Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

I may actually quit the game if that ends up happening.


I’ll be soo angry if they pull the same stupid stunt again. So far though, from what’s been posted, the worgen/gilneans are taking the city by themselves and no horde has been seen within the city or near it.

Hoping it stays that way


Wasn’t it dataminded that the Horde have a parallel questline helping in some way? I hope that will be the maximal extent of their involvement. Having it any other way would be not just lorebreaking, but utterly disrespectful to those of us who have hoped and waited for 13 years like Voldemort did.


Yeah, you’re right about there being a parallel questline for the horde. But, I too hope that’s as far as it goes. Them even helping is gross to me, but can’t change that now.


The Horde PC gets to participate in the questline as well, yes.
Just like the Alliance PC was able to participate in the Return to Lordaeron questline.
We just don’t know if the Horde PC will need to do it in disguise or not.


If I was to guess, its going to be similar to Undercity being retaken where you talk to someone Horde aligned, they give you a little Worgen disguise, and you go ‘watch’ the whole thing go down.

The end result will, probably, be an Alliance city with Alliance guards and so on and so on, similar to how UC is still a Horde city with Horde guards, but there is a lot of open space for Alliance to hide much to my dismay (like the courtyard and throne room)


Well, the game has been focusing more and more on faction relations.
There’s been plenty of talk about dissolving the barriers between them. And it does feel like Blizz is moving in that direction. But only time will tell.

It’s possible once UC gets it’s own makeover that it’ll be open to the everyone as well.
And since we know Midnight concerns the reunification of Elves, Quel’thalas could open up as well.

There might be a future where you can visit any city, regardless of faction.

Obviously PvP has to still exist in some form. It’s a major facet of the game. But there’s plenty of wiggle room to explain it away story-wise.


The factions can be best besties whoever were besties for all I care, the FACTION CAPITALS should be strictly off limits though.

It’s gross even thinking of allowing the forsaken inside the very city they destroyed years ago.


For me, it’s more of a meta thing where I just want to hold onto the idea of the horde being a space for their monster races to mingle without alliance ones hanging about too, even if it’s just a minority percentage of the NPC allotment.

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You know, the last time someone banned the Horde from a party, things got a little…


I’m just saying.

No, but for real, keep your cool Victorian city.


Uh oh :slightly_frowning_face:

UH OH :worried:

UH OH UH OH :face_with_peeking_eye:

Listen man, you could’ve argued against me in multiple different ways… and you decided to string together one of the worst ethnonationalist takes I’ve ever seen on this forum. For the sake of my sanity and the sake of your image, I’m just gonna… not continue this discussion, because you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


If they do move toward the capitals being accessible to all races (don’t really want this personally), I’d like for them to at least keep a sort of Dalaran-esque gating for the visitor of the opposite faction.

As in, only main parts of the cities are accessible and trying to visit anything beyond that will have them insta-ported back to the entrance accompanied by a peaceful yet forceful side-eye.


Stating what WoW races and nations are is not endorsing the concept irl, but I guess you’re one of those who would also pearl-clutch about comparing Teldrassil to a real-world genocide when Blizzard based Garrosh’s trial on Nuremburg. If so, good riddance.

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I said you can stop being an idiot now.

Comparing the idea of Horde vs. Alliance to Israel vs. Palestine is really stupid.

You have no idea what you’re talking about, and that’s fine.

Just cut your losses and stop digging this hole.

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I shall join the chorus of voices saying “no thank you, I do not wish to have neutral Stormwind and Orgrimmar and the rest”.

It’s the old in me. Seeing night elves dancing on my mailbox dancing spots and packs of wild humans running around going all “BOR!!! BOR!!! BOR!!!” sounds very unappealing, and the only Alliance city work visiting is mysteriously gone for some reason that does not involve me in the least.


I mean you said a lot of thingsn all of which I refuted.

Good thing all I did was bring up real-world examples where people mention race in the name of a conflict, and that only happened in your imagination.

Can’t build a bigger hole than the one in your argument.

Seeing Gnomes of any kind bopping around in Orgrimmar would fill be with nausea. (Sorry Gnomes, love y’all but stay in your lane.)

Conversely, seeing as how the Horde is like 80% Blood Elf, that would fill Stormwind up with even MORE Elves and we have already hit our Elf capacities at this time, thank you.


Sadly, if neutral all-cities because a thing, I think it would take much longer to visually notice the difference Alliance-side.

“Awful lot more high elves today than yesterday. Weird that.”
“Yup, weird. Hey, is that an orc off in the distance?”
“Hmph. Can’t see, too many elves in the way.”

Meanwhile over in Org

“Get *OFF that mailbox, gnome!! And put your clothing back on!! We just don’t DO that here!!”
“Help!! Someone help!!! The drainos are doing that thing again, dancing in a line and just… Just help!!!”
“Sorry, can’t help, I’m being chased by a wild pack of human men shouting BOR!!!”
“Well run 'em over here and maybe they’ll get these gnomes off the damn mailboxes!!!”


Okay, you want to do this?
Let’s do this.

They aren’t hostile, considering that as a Horde player you can walk through Bel’ameth.

Okay, and that’s what they are. Doesn’t make those cities exclusive to them alone.

Very very wrong, my friend.
Most of the states in WoW are Nation-States, not ethnostates. There’s an ethnic identity tied to them, but not all of them are exclusively tied to one racial identity. Anybody can join or be a part of them in the same way anybody can go and become part of Germany even though Germany is associated with a particular ethnic group (Germans).

Not really a crucial aspect if this is going to be something changed in the future.

See, this is a REALLY stupid comparison.
Neither ‘Palestinian’ nor ‘Israeli’ refer to ethnic groups nor are both of them barred from walking around on the other side’s territory.

Palestinian and Israeli both refer to conglomorate entities which comprise multiple ethnic groups within them. Israeli in particular refers to a national identity and Palestinian is largely associated with a national identity as well. There is no ‘Israeli’ ethnic group, but there are ethnic groups that are associated with the Israeli nationality. Just as there is no exclusively ‘Palestinian’ ethnic identity, but it’s used as a term to refer to the bulk of ethnic groups which lived in the historical Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel on that land.

You have no idea what you’re talking about with this.

There’s also far more facets to this conflict than ‘People who want to change the status quo’ vs. ‘People who don’t,’ that’s a very detached and stupid thing to say.

It targeted Cambodian as an ethnic identity.
That’s why it’s called that.

Not sure what you’re even trying to say here because it’s so stupid my brain can’t even comprehend it.

Now, for the sake of both of us, leave it.
Going in this direction with the conversation serves nothing, especially when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


I agree there should be sections of a city which are not under sanctuary rules. Like for stormwind, it be the Keep.