Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

Extremely powerful technique/powerup that results in the inevitable death of the user is one of my favorite tropes.

The user surviving said unsurvivable powerup is also another trope i love.

Just in general self destructive powerups are just a cool concept.

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I’ll see myself out now :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m of the mind that turning off Warmode should make the other faction’s NPCs listed as just Unfriendly or maybe Neutral depending on your race. That’d be a cool form of luddonarrative world building.

And on the flipside you could add interesting things to do when attacking towns and cities in Warmode.


Best thing to use on scorpions is either clorox bleach or stick it in your washing machine. It’ll drown during the spin cycle.

Had a big one die that way. Though it mustve gotten picked up with the laundry.

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That said though, Arizona does have a serious water problem that it shares with the rest of the SouthWest… mainly there isn’t enough and one of the major aquivers, the Ogala, I believe it’s called is being drained a lot faster than it replenishes and the above ground water sources aren’t doing any better and it’s not likely to improve due to the evolving effects of what look to be a permanent climate shift.

Colorado River too. Not to mention that farm with the agratainment has a lot of water that they’re taking up. New homes being built, golf courses etc. Now that being said some towns do have underwater aquifers that they can tap into.

Though my small towns got tampered with by the stupid housing developments that thought building a man made lake was a good idea. But I think thats been nixed. Same with the alfafa farm too.

We did have decent rain last winter and this winter is looking to be rather wet. However to get out of this mess we need consistent rainfall for the next ten years so who knows.

Your point are just your usual troll spree.
We have chronicle which was written as objextive fact. We have BFA shadowlands and DF which was written that anything characters say can be wrong and you can only trust things that you, the player, witness when not being tricked by old gods.

There are no statues.
There are no flash backs.
There are no people in the entire game that know who this person was, because this legend was written to be a legend.

Tldr: You’re wrong.

Ok, how would a legend provide the exact rituals and step by step to achieve that power that works?

Reality becomes legend when time enough has passed.

Also, you’re using the argument from silence, just because one source doesnt mention an event and another does, doesn’t mean the event hasn’t happened.

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We have Chronicle, which was retconned before the Night Warrior stuff was even introduced into a non-objective record from the Titan’s perspective.

Can be doesn’t mean is.

The entire Night Warrior thing was written to be a part of that legend. The very legend is that the ritual exists.

That legend turns out to be true because we, the player, have seen the ritual and we, the player, saw it work.

No actually. Because all evidence still points to there potentially having been a hypothetical prior Night Warrior, even by your standards used to dismiss the possibility.

Except your entirely wrong idea that Chronicle not mentioning it should have any relevance whatsoever. Chronicle also doesn’t mention a prior war between the aspects and the primal incarnates. If by not mentioning a past night warrior, said past night warrior cannot exist… Then so too must Dragonflight be some shared fever dream, because their entire reason for war also does not exist.

You have no evidence. You have no proof.

All you have is a tantrum-like argument of “but I really don’t wanna be wrong,” which is par for the course.


Warmode should definitely be the defacto mode for when you want “War in Warcraft”, and when you don’t have Warmode on, you should be able to party with, whisper, and trade with players of either faction, as well as go to their cities with Unfriendly/Neutral NPCs.

It really allows them to push War Mode as a concept. Could even have capturable zones like the Warfronts, but without all the hassle that came from doing Warfronts.

You don’t have to treat any of that as canon, in doing so it allows them a lot more leeway in what they can do. War in Warcraft should be up to the players to propagate.




This post has changed topics so many times you’ve all forgotten what you wanted to argue about. I’ll try to give you all a hand.

Orcs are green pickles from another planet so technically the night elves could bum rush orgrimmar and it’s still not invading.

Tauren are great. Tauren rpers are all stoners.

I have no clue what the next tangent is.

Who cares if it’s neutral? Night elves shouldn’t have planted another giant tree.

120 degrees is hot but the problem with Arizona is not the heat. It’s that they’re the desert Floridaman and if you go to Flagstaff, ice Floridaman.

Something about night warriors but it’s all over the place…

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Inter-dimensional space demons acted up. Yeah, god decided to help them out, makes sense given they likewise were backed and made by their own god-like being. This isn’t refutation: Amirdrassil isn’t some solution to an impending demonic incursion lol… you can’t present these scenarios and boons as if they’re the same thing.


It’s amused me that simple human nature made for a more compelling war drama than anything Blizzard ever wrote.

Because if you play on PvP servers or with WM on you’ll inevitably meet cool players who show mercy and fight with honor, and completely ruthless bastards that will screw you six ways to Sunday just for the schadenfreude.

Human behavior inherently creates a story with heroes and villains on both sides.

And also people like me who tend to be on the nicer side but lack the self control to not mind control people off cliffs at every opportunity. I’ll stop doing it when it stops being funny.



Way in the forever ago, I had my WoW start on PvP servers. Ask me my memories from random people I met from TBC to now? There’s a couple people from dungeons who did like a single weird thing that stuck with me, maybe three or four total.

But that one year on a PvP server? The night elf rogue who camped outside the Booty Bay entrance, I got a few stories about him.

The gnome mage in Feralas who tried to interrupt my fishing, my gosh dang fishing and caught some arrows, only to ress, apologize and fish with me.

Or the gnome warrior who also found me fishing in Feralas, ganked me once, figured out I was doing my big fishing quest to learn 225-300 fishing and proceeded to chill with me and warn other Alliance away, then even managed to find me in Swamp of Sorrows, escorted me to a nice, safe island and made sure nobody bugged me.

Or the druid doing quests alongside me in Hinterlands, the smaller troll area, and we sorta teamed up until we reached the top for a quest mob we both needed and fought to the death to see who would tag him (only for both of us to die when we were at like less than half health and aggroed the mob).

Or like… Literally at least a dozen more stories from playing Horde on a PvP server. And probably nearly as many from leveling up my night elf priest on a different server. And that’s before throwing in the same-faction people I’d team up with, either short-term or long-term.

Nothing Blizzard writes about the Horde and Alliance fighting can stand up to my random memories of spontaneous flare-ups of Horde vs Alliance action caused by player interactions.


They felt justified in doing so when the Night Elves refused to come to an agreement about the lumber they needed.

Plus they could bring back the World Defense alert system. I miss that. I’ve very fond memories of battles in Darkshire, Menethil Harbor, Theramore etc.

Nowadays those zones are functionally abandoned to the point where it’s actually shocking when you do run into opposition.

To date my favorite recent PvP memory was an organized battle in the Swamp of Sorrows. We arranged it in individual groups. No broader raid and you could only use voice chat with your party. Everything else had to be communicated in game with /yell.

Was absolutely delightful. Culminated in a full on assault of Stonard with those bunkers seeing some serious use.

That was a lot more fun than any of the assaults Blizz actually planned out.


The Server phasing killed it. Back in the old days you’d have familliar faces and names in the rivals you faced in the Battlegrounds and Open World PVP. Now practically everyone you see is a stranger from another server who randomly phased into yours.


Back in the old days, I once had a situation where i and a Horde player were going through some Satyr cave apparantly on the same quests. Without communication we fell into a pattern where we alternated letting each other getting the first shot on the quest mobs we both needed to take out.

Quest done, we saluted each other and went our different ways into the sunset.


Very true. Used to be you could get a reputation and would be treated accordingly. In the long long ago on the Venture Co. a troll deliberate screwed up a raid we had on Ironforge.

The Alliance responded by tracking the guy down and mercilessly camping him. Several times. We might have been enemies in-character but OOCly we looked out for eachother and gave griefers what they had coming to them.

Nowadays though you’ll scarcely encounter the same person twice. Much to my annoyance as I’m still looking for that Mage that killed me on the last step of that very long escort quest in Revendreth.