatron to Starscream as a GM.

Don’t misconstrue, I adore my guild members and will do anything for them, but a good leader is so because of an equal, healthy dose, of both respect/adoration and fear.

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is one way to find alts.
You can sign up for an account there and block people from being able to see your alts tho.

Theres also a setting on Bnet somewhere that blocks your information from being shared, period. I dont remember how to do this though
 Been a few years.

Sadly, if someone has a mind to harass you, theres really not much you can do but report, ignore and block when they show up.
This game has a lot of tools to allow you to find and mess with people.

/who g-sigil of the flame
will list all of your guild members online.

Add them on an ignore list? All they have to do is hop toons.
Even with being ignored they can still just follow you around and be a nuisance.

Your best attack is to take screenshots, report everything, put in a ticket, and get as many of your guild that is also experiencing/seeing it to do the same. Because Blizz usually only responds to things when its multiple people putting in a complaint.


Terrible sorry to hear this is happening. No matter whether people like or “approve” of something in RP, no one should be making death threats etc. It’s straight out disgusting and dangerous behavior.

I encourage you to not only use the report function in the game but also open a ticket. I have done that myself in the past when the circumstance was severe and was able to get a much more comforting response directly from Blizzard that way. They did not tell me exactly what happened as far as consequences were concerned, but they told me actions had been taken.

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Harassment in any form in never okay. I’m so sorry your guild is facing this and I really echo a few of the posts above, as there were some good suggestions.

The RP community should be a safe space for everyone to have fun without having to fear for their safety. I hope things get better and you are able to return to having WoW be a place where you can have fun. :heart:


You may want to check a site called azerothdatabase or something like that. I had all my toons hidden on chechpvp because of similar issues, but someone found my alts. Come to find out, that site shows alts as well. Didnt really know how it worked, but like chechpvp i was able to create a acct and hide my alts

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Just looked it up, looks like the website is data for Azeroth.

I’ve always been amazed at the length people will go to stalk someone in game. But the general sites are raider io, check-pvp, and data for Azeroth that will ‘dox your alts’.

Also - be careful, especially if you did BTM at some point - raider io will also sometimes display your discord name.

But - keep in mind, if they can look you up. Likely you can also look up their alts as well. While going into that effort is certainly tiresome, you can at least get ahead on the ignore list. And in gathering evidence you now have a list of potential toons of whom might harass / message you.


I took the time to look it up, this should help at least one part: The Alt Aspect of it.

Here is the process to remove the ability for Raider IO, Check-PvP, and Data of Azeroth to have your characters on it. This may impact your ability to join certain content though:

  1. Login to Blizzard or Battle Net and go to your Account Settings.
  2. Go to Privacy & Communications on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Scroll past Social Settings and then stay at Game Data And Profile Privacy.
  4. " Share Game Data: Allow to share game data with external developers to enable game related services such as leaderboards, statistic trackers, and more." Should be the only option there.
  5. Click “Update” and the following information will pop up: “Opting out of sharing game data will de-link your account with community sites you may have connected to. You will be unable to continue accessing features those community experiences may provide. allows external developers to build applications and experiences for our players using game data including gameplay details and your BattleTag. Disabling this setting will prevent these services from working. This setting does not allow the sharing of your name, email address, physical address, telephone number, or other similar information without your specific consent. Disabling this feature may take up to 30 days to process.”
  6. Click on the checkmark that may be there. You want this to be disabled.
  7. Your data will eventually no longer be on these sites. However you may lose access to some content concerning Raider IO scores, etc.

Hope this is helpful!


Just a few tips on dealing with the more pernicious harassment:

  • Put the person on ignore. Blizzard won’t help you with harassment unless you ignore the person sending you harassing whispers.
  • RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO RESPOND. Blizzard views an argument back and forth as mutual combat and that’s not actionable in their eyes unless one set of whispers contains profanity.
  • You don’t need screenshots for Blizzard as long as everything was happening in the game, but it might be good to keep anyway if other players want to see proof that someone was being awful at you.
  • If people keep evading ignores or are making actual RL threats, open an Ongoing Harassment ticket every time someone does. They don’t need the whole chat history, but a brief explanation of what’s going on and times and dates they should look at should be what they need. Alt-checking sites can’t dig up people’s whole accounts if they take steps like masking their alts and using below-10 characters, but Blizzard can absolutely tell which accounts they belong to even if they subsequently delete the throwaway character.

As long as you’re following the rule of “put them on ignore, do not engage”, the people doing the harassment are risking their accounts to do it.

You’ll also want to be especially cautious that you’re not using any language that someone could report in your RP. Blizzard GMs don’t go through and try and sort through what’s IC and what’s OOC.


Take screenshots of what they’re saying, report them, attach said screenshots and ignore them.

I know we talked about it a little last night but people on this server have taken things to such an extreme that they do not understand the difference between ooc and ic. And that’s something that needs to be talked about more. Because ultimately you have people that are going to take things to such a degree and think sending out death threats or doxxing is the right thing to do.

Worse when you have things like WGS encourging similiar deranged behavior. I’m just going to yell into the aether to people reading this but people really need to do a better job at controlling themselves. If someone is rping something you don’t like to see, walk across the street. Move on.

I don’t like seeing a lot of things that’s rped. Do I send them death threats? No. I walk across the street. I might make little quips to my friends about it but that’s it. I don’t interact with them. I go about my day. Whether or not you think someone should or shouldn’t be rped with in Stormwind does not give you the right to whisper or send them hate mail or anything that’s going to prevent someone from having fun. It’s their $15. Deal with it. Or I don’t know pay for their subscription.


Id like to follow up with expressing great thanks to everyone for these tips. Ive advised our members on how to better shield themselves from stalking/OOC harassment across their alts, and passed on the suggestions of ongoing harassment tickets (which i had not realized was even an option). At the end of the day, everything in azeroth is simply a game and im glad all of us in this thread can agree: there is absolutely no reason to threaten, stalk, and harass anyone else. We can have IC conflict in the city or out in the world, but the fun stops when it devolves into personal attacks.


Just to give some peace of mind, it’s very unlikely that these unhinged weirdos are actually going to doxx anyone with their irl info unless they themselves put that info out there (which given that this sometimes happens, please please please don’t EVER casually share irl info with people you meet in WoW). That said you should definitely take it seriously but it’s probably some rear-end in a tophat that’s trying to ruffle some feathers. But like the others said, screenshot and report and if it’s a case of threatening someone with stuff they’d do outside of the game, go to the police immediately.


This is smart, thanks.


Shame on those people. Makes me really angry to hear this.


I would love to have a Scarlet themed character, but this is the one thing that I do not want to happen. No one should have to deal with this. I graduated school a decade ago. The last thing I want is to deal with middle school dramatics and whiners messaging me about a fictional faction that I pretend to hail from after a long day. I hope things perk up for you lot and these people get properly reported and dealt with.


You’re absolutely right. It is a shame. No one should have to deal with it, especially not to that extent. But in general any form of harassment is just so wrong.

Its upseting that people might feel driven away from interacting with a group or guild because of that.

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Genuinely grateful for this. I can take being denied a few mythics and RBG’s if it means I can be protected from the mental illness that is RP community drama.