Horde retcon [spoiler]

If its a choice of open ended adventure vs doing the same one over and over and over… I want it to be open ended. Horde leadership goes bad playerbase is complicit in the atrocities committed, unite at the end and overthrow bad leaders.

i actually have nothing to say except for this:

Actually there’s nothing really wrong with them. Since these are for the post-BFA new starting area, and their existence in that context makes sense.

They are not post-BfA. They are Pre-BfA. All new players will play through BfA.

That’s the point of why this is a retcon and whitewashing for the Horde.

a whitewashing no one wants…me personally i want usha eyegouge for warchief.

The starting area (the new one that is coming with Shadowlands) takes place after BFA.

Then new players go through BFA, or old players can pick the expansion of their choice to level in.

No, it absolutely does not. All new players are forced to go through BfA. The intro area is completely neutral in regards to the timeline.

chronologically it takes place before bfa, which is why we’re saying its a retcon.

“Tirelessly thrive to protect the living.” Just doesn’t stand with the Forsaken. Even with the perspective of someone starting post war, this isn’t really the sentiment of the Forsaken. They have never been interested in saving the world and ushering in peace. At best they want to survive, much like the other early Horde races. At worst they have a track record of constant groups wanting to eradicate the living including their own allies in the case of Putricide. I understand maybe wanting to go back to the Vanilla concept of misunderstood creatures, but many of the Horde races have no intentions of being heroes.


Again… timeline wise, the events of the new starting area take place after BFA. It’s the same with the DK starting area for Allied Races, which takes place after the events of BFA, but before the events of Shadowlands, before Bolvar gets beaten up by Sylvanas.

You are even told, via Chromie (and the existence of Chromie Time) that you’re viewing events of the past after you leave the starting area.

That’s only for existing players. New players are sent to BfA, no Chromie.

Chromie time affects everything as you level from 10 to 50 regardless of what expansion you pick, dummy. It is literally the scaling mechanic that Blizzard is using for the game in Shadowlands.

And yes, I’ve called you a dummy, because apparently I have to explain something to you multiple times before you seem to get it. And I thought only Forsaken had rotten brains.

New players will not be allowed to choose an expansion to level in. They will be forced to do BfA. I’m not sure what you are not getting here.

New players will not have any context for the burning of Teldrassil, for the Battle for Lordaeron, and will only know the white-washed racial descriptions at character creation.

dude, you’re wrong again, new players dont get chromie…its always a human male paladin, isnt it?

Patrick Magruder: No - your power will remain the same. In fact, you’ll actually have probably more abilities because of the other changes we’re doing.

What will happen is a new player will start off in a new starting area, or they can choose to go to one of the old ones, but the new starting area, Exile’s Reach, is custom crafted for levels one to 10, and it will teach them some basics on how to do World of Warcraft, ending in a mini-dungeon-like experience to get a taste of all of the things WoW has to offer.

A new player will go to Battle for Azeroth. Experienced players can choose another story. And they’ll choose Classic or they can choose an expansion.

They can choose stuff from as far back as they like?

Patrick Magruder: Yes and you’ll level from 10 to 50. We call it Chromie Time by the way.

Chromie is like your assistant?

Patrick Magruder: She’s like our time-travelling [guide]. Outdoor time-walking is another phrase. Basically you travel back in time and see the world as it once was. You can play through the Cataclysm from 10 to 50, or a new player can play through Battle for Azeroth from 10 to 50.

One of the key goals is ‘every level matters’. You’ll get a new ability or we’ll improve an ability, or you’ll unlock a new piece of content. Something. You will always feel like every level is a really awesome, engaging experience - that’s why we chose those numbers.

There’s actually going to be a funny moment where players in modern WoW will actually be lower level than players in Classic WoW. That’ll only last about a month because that’s just the pre-patch!


By all means, please tell me how I am wrong, and while you’re at it, please tell Patrick Magruder as well, I’m sure he, as a designer of the game, would love to be told how he’s wrong about the design of the game he’s creating by an armchair game designer.

You’re wrong on this one. They stated that your first character made on the account is forced into doing BFA and doesn’t get to use the Chromie mechanic or pick an expansion. Though im not sure they have to reach max level in order to unlock it for other characters, or just a certain point.

Your own article refutes the point you are making.



Your words may be hurtful, but I will still gladly call you friend, and aid you in battle when necessary. :slightly_smiling_face:

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No… no it doesn’t, but you’re proving my point about the rotten brain.

Every single player, new or old, will level from 10 to 50 via Chromie Time. The difference is that while new players will be forced to play through BFA the first time, players who have already done the content will be able to choose which expansion they want to level through.

This is literally what Patrick Magruder says. He doesn’t say ‘Only old players get Chromie Time’ he says leveling from 10 to 50 is done via Chromie Time. This has been confirmed by folks literally playing the alpha right now. So sit the hell down and shut up.

He does lie… On top of a large sum of money that most forum-goers will likely never see. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll raise you by one. The classic.