Horde retcon [spoiler]

I refer to them as the welfare faction after the mollycoddling Blizzard did to them in BFA

I feel like having a grand peace accord would’ve been the eventual build up, but every other post-war plot points needed to be played out before that happened. Throughout history, periods of great change occur post-war. New policies, new leadership, new ideologies… but it’s a process.

People like Tyrande, Genn, and Talanji aren’t going to be happy. The common consensus was that a war was going to be dragged on for at least an expansion or two because of this. How can someone like Genn sit by while Gilneas is still plagued? Talanji’s father got murdered by forces led by Jaina. Even the Sunreavers have beef here.

The group that suffers the most here is the Forsaken. A faction who’s entire identity was warped around Sylvanas. Losing her will be nothing but a cultural identity shift, and we don’t even get to see that happen. All the possibilities of a Desolate Council vs Calia showdown is now swept under a rug.

I honestly would’ve even be happy with a short-story like those back in Cata. It helped the playerbase understand the leaders perspectives in the world post WoTLK, and we could really use one right now because things are a complete mess and suddenly we’re off to the Shadowlands.

It might be too soon to say, but I think this is conclusive evidence that Blizzard has invalidated their own lore principles.

Actually I think it would be an interesting bit of tension if Anduin/Horde council reach a peace accord, only for Tyrande/Gen to engage in open hostility/acts of agression… the real world analogue would be how the Germans were treated post ww1 and ww2.
The problem the writters have is that Alliance is justified in everything they do and have the moral high ground, there was literally no justification or lore reason for horde to do what they did, nothing was morally grey and the entire narrartive of BFA was OUTSIDE of what the horde have been established to be up to this point… which is just not fun for horde players.

BFA needed to be a two sided conflict, it wasnt… it was not nuanced, horde players were complicit and it was so far removed from what the core of being horde was setup to be, I think it might be unrecoverable, a wipe the slate clean might be blizzard owning up to their own mistakes… a blue post on it would be nice "yes we are undoing some of the events of BFA and will be providing the canonical version of events which differ from ingame events in ".

As far as Teldrassil goes, I’m like 90% sure that this is being done more to not confuse newer players too much with backstory rather than actually trying to erase the event.

The 10% still worries me, but I’m pretty confident they wouldn’t try to retcon something that massive, especially since they apparently plan the story 2 expansions out.

Not sure.

They removed Teldrassil from live even before BFA ended. That tells me their so-called plans are just doodles

I’d imagine it’s just an alpha mistake that will be corrected.

Early on during testing for the events surrounding the burning of Teldrassil. Some Night Elf NPCs that were put there by Blizzard should not have been there. Red Shirt Guy and others stated as much, pointed to why they shouldn’t be there and by the time the patch went live and the content was playable by the masses, they weren’t there.

Imagine being a new player to the game though and starting Horde into BfA questing.

“Hey! Welcome to the Horde! We just broke the Geneva convention 17 times a few hours ago by attacking and burning down a giant civilian center and plague bombed our own city! You weren’t there for that but now it’s time for you to go to troll land, bye!”


I see nothing wrong with this.

I agree that it should be done right. I enjoyed the faction conflict until BfA came along and Blizzard tried writing GoT story lines for all of the faction leaders and having the players carry out war crimes like genocide. All that did was to make both sides feel like victims.

But Blizzard has a bigger problem that won’t be fixed by just removing the factions. In their pursuit to create all of these thrilling and interpersonal character conflict and vulnerabilities they’ve made it so players don’t like the leaders of either faction.

As it is now I don’t want to be a member of either faction. Blizzard has fracture and divided up the factions within themselves. Sam Houston said “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.” If I was a lowly citizen in either faction I would have very little confidence in my leaders abilities to lead.

IMO removing the factions now would be far worst for the long term health of WoW. WoW would feel even more fractured and divided among itself. You thought two factions were bad. Try having six or more battling it out on the forums! lol

The faction conflict is best when it serves as a rivalry between the two factions. Just like with sport times. Other MMO’s gave it up because they never achieved that in the first place. But I think that’s still there for a lot of WoW players.

Just like Blizzard is trying to bring back Class identity in Shadowlands I think they should try and do the same for factions. They just need to create strong leaders on both sides that inspire players. Leaders with honor and pride.

Simplify the faction leader stories and remove the drama. But if they want to keep it don’t make all of it so self loathing.

I want to see the players on the field playing the game with coaches and players making big dissensions and plays that win the game. IMO Blizzard is spending way to much times giving dramatic stories to the factions leaders. Let the story unfold with the players and their actions. Let faction pride and conflict happen with the players out in the world. When done right it’s a great part of what makes WoW so wonderful.

The Forsaken are getting their racials changed! Here’s a sneak peek!

Cannibalize is being changed to “Attempt Resuscitation”: You try to massage life back into the body of a Humanoid or Undead corpse. Your burning will to Protect the Living heals you for 7% of your total health and mana every 2 seconds for 10 seconds as you, unfortunately, ultimately unsuccessfully bring them back. You feel bad about this failure and cannot attempt it again for 2 minutes. Any movement, damage, or other action taken will cancel this attempt.

Touch of the Grave is being changed to “Touch of the Protector”: Your spells and abilities have a chance to Protect the Living, healing you and damaging the Enemies of the Living for shadow damage.

Will of the Forsaken is being changed to “Forsaken Protection Power Activate!”: Your unending desire to Protect the Living lets you instantly remove any Charm, Fear, or Sleep effects once every 2 minutes.

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You guys are ridiculous. By this logic that are retconning literally everything just because they don’t shove 15 years worth of happenings into a 1-10 leveling zone designed precisely for people who have never logged into WoW before.

In a lot of ways I thought that’s what was going to happen in BfA. But with everything that’s happen in BfA doing it now would make half of the player base more upset then ever.

I don’t really know what Blizzard’s end goal was in BfA with factions. Maybe Blizzard is working on a reset. If Blizzard just straight up makes the faction divide a thing of the past, while at the same time releasing WoW on consoles, they could bring in a mega flood of new players that would more then makeup for the players that leave.

Little did we know Sargeras was trying to save us from having to deal with these plot holes. Marauder shields 2.0 :frowning_face:

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Blizzard ignored the planet hole he created with his sword :rofl:

Until BFA there were never any plot holes, until BFA my wife was still here, until BFA i still had my kids, there was no covid before BFA, coincidence?

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My eyes are messing with me today so I couldn’t read what you wrote but I do want to tell you that you’ve managed to put me in the mood for Christmas.

Man you ARE a natural!

Jesus, this is just pathetic. “The Forsaken strive to protect the living” Oh now, they want to protect the living after blighting half of Azeroth. No Horde bias right guys? Hahaha.

So wait, do people like you unironically believe that a brand new player who has never played WoW before, which is what all of this discussion is centered around, should by default be on the hook for the burning of telrassil because you guys are fake outraged about BFA’s story?

I don’t understand. Using the language like, “pathetic” is really disturbing.

Just trying to make sense of this, you’re trying to say someone who joins WoW and wants to play a Horde character should not be on the hook for a previous expansions story?

I don’t get the whole outrage with BFA thing either. Just a bit confused.