Horde retcon [spoiler]

I’ll have you know that I’m quite wealthy… in-game.

Congratulations. I bow to your canny financial skill at wealth acquisition.

You should really come Hordeside. We need more Goblins. :slight_smile:


All new players will be playing through BfA, all new players will only have the white-washed racial descriptions as their lore guides with all reference to the Burning Teldrassil and the Battle for Lordaeron erased.

Nothing you posted refutes that, everything you have posted agrees with that.

The fact that older players can play througher earlier expansions is not the point…

I do apologize, but sometimes a heavy hand is needed when dealing with morons.

" Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity."

this doesn’t work with the new customization options.

a tan troll is not a darkspear, it’s a sandfury. most green trolls that aren’t forest trolls were gurubashi, the tribe that drove out the darkspear to their islands off the coast of stranglethorn.

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Lol! Yes we Forsaken are quite the foolish folk. :laughing:

Do you require any assistance today, my lord?

I stated that these are from the new starting area, which takes place after the events of BFA. Then you came in here swinging and throwing bananas acting like it doesn’t, which isn’t accurate, because it does take place after the events of BFA.

I then pointed to you that leveling from 10 to 50 is done via Chromie Time for all players, and that Chromie Time is peering into a window in the past, which prompted you to argue that Chromie Time ‘doesn’t happen’ for new players, which again isn’t accurate.

I then shared an interview with Patrick Magruder which proves my point that all players new or old level via Chromie Time, and again you argued that it ‘doesn’t work that way’ despite the fact that Patrick Magruder says that’s how it works and he’s designing the game…

Are you okay? Do you need to get your head checked? I think you might have gotten slapped by an Ogre too many times.

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Here is the Red Shirt Guy thread on this specifically about how Exile’s Reach whitewashes Teldrassil even for Night Elf players and how the new player experience is completely cut off from the timeline. This is as of the build today, the Horde version isn’t even in yet:


Edit: Please tell me more about Chromie Time. :joy:


Is anyone honestly surprised by this new text?

At this point, propaganda is the least of the Horde’s crimes.

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Based Red Shirt Guy.

The Hilarius thing about trolls is that it directly still insults the Zandalari and the other supposed troll tribes they can play as now.

Is it retcon or change i wonder? No intelligent species stays forever stagnant, specially after everything every race on Azeroth went through.

I’m not defending or attacking these changes, i’m interested in seeing how everything will play out first.

Set-up to eventually merge the factions.

It’s a change.

As I said, the new starting area takes place after the events of BFA. And while there may be a few issues here and there (not the first one that red shirt guy has picked up and Blizzard has fixed as a result) the general gist of the entire thing is that this reflects the Horde’s changes post-BFA.

Hey I agree with everything you said, I am trying to find a positive in all of this though…

Is it better to canonically whitewash all the bad writing from BFA, set the status quo and let the game breathe from that perspective and see what comes or is it better to continue on from such a terribly poor narrative?

Its almost to the point they need a reset on the game, time skip and a relaunch wow2?

Neither off those are on horde… Rpers are mostly in goldshire.

This should be on a warning label when you purchase Shadowlands

How bad does the story have to be that the writers try to remove it and pretend it didn’t happen?

Pretty much. Had a loooong discussion about it with my little RP group.
We’re… displeased. Even as a bunch of Hordies, we were looking forward to the kaldorei’s retaliation.
Because that’s how writing war stories goes.
But… uh. Guess… we’re… not getting that?

Tyrande went Night Warrior due to Moon power PMS.

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Until further notice, I will now refer to Horde as Diet Alliance anytime I reference the faction.

I will do this until it sticks.

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