Horde PvP Community?

Seen that happen in more than one place.

Some of the epic communities have some really cool people in them but the leadership can be questionable. I don’t think I’ve ever met an epic community leader that does not have a massive ego, and unjustly so.

I feel like having an ego to some extent is almost required, since ego helps with the confidence needed to herd PUGs.

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Not to to throw shade at SoD but I applied a month ago and I believe it’s still on pending. It doesn’t say anything about alliance only that I saw but torture said it pretty much is and they don’t even check horde side applications. There was 5 full communities at the time so I applied to SoD 6 like it suggested.

Is this true or is it that you need to know someone already in to get accepted? Just curious. I never realized how exclusive these communities can be.

Horde side is not active right now.

And Alliance side isn’t listed in the community finder. Alliance side is xfaction now

Ok thanks for letting me know. I applied to a lot of communities back then, and as previously posted here, most of them were dead husks full of players that have not been on since SL. I thought perhaps I only got into corpse corps because of my posts in this thread.

I was in a few games against you. Your name got some mentions and I believe they were gunning for you :slight_smile:

This Egostroker guy that said he was interested in doing games still never B-tagged me after asking for it, 24 hours later. And I was immediately accused of having too much ego and that weak excuse was used for my community removal? The whole thing is really odd. Reminds me of that stormpike militia thread with the guy talking to himself. I need a break from wow.

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I know one. But putting that aside, I think to be a leader you need to be a risk taker, and risk takers have to have a healthy amount of self confidence, which at times may come across as ‘too much ego.’ I generally give leaders the benefit of the doubt because they are the ones putting their necks on the line. When it comes down to it, they are the ones who created and sustain the communities. If there were no leaders the communities would die. That wouldn’t be good for the game.

Should add i don’t always agree with all leaders’ strats or decisions, but i typically follow the direction as long as it’s not exploitive.

This whole situation stinks and is very sus.



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I’m with you on that. I’m currently disappointed with one of the main community leaders because I was in a match where he openly exploited in front of all of us. I didn’t say anything, but a bunch of players saw it and reported it. I reported it. Removed my character, and refused to rejoin. One of these days I might get to the bottom of it when I’m less disappointed but I’m not there yet. One of the reasons I’m on the outs with premades right now. It was over the line and affected 80 players.

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This is THE FRAAM:
Not enough!!!
Not ever enough!!!
NOT even CLOSE TO enough!!!
FRAAM need’s a little BUCKET of
in the mix!!!
By the FRAAM
SHARED with FRAAM to all her FRIEND’s
work’s TOGETHER as A TEAM!!!
FRAAM is PROUD of what we DO!!!
Thank you so much for GHOSTING
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tasty

ALL RIGHT’s reserved 2023

Still waiting for the day you guys actually beat me in a epic bg.

Ruthless, you are NOT even worth our time
to be concerned ABOUT you!!!
Plz be assured We love to win but NOPE
IMO you are just a pug group LEADER that
Is just annoying.
PLEASE don’t hold your BREATH cuz WOW
is not alway’s about YOU RUTHLESS!!!


Well when we have 35 I’m sure we’ll smoke you too.

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Zapey vibes. This dude is definitely Zapey. :melting_face:

Damn I don’t even talk to Deso but I don’t think he’s ever given me a negative/toxic vibe to him.

Is toothless a personal insult with something to do in real life? If so that’s kinda toxic :grimacing:

Fraam is not Zapey to my knowledge. Fraam is a wonderful, caring person once you get to know them.

He got under a few of our member’s skin being negative/critical, esp to the other healers. As Foo said, he is a great healer, no one disputes that. He snapped at another member and told them to pipe down. Little things that add up and ppl asked why’s he here if he’s a negative Nancy. We purge ppl who break the cardinal rule of don’t be a turd.

My nickname for Ruthless is a poking fun at his name, Toothless+the garden tool that you use that rhymes with bro :stuck_out_tongue: That’s what we call him. And yep, it’s may be as toxic as he is, but mostly I found it amusing. I don’t care about what he thinks.

TORTURE, you are AWSOME!!!
It is a PLEASURE knowing YOU!!!’mmmm❤️

Well Zapey was a separate account entirely it looked like. This guy types the same way with the random capitalization of words and spouts alot of weird mumbo jumbo.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh, I thought you were saying that to Deso :thinking:

Don’t you run with SAS though? And aren’t they full of turds?

Plz forgive THE FRAAM.
Let me look!!!’
NOPE not a duck……
PLZ let FRAAM know when you
cuz it would be a waste of
FRAAM’s time to explain it to
YOU since you are so uneducated.

All right’s reserved 2023

Nah, I stopped running with SAS when one of their leaders made fun of ppl with disabilities. They do have a good amount of decent folk and we try to get along with them as we encounter each other on the battlefield occasionally. It is the one person I have issue with.

Fraam, Alphon is very smart.

I certainly apologize.
I write in a Stylize way
Of writing.
It it is FRAAM.
We are writing’ a Book.
We are open to STREAMING
I just have to to get a lot
Older since I am 18!!!