Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

I don’t think anyone has forgiven it but at the same time I think people want to just move on because the alternative us still continuing a war and turning ourselves into the Great Glorious Alliance/Blood Horde.

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All these Horde leaders are a bunch hypocrites. They all defended Amirdrassil because their lives were at stake too. They act as if they did it to help Night Elves while still allowing their armies to invade their lands in Kalimdor.


I agree. Which is exactly why it makes perfect sense for the Horde Adventurer to be given a pass to walk around Amirdrassil.

Because it is unrealistic for the previously depicted night elf openness to rehabilitation to suddenly change their mind, just because the person doing that rehabilitation to be an orc.

It’s also very unrealistic for the night elves to act on some hypothetical meta-knowledge that a later book might fully canonize the in-game events that led to said rehabilitation that could possibly make it so that the events were all done by a night elf.

And all of that is doubly true given how hilariously unrealistic it is to keep conflating a single Horde adventurer to the entire Horde.

But frankly, you don’t seem that concerned about realism, given every unrealistic event I portrayed prior, and presumably in this post as well, keeps getting overlooked to return to the same unchanging statements. “The Horde is being allowed in, the Horde is unilaterally guilty, the Horde has not earned forgiveness, the Horde…”

The funny part, to me at least, are the real-world examples you provide which highlight how mind-blowingly unrealistic it is to compare Teldrassil to a real-world genocide. The entire Fourth War, from the moment Sylvanas decided to start fighting up to the end, lasted maybe a single year, with most kaldorie deaths happening in the first month, tops.

The events you list are years-long to decades-long conflicts, coming at the heels of decades more of political turmoil. The Bosnian and Kosovo war were all fought by the government against the people within it. Isreal’s war on Palestine is a conflict nearing a century in length with small periods of peace.

In every one of these wars, the victims wanted peace with their aggressors. The victims wanted the fighting to end. And given only one of those conflicts is about warring nations, it’s the only one that can fairly work as an example, and during those peaceful periods? Palestine has not made it national KOS policy for every Isreali travelling their lands, because the Palestinian government (back when they had a properly elected one) understood that would just lead to more death and war.

Your argument flies in the face of that.

And it is sick that you’re trying to compare these real-world horrors to a video game’s never-realistic potrayal.


The unknown situation with Splintertree Outpost and the Warsong Lumber Camp since Exploring Kalimdor is a very awkward sticking point to all of this, yeah.


On this note, I am annoyed Ashenvale is still partially controlled by the Horde. The Horde wants to make it up to the night elves? Have them LEAVE the damn zone once and for all. Maybe have an epilogue scenario set in Warsong Gulch.


Amirdrassil has not been opened up to the Horde, It’s only been opened up to those Champions who’ve been involved in getting to take root. Unlike Stormwind there is no direct portal in Orgrimmar, the portals in the city are unavailble for their use, and the invitation is only to stay the day as the Innkeeper isn’t taking Horde reservations.

The only reason to cop an attitude is that you want to express your hatred to Horde players. as if they need some sort of punishment.

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Horde players not being rewarded with a new city is not a translation of me wanting them to get punished.

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Quite, but it’s just the nature of the beast at this point. Silvermoon is going to lose something in its inevitable demotion to a neutral elf city in Midnight too. Detrimental as it is to the game’s races and factions, Blizzard’s present design philosophy is that whatever the content’s flavor, everyone should taste it.


You may want to stop believing we consider being able to access Bel’ameth a reward. We don’t care. I would rather have spent 10.2.0 elsewhere and played through a Horde-side experience while yall were doing Nelf stuff in the Emerald Dream. But they stuffed everyone into it and had us fight for Amirdrassil too, so of course the post-raid version would be accessible to us, they were not going to just… leave Horde players with less patch content.

Now they may and should revert the city back to non-neutrality after DF


The reason your continued arguments look exactly the opposite of what you’re trying to say now is that:

  • The whole Horde is not, by any argument, being given permission to just hang out on Amirdrassil. Even the Horde leaders who showed up at the final stages of the big fight are gone post-victory party.
  • The only Horde presence will be the Horde hero (represented by the player) who did just fight to save Amirdrassil and had been there to fight the threats as soon as they appeared. They cannot be “only fighting to save the world” because when they arrived, there wasn’t a known threat to the world.
  • In spite of both of the above being true, you have repeatedly dismissed them both with claims such as “they only even came to save Azeroth” and “well later lore might edit the Horde player out”. The former is debunked, the latter is disingenuous because we don’t know what later lore will even look like.
  • And your argument simply amounts to “Horde players should not be present at all”. This in particular looks like an atempt to punish Horde players with less content because there will be new transmog appearances scattered across the tree, and nowadays transmog and cosmetics are pretty much the biggest draw when it comes to content.

So yeah, it kinda does look exactly like your endgoal is as much about ensuring the Horde players get less content as it is about some nonesense argument that flies in the face of facts and reasoning.


There is also the whole diplomacy thing, being KOS on horde is less realistic than them being able to visit with proper supervision.

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In the end, blizz simply isn’t going to give horde players less content because a few night elf players are throwing a fit about them being in Amidrissal


To be fair, considering a scattering of transmog pieces as content is pretty generous. Unlike the Reclamation of Gilneas for patch 10.2.5, Bel’ameth and Amirdrassil aren’t even mentioned on Blizzard’s patch roadmap announcement. Don’t really know what much there will be to do that would take more than a quick fly through the zone.

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I was an active player during Warlords of Draenor.

A few peices of cosmetic rewards is more than a selfie camera.

Plus, again, it’s hard to deny that cosmetics are the new coveted reward system. Eleven new items to collect and probably not use is nothing to snort at.


Dragonflight is the first expansion that I did not actively play in until almost its second major patch. I have a fully fleshed out Garrison and painstakingly clicked the Inn recruiter week after week to accomplish this:

So I have to agree with you and say I don’t remember Warlords of Draenor having any end game content, no.

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Amadis, why do you have a full harem of female night elves?

Or is it a violation of the TOS to tell me?


You just damn near killed me, Amadis. I was sipping coffe, dang it!!

I approve of that answer and love that someone else asked it before me.


are those all npcs that appear at some point?

They made cameos in the Legion starting quests in Stormwind, but haven’t seen them since then I don’t think.