Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

We don’t know if lore wise it’s a horde character. For all we know the accepted pc version could be Alliance and a Night Elf.

Them being watched isn’t good enough. They shouldn’t be there in the first place. They shouldn’t be anywhere night elves. Or night elf lands at least for a couple hundred years.

Again a long lived race that experienced genocide isnt going to forgive. Neither would a short lived race as I pointed out with a real world example in a thread I wrote.

I don’t think neither you nor Blizzard understands the full ramifications of what survivors of genocide go through in terms of trauma. Not many are for the forgiveness and its not up to you to decide that they should just readily forgive.

We had Thrall, Baine, Rohkan, and Rexxar there helping defend Amirdrassil. Am I missing anyone? Seems a bit silly to exclude the horde PC from that list as well. Defending Amirdrassil was a joint effort.

No one is denying that the Night Elves have a fair reason to distrust and even hate the Horde. The Horde has just helped the Night Elves in a very big way though. That’s worth some good will.

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Lillian Voss, Lor’themar, Thalyssra, and Mayla Highmountain also showed up to defend Amirdrassil.


To be fair they didn’t do that out of pure and selfless act from their hearts. They all helped denfend it because their lives were at risk too.
And even if they really wanted to help Night Elves, a better way to trully help them would be removing any Horde presence from kaldorei lands and stop destroying their forests once and for all.

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Ok, sure. Fine. If somewhere down the line, Blizzard decides to write Chronicles volume 4 and within that volume, they choose to address Shadowlands and Dragonflight quest content so specifically that they even address the race of the characters who perform said quests, something they have never done in past volumes because quests are not raids, then sure. They might decide there was no Horde content. And at that time, they might also decide that no Horde ever set foot on Amirdrassil, so you should stop stressing it.

Azeroth is not the real world. Night elves are not a real people. Warcraft has not ever been depicted as behaving as a surrogate for reality.

The high/blood elves suffered a loss of 90% of their people in the Third War. Six years later, they have massive forces assembled in Outland and have befriended a race of freed Scourge, the same Scourge that caused their own genocide. About a decade later, this also long-lived race has grown in population at such an astounding rate that they have split off a third quasi-racial group with enough numbers that this small group can also field forces in numerous fields of engagement without worry about effectively genociding themselves.

The fourth War was such a brutal affair that both had depleted their trained soldiers and, by Anduin’s words, were fielding farmers. With effectively fully depleted armies for the two global super-powers, who have in the past shown they have extremely large standing armies, and drawing on the world force to fill in the gaps, you would be understandably concerned for what would happen a year later when a zombie apocalypse suddenly happened. There just shouldn’t be the bodies to prevent it from becoming an extinction event… And yet it was fine. So fine in fact that nobody bothers mentioning it five years later.

A super-massive foreign object struck Azeroth with enough force to cause the ground to rupture in distant lands. No tidal waves happened. The climate wasn’t affected. Areas surrounding the impact site were completely unaffected and contain intact structures.

A quick count of apocalyptic events that have nearly eliminated all life on Azeroth over the last twenty-ish years is approximately half a dozen to a dozen. Daily life is completely unaffected by this fact. There is no wide-spread existential dread that the entire cosmos literally wants to murder them, a fact with tangible proof backing it up. People don’t seem bothered by it whatsoever.

Night elven society remained entirely insular for ten thousand years. They suffered no culture shock when they were suddenly a part of a global superpower full of very different cultures and races. Their society went largely unaffected by this change. They seemingly shrugged and just went with the vibes.

Once more, I could go on. And on, and on, and even on some more about how Azeroth and its inhabitants defy all real-world logic. That’s without even bothering to mention the prevalence of demon-conjurers, undead super-soldiers and hell-forged super-soldiers being largely accepted into societies that have been seriously impacted by both the undead and demons.

But none of that matters. Because at the end of the day, the night elves have the longest history with demons, and only five or six years after surviving another demon invasion that tried to slaughter their people again, the draenie arrived and the night elves were not only willing to trust them after a single conversation, they welcomed them into their homes as permanent new besties. All because the blue demons said they’re not demons, and everyone accepted them at their word. Again, after numerous attempted genocides (and even some arguably successful ones).

In that light, giving one single Horde Adventurer that same treatment after doing far more than simply saying they aren’t the evil ones is far more realistic than making night elves suddenly selectively racist now, in spite of their proven record of being not that.


He’s not neutral, as per his Tauren-ness he prioritizes what is best for nature. In Before the Storm he had a nightmare Azeroth was dying. The Tauren believe Azeroth is The Earthmother. It wasn’t him wanting peace with the Alliance, he thought the most pressing issue was healing the planet.


'At the end of BFA Sylvannas tells her loyal player that she’s essentially cut them loose.

It must be hard being the voice of reason around here.


Haha, only sometimes. Only very, very rare times.

Most of the time, I’m unreasonable and goofy!!


Unreasonable and goofy is good! It makes the forums much more fun!


Not to take this thread off topic, but what’s WRA Horde like? I’m bored of being the only alliance on the server! I think it’s time to get back to my blood elf roots.


Well, I’m probably the worst person to ask. WoW is mostly a single-player game for me, and I don’t ever RP anymore. I’m more of an RP stalker.

But overall, I love it here. There’s always people in Orgrimmar, just about everywhere, and they’re always very active. Even beyond there, you’ll stumble across people in the wild.

My interactions with people from the server have been overwhelmingly positive. Far moreso than my Alliance server, MG. I love my Wyrmrestian people!!


WrA horde side is very active. It outnumbers the alliance by a lot. Where as on Moonguard, it’s the opposite. The horde is extremely small and the alliance is the most active.

I moved my vulpera hunter and Dracthyr to WrA horde. And MIGHT move my druid down the road :bear:


Tell me about it. The last time I really played WoW was back in legion and it was a pretty even split. Now I’m back enjoying dragonflight, and it’s a ghost town! So…DO IT.


Blizzard caused that by saying the Burning of Teldrassil was a genocide. They should also factor in realistic expectations. As should fans also comparing it to a genocide. Most genocides arent forgiven in five years and that trauma becomes generational. From the Holocaust to the Bosnian War to Kosovo to the Palestinian Conflict.


A lot of what Alynsa says is accurate regarding the sheer inconsistencies and how the races on Azeroth react to events. These inconsistencies have contributed to a death by a thousand cuts regarding my opinion of WoW lore. However…

I too really dislike the neutrality of Bel’ameth, even more so considering vendors are willing to trade with Horde and there’s even a hippogryph flight path for them. We can say all we want about ONLY the “Horde player” and two tauren being allowed, but that changes nothing in terms of gameplay. I could literally get on my orc warrior, put up my esteemed pennant and run around waving the Horde flag in the new night elf “capital” and all they can do is watch. I also fully expect the many Horde players who’ve been trolling for the last half decade to make good on their promises to grief and run around placing campfires or any other juvenile manifestation of “LOL WE BURNED YOUR HOME”


If you want to completely ignore gameplay and focus on lore, it STILL doesn’t make sense even then. Just because WoW has a history of nonsensical reactions from NPC’s, doesn’t mean we have to like it. There are the literal wisps of people that burned alive in Teldrassil now hanging out in Amirdrassil, and somehow they’re okay with the “Horde player” that participated in the War of Thorns to be able to waltz around the place? I’d rather Amirdrassil be a capital that Horde players could raid and attack like any other capital city, rather than this insanity. At least it keeps the faction interactions honest, rather than this collective amnesia riddled with toxic positivity where we’re all holding hands and relegating ALL responsibility to Sylvanas, as if she soloed the entire War of Thorns by herself.

Hell, if you’re that committed to Peacecraft, at least they could keep the outskirts open to Horde and the rest of Amirdrassil be a no-go zone, like the respective faction zones in Dalaran. This would be well within the rights of the night elves, considering the only reason night elf / Alliance players have to accept this status quo is because Tyrande (like many Alliance lore figures before her), got her half-assed “victory” and is now chill towards the Horde. As it stands, Amidrassil is as much the new “night elf capital” as Dalaran is a human city. It’s just a pretty, high resolution night elf village with 3 Alliance exclusive portals and a few vendors. Big whoop.

If a group of murderers besieged my home, burned my family and then proceeded to help me with the down payment for a new home, I’m not inviting them over for coffee, let alone giving them a spare key so they can pop in whenever they feel like.


Richard Attenborough begins

Today we observe the RP Stalker in it’s natural hunting grounds… the capital city of their faction.

It has cited it’s prey and begins it’s deadly advance moving slowly and slowly until the moment comes to strike.

Hey! Don’t deny it! You …were… ROLEPLAYING!

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Makes sense. in lore doesnt the horde get deathwing kill

moonguard alliance has the lionspride which is the erp-rp hub of that server

And again, without them, there would be no Amirdrassil. It wsn’t the factions that saved the day, it wastheChampions… and most of them were Horde.