Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

At least let them have a ceasefire, FFS. This happens all the time in border conflicts and disputed territories.

To be fair, it was the Night Elves that turned down the ceasefire and armistice in general.

Yeah, at the time, it made sense (though it makes me wonder how or why they weren’t already wiped out by the Night Warrior). Well, after DF, it doesn’t make sense for them to not have a ceasefire…
The armistice ofcourse, is more official, but it was pointless anyway since Shadowlands, when Tyrande and Shandris started working with the Horde again.

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True. Exploring Kalimdor was set before Shadowlands, so we don’t really know what’s been going on in Ashenvale since then.

At the very least, the Warsong are still active, recently got a new chieftain and were featured in the Orc Heritage where they made no mention of leaving (or remaining in) Ashenvale, so it’s up in the air whether the Horde ouposts in Ashenvale are still standing

If they were to relocate, I’d have them settle either Mulgore or Stonetalon (or maybe Un’goro but I’m saving this one for the AU Mag’har LMAO)

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Gorgonna was opposed to her sister’s view of invading the Night Elves’ lands, but, yeah, besides her traveling to Ashenvale (though we don’t know when it was that she did so) the Orc Heritage questline didn’t make it clear what the Warsong are currently up to, only adding further to the sticking point left by Exploring Kalimdor.

The Horde has always had a hard time reigning in the Warsong, be it in Warcraft III, vanilla WoW, or Garrosh in general. In such a way, one ideal way to handle this situation would be to say that the Horde was having a hard time regulating the Warsong at Splintertree Outpost after Sylvanas abandoning the Horde, and that it was not until Gorgonna was able to claim chieftainhood that the Horde managed to get the Warsong to pull out of Ashenvale to end hostilities with the Night Elves.

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This is just me and my personal feelings regarding Ashenvale and the Horde.

The Warsong lumber camp is so close to Orgrimmar that I just don’t see them leaving it. But that should be the sole extent of the Horde’s lore presence in the zone. Let them stay there, on the border, preferably not lumbering, as a counter-point to the Alliance (Stormwind presumably) keeping outposts in Durotar (per Exploring Kalimdor), but in my perfect world it’s more of a watch post or trading post.

That said, if some revised (with fewer errors) Exploring Kalimdor said the Horde totally pulled out of Ashenvale, I’m fine with that too.


To be fair, Valormok is much closer to Orgrimmar, and as per Exploring Kalimdor the Night Elves were attacking it, too. The Horde withdrawing from the Warsong Lumber Camp in exchange for the Night Elves no longer attacking Orgrimmar’s back gate would resolve the hostilities.

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It’s like we say in ffxiv. Glamour is the REAL endgame!


Isn’t Talrendis still active as well? I never bought the book.

Yes, still be active all this time, as we saw in Legion, and as Exploring Kalimdor said still is the case. Talrendis is from where the Night Elves are launching their attacks on Valormok.

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And some of those NPCs still treat the Horde player as KIS.

Despite whatever book may say… each in game region is still locked to a speific point in time. The fighting in Talrendis is locked to Cataclysm.

That is indeed what inspired Copeland to have that continuing up to Shadowlands.

I don’t remember ever being asked if I wanted to help with any of it. I kind of just got dragged along. I know for sure that if given the option I would tell Tyrande to get bent and go back to doing things that matter to the people I actually have an incentive to care about.
You know, like a sane person who doesn’t imperil themselves for the people who lob death threats at them every five minutes.


You did not get asked, but you did sign the contract. Remember when you first got to the Waking Shore and had to write stuff down for the innkeeper, and you were so excited for a whole new land to explore and/or conquer and/or pillage and/or fly over that you skipped the fine print?

Yeah, you maybe shouldn’t have done that.

I was gonna make a joke about how you are only a level 53 warrior and therefore too little to be asked to help with anything, but I liked the first joke much better.


If you gear solely on PvP stuff you don’t need to help Tyrande at all.

Not that Tyrande needs our help, have you seen her back muscles? Thats from carrying her people on her back.


“Why would you want to save the world?”


They’ve consistently been pretty clear that Fyrakk gaining the power of the new tree would enable him to burn all of Azeroth. You’re not helping the Night elves specifically, you’re helping everyone on Azeroth. Including the people responsible for burning down their first tree.


I’m talking about everything before that. I didn’t give a squirt about Amirdrassil until Tyrande planted it and created Azeroth’s biggest liability.


I think that goes for a lot a people. No one cared until she made it everyone’s problem suddenly :bear:

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