Horde RP Revival

Didn’t you just restart your guild? Kinda poor form to be throwing shade so soon no?

The problem with Horde RP is there was a huge division between Pro Faction War Horde guilds and more neutral/ neutral leaning guilds. The community tore itself apart because the Pro Faction War guilds did something in an RP event the others did not like.


Negitivity and grudges aside; OP, if you want to meet up we can talk and I can at least introduce you to a community that has no horse in this race and maybe we can help at least give shout outs when things are going on.

Persefaný is my horde version, you can send in-game mail and we can set something up.

“Instead of being intimidated by the limitations, be inspired to find new ways around them.” - Ralph Marston


I would love to. Granted, I know most RP Horde Side ONLY guild based and if you’re not part of a guild you’re sorta at a loss as walkup RP isn’t really a thing at all. And unless you have friends that are Horde to Rp with? Well, you’re out of luck unless it’s some sort of event - and even then sometimes you can’t really RP or get anything because you’re not part of a guild, which is fine. Except for people who don’t like just doing d20 events.

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Are you poor? Just start a business. It’s that simple!

Being in a third world country is no excuse to be broke. I mean, look a shell amirite?

–With the exception of Ban, that’s what most of you sound like auto discrediting the concern.

To rp on horde now is very premium, and in some cases esoteric in how you gain access to those circles. You need ID to get ID, and it’s been that way since the end of WOD honestly.

Discouraging anybody from trying to open the lid and build hype is a poor move honestly.

The average experience of the new person trying to join in horde RP is abysmal. If you like it that way, more power to you. But if there is any inkling of wanting to change that, put yourself in their position and employ just a little empathy.

Otherwise the easy lay-up response is going to continue to be ‘go to Wyrmrest’

Shout out to the folks ther doing their thing. Those guilds already know who they are and it helps instantly referring people to them and their third party resources.

Maybe the removal of race and faction restrictions on character creation will see this balance itself out.

Until then, be better to each other folks.


For those looking for walk-up rp there are a few options that are advertised on these forums, various discords, and in game. If you are looking for open community rp options without a guild required, or any d20 here are some links to content that is open to all on the Horde.

(Monthly RP) Lordaeron Night Market - [H/N-RP] Lordaeron Night Market - Feb 19th, 2024

(Monthly RP) Left Hand Path (Dark Arts RP Circle) The Left Hand Path (Dark Magic RP Group - Monthly Meetings)

(Weekly RP) Whispering Pines Tavern - [A/H/N-RP] Whispering Pines Tavern, Silverpine Forest Social [Weekly-Thursdays]


Ya know, having grown up in a certain part of the country, the phrase “Horde revival” conjured up an entirely different mental image.

Made me wonder what songs all y’all are gonna be singin’. :rofl:


Oof, we got some ankle-biters in this here thread, he insult you personally or somethin?

Thats an interesting retelling of those events lol


Me personally? Nah. Though he speaks as though he has an axe to grind with Horde RP, just wondering if perhaps he quit because of some drama.

Go to WRA.


We had that once upon a time but it didn’t work for various reasons because the people in charge were outed for doing some really shady things.


“Crazy Little Thing Called Zug”
“Zug-where Over the Rainbow”


Gnomes, where?

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“You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Zug-dog”
“We Will Zug You”


How about “I’m All Out of Zug”?

(Obviously, I was looking for zug in all the wrong places.)


“I’ve Got Zugs In Low Places”
“Enter Zugman” BOO! Whoa-ooooh whoa…

(Yeah. I couldn’t resist. I had to go Garth Brooks to Metallica.)

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“Dirty Deeds Zug Dirt Cheap”
“What’s Zug Got To Do With It?”
“All You Need Is Zug”
“Zug Is In The Air”

These hits and many more available on record, cassette and 8-track tape from K-Zug Polyvinyl.


WRA feels very anti-community. I can’t imagine ever going there.

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Not saying one server is better than the other by any means, but there are some wonderful communities on WRA.