Horde - Prepare for some TBC frustration

LOL, what a terrible idea. I am sure that would go over well.

Long ques for horde has been a thing for over a decade. I’ve always mained alliance but for classic I went horde to play with some friends. Ended up rerolling alliance after experiencing first hand how much horde ques suck. On a selfish level I hope they don’t add merc mode for horde because alliance deserves to have some sort of advantage over horde to incentivize players to roll alliance. I agree that the disparity will get worse in TBC. That said, perception is OP in arena so yay


im not sure if people have started reroll Horde, havent noticed that yet

But its true that there is a huge influx of ally pvpers that prolly arent gonna pvp in TBC right now

Do u have any current data on Server Populations?

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it starts with B and ends with lood Elfs


Yet there will still be a congaline of horde players who swear that the alliance racials are competitive and not leagues behind.

In every way.

No. Every rating, especially the lower ratings benefit heavily from this.


I hope it gets worse.


be lucky that the pve realms with high alliance populations are mixed in with all the other realms.

Also arena is not split by faction. So you’ll do more than fine.

That sounds cute, you make it seem like there’s more alliance premades than horde premades despite the INSANE gap in sheer population numbers.

Only from entitled horde who complain about it. They already are doing this. I hope they change arena to be split by faction.


That would be really horrible. sounds like you are asking for the very thing that…

Yeah this, you are asking for this aren’t you?

Nah, this is hindsighted because these threads are being spammed in this prepatch before this was made.

Dwarf Priest.

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Does this get any better in Wrath? I’m trying to figure out which faction to roll.

In wrath everybody re-rolls human because they become the best race in arena for extra trinket.

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For PVE.

((I’m referring to the ‘active ability’ racials.))

Take racials out of the game completely and I’d still play this orc shaman because of Warcraft 3.
I rolled the worst PvE racial in the game for a resto shaman, and I spend more time in PvE than PvP.

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I believe it will stabilize as more horde will drop out due to queue times . I do not think they they will introduce a retail mechanic like merc mode to TBC

'ate orde
luv me ally ques
simple as

That’s the cost of having better racials.

And while I do agree with you that said movement is generally a trend, such advantages are not wrong to be taken. I will say human’s Perception might still play a big role still due to many comps having a rogue.

OG Warcraft 3 players REPRESENT!
I have to admire seeing someone with the same point of admiration for how Warcraft was back then as me.
It’s why I prefer human paladin, and when I play a druid it’s female NE because I cannot see male NE druids without those glorious big beards from Warcraft 3.

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Wrath sets things to an interesting favor. Humans lose Perception and get Every Man for Himself which opens a trinket spot and makes humans the dominant race in PVP.

I will never forgive how much I hated TBC for the longest time as it was Blizzard’s implementation of BEs that butchered my home realm. We were pretty much 50/50 or at least it felt that way but once TBC came out so many deleted their Alliance JUST to go Blood Elf that the server tipped Horde heavily and slowly sank over the years. Eventually one day in Cata I logged in, 40-80 horde in SW.
Who list - 2 people including myself in SW.

I xfered that day but I will never forget it.

Much respect brother! Paladins in WC3 were super fun! I just don’t like the play style in classic vanilla.
Plus ghost wolf is BiS. :blush:

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Trust me, I understand that!
I tried, lost multiple of phases due to irl, came back and saw a ret paladin full BiS gear in SW going ham on a PVP geared Ele sham and the sham just outhealing them and I said to my self “Wow, they were not kidding about ret damage. . .” and decided to gear up in prepatch (which has been skewered.).

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At least ret in TBC ret can actually do something. I am outdated in gear minus the t3 shoulders I have. I got two shotted by a ret in AB.
I was actually excited that I got two shotted by a ret. It’s nice to see these “meme” specs become “mean” specs.
A good ret paladin is dangerous.
A bad ret paladin I feel pity for.

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of course they won’t address it. Well since it is a horde issue, they might. Just remember AV in classic. the advantage that horde had that gave them free wins. They couldn’t win at that rate in the other 2 bgs could they? Did blizz address the problem. NOOOOOOOOO. time to reap it.

Oh definitely!
Yeah TBC’s changes have made massive differences. I am here wielding (can’t rem the name) mace that turns into Rag’s legendary if you get the drop and every time I get onto someone they usually lose 50% from melee, Crusader and judgement, then they CC or run and the next time I get on them they usually die.

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