Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

Dreadmoore is some kinda big smart bug.


Well, the big and the bug parts are right. :slight_smile:


I’m just here to be entertained :popcorn:


Orc Heritage Armor questline doesn’t even specify if Gorgonna stayed with the Warsong in Ashenvale or if she pulled them out of there because she did not previously agree with invading the Night Elves’ land.


Why would you say this when we’ve had this argument before and I proved you wrong last time?


No you didn’t. You stopped replying completely: War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise - #314 by Amadis-draka


She went home to the Warsong and have remained there ever since.

This is like when you tried to argue there was an azerothian night warrior before Tyrande despite no immortal remembering them or their name.

You make stuff up and die on hills.

Citation needed.


She never says where the Warsong currently are, nor does she state in the Orc Heritage Armor questline that she was returning to Ashenvale.


I don’t die on any hills. I just wait for you to run away when you can’t back up statements you made, like your claim that Shandris talks badly about a Horde player during the Chains of Domination campaign quests.


I am not a huge faction-conflict fan, but I personally am against Horde players being able to roam free in Bel’ameth. If it’s meant to be a replacement for Darnassus, and it’s neutral, why not extend that to all the other capitals?


Y’know, I think that too.

All other capitals should be free roam for both factions, you’re right.


Unironically I’d love that. Show the factions putting a tentative foot towards peace and awkwardly exploring a foreign culture.


No I don’t think so. Their capitals are supposed to be theirs.


Huh, weird.

I didn’t suddenly think that Oribos or Shattrath belonged to the Horde and Alliance when people of both factions can walk around in them :thinking:

Rather, with Shattrath specifically and Dalaran, they both just felt like modern day cosmopolitan multiethnic and multicultural cities.

But sure, if you wanna work off the idea that having people of different national, ethnic, and racial origins/ties walking around a city is a bad thing… go off I guess.

However, I, as a person who doesn’t think that, don’t immediately see a Human in Orgrimmar and suddenly think that the Orcs of Durotar no longer own or control their own city.


And that’s what not racial capitals are. They belong to their race. And none of them have a problem letting in their allies into the city. It’s still theirs when they do that. But this is a two-faction game, and the Horde and Alliance are hostile.


Were hostile. They’re supposed to be making genuine overtures towards peace if I remember right. In a moment of extreme realism nobody wants another BfA, not even the characters in-universe.


Except their relations have been continually getting friendlier and friendlier since BfA :thinking:

Yes, ‘racial capitals.’
I think you’re misconstruing the idea of race and nationality, I don’t blame you because Blizzard does this too.

I doubt that something like… say, a Bloodscalp Troll would be allowed into the Echo Isles with open arms, even though that’s the alleged ‘racial capital’ of the Jungle Trolls.

I wouldn’t expect the cities of Teldrassil or Bel’ameth to allow in Druids of the Flame, but they’re all the same race.

I think you mean they belong to a world power that’s predominantly that race…
Like, the Nation of Durotar which is largely Orcs… The capital of Orgrimmar is largely populated by Orcs, making it a racial capital…
Not that all Orcs are allowed to go there, or this is the capital belonging to all Orc-controlled nations… But that it’s simply just a city that has the largest population of Orcs in the world.

A real life example of this terminology is how Moscow is considered the ‘Chess Capital of the World,’ which is simply used to mean that it’s the city where the largest number of Chess Grandmasters live.

Again, letting in Neutral races or races of the other faction (who they’re currently becoming allies with btw) wouldn’t somehow make that capital no longer belong to a particular national entity. :slight_smile:


Horde can stay the hell away from Gilneas, thank you very much


Yes they are. But it’s unclear to me if they are still canonically fighting, mostly due to the pvp quests in Valdrakken.

Sure but that’s not the only alternative to stripping away all faction tension.

See above on that.

I am not at all. First off, I called then racial capitals because they are associated with a playable race. Second, playable wow nations are ethnostates with very few exceptions. Race is connected with nationality. And part of the fantasy of a racial capital is that it belongs to a playable race, with their allies allowed to visit, and the other faction is not.

If Bel’ameth is a replacement for Darnassus, then it’s missing a crucial aspect, the fact that the Horde can’t walk through it freely.

Let’s look at some other real-world equivalents, relating to this argument

“Um ackshually, it’s shouldn’t be called the ‘Israeli-Palestinian conflict’ because some Palestinians love Israel and Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah collaborate with them! Take that! It should be called the ‘Israeli and Palestinians who want to change the status quo conflict’”

“Um ackshually, the Boer War was only against the Boers who were against Britain.”

“Um ackshually, the Cambodian genocide wasn’t against all Cambodians, just most of them, because Pol Pot didn’t like them.” It should be called the Cambodian Cham, Buddhist, glasses-wearing, christian, ethnic Thai and Chinese, etc, genocide."

And it goes against the fantasy of a playable racial capital, and it doesn’t feel like it belongs to you, as a Night Elf player.

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