Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

It is funny, because we only have a hypothetical character perspective (IE Maiev not knowing the name of a hypothetical ancient Night Warrior) to disprove that same character’s perspective that one existed.

But given that they knew the ritual even existed and how to perform it, and legends about an ancient Night Warrior backing that up, there is certainly more pointing to one having existed than one never existing on Azeroth.

The only other possible explanation would be that Maiev knew the legend from past Night Warriors from entire other worlds who then gave instructions on the ritual before poofing back to their home world, which seems much more of a stretch than just a pre-WotA Night Warrior whose name has disappeared into legends.

I dunno Dread. It really does seem more likely you’re just wrong.


No, it doesn’t, because the night elves have had no trouble remembering literally any important night elf’s name, with the exception of Finel.

These people literally keep their dead with them and you’re telling me they don’t know the night warriors name?


Also, again, we know how the nelf empire won.

Titan blood.

You’re making some big assumptions here, Dread.

  • Because Maiev did not name this hypothetical prior Night Warrior, she did not know the name
  • Maiev knows every single night elf to have ever existed by name
  • Maiev is among the very first batch of night elves and would have been around at the same time as the hypothetical Night Warrior to know this hypothetical Night Warrior’s name in the first place

None of those assumptions have anything beyond your belief to back them up.

By contrast, once again, Maiev did know of the existence of such a thing as a Night Warrior, and that it existed at least as a legend. This legendary state also came with a ritual to achieve it, which just so happened to exactly work. This legendary state also came with a severe drawback, which was exactly correct about the drawback.

Your baseless assumptions do not explain any of that.

Instead, it would require that your eidetic memory Maiev would remember a story of a visiting offworlder, but forget the whole part about them not even being a night elf in the first place, let alone from another world.


You don’t have to have eidetic memory in warcraft. The writers have had nelves always remember other important nelves. Even Jarod who is in absolutely no way important.

You have chosen to ignore any points made that run counter to your argument, rather than defend your stance in spite of them.

Jarod was a leader in the resistance against the Highborne, and you call him unimportant.

Dread, this would go a lot better if you argued in good faith. It’s starting to look like you realize you’re wrong here and just have no argument.


I live in Arizona. You know what happens during the summer when we don’t get ample amounts of rain during the monsoon season in the summer? The temperature climbs to near 120, and you can easily die from heat exhaustion if you spend too much time outside. Literally the sun is a deadly laser at that point. You don’t want to get those UV rays. You want to be inside in the AC, with the lights turned off.

Trees have died. Even birds. Also Night Elves thrive in the night. They’re grumpy because they’ve had to live in a human city for years and their sleep cycle is off. They’re largely nocturnal, you dingus.

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That explains a lot!!

Excuse me ma’am, we are not talking about a state some silly goof decided to put in a landlocked desert.

We are talking about a tree island in the ocean, set in a very northern climate. Basically an island in New England.

I live in New England. When we don’t get ample amounts of rain, we wake up from the weird dream about rainless New England, because it otherwise never happens. When the tempurature reaches 120 degrees, we just step out of the sauna because we live where people are supposed to live, not some post-apocalyptic desert state.

Amirdrassil is clearly set in New England-ish environs. Not death desert scorpionland Arizona. Silithus is set in an Arizona-esque land, complete with doomsday cults and too many bugs.

Words spoken by every single angry edgelord gamer. “It’s fine mom, really!!! I thrive… In the darknesssssssss!!”

They are very large, I agree.

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Are you implying Night Elves are not meant to be a nocturnal race? and that they are not at their best during night time?

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I imply nothing.

I blatantly state.

Night elves are edgy gamers who never go outside and stopped showering forever ago and need to touch Amirdrassil grass.

This is a forum where we discuss Lore not attack players.
Night Elves being described as nocturnal has been their selling point since their introduction so I don’t see what’s wrong with players asking for Blizzard to respect that aspect of theirs.
At least with this I now know not to take seriously anything you post.

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Weird theory, but maybe the skybox of amirdrassil is in constant sunlight to contrast with the unexplainable moonlight under the tree, which is where bel’ameth is. Reminds me, I think is in ashenvale, there is a spot with constant moonlight, even during the day, it is relevant for a quest.

Or maybe they haven’t implemented the day and night cycle yet.

I hope this is the reason.
I want to see a Moon in my new city.


Night elves are a World of Warcraft race and not real.

Claiming the in-game, not-real race are angry gamers living in elf trees should only be taken as a personal attack against you, the player, if you have confused yourself as being an IRL night elf, or if you are at least an actual IRL elf, living in an actual tree house.

Nothing I said here could be taken seriously by anyone reading it without some strange hyperfixation on their favorite race.

I think you need to take a step back and breathe for a bit.

Well, yeah. If I’m talking about elves living in elf tree houses being angry gamer elves, you probably shouldn’t have taken that seriously.


Don’t worry about it because I really don’t like wasting time in endless cycles of posting that leads to nothing.
As from now on I won’t reply to anything you say which I’m sure will make you happy.

I mean…

You have posted quite a lot about how Amirdrassil just plain sucks, can never be enough and they should change it, so I don’t really believe you.

And that’s fine, we all post a bunch of nothing that amounts to more nothing.

What would make me happy is if you could actually find a way to be happy for once. Seriously. You go out of your way to come across as a very angry person and it cannot be healthy. I’ve previously questioned you about this and you did not deny it, even confirmed it, so I think it is very reasonable to believe.

What would make me happy is some reassurance that you have not invested so heavily into playing a night elf that you’re not letting it directly impact your mental wellbeing. That you can reasonably read a post talking about elves living and elf trees and not think “this is targetting me as a person!!”

With that out of the way, can we resume talking about video game assets in a video game without some weird assumption that they are real objects affecting real people in the real world now?

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So that’s a common misconception. Arizona isnt like mostly desert. Usually people think about Yuma when they say that.

I’m about south east of Phoenix and it’s more of a brush. I get a beautiful view of two mountain ranges. And when I first moved here when I worked overnight, got a very beautiful view of the stars at night. Before they decided to build a grocery store and several other places around where I lived.

There’s still farms and farmland out here. One is known for it’s agratainment. (Whatever that means.) Northern AZ is more mountain or what we call the High Country. Where its not as hot in the summer and in the winter it snows. Like actually snows.

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It could very well be that Tyrande is the first to survive the end of her tenure.

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I believe it’s like agrotourism. People going to farms as tourists, but with more of a “hey, this is entertainment too” kinda vibe.

Otherwise no, I do not believe you, Arizona is just one single unbroken desert because that is what TV and movies have taught me, and TV and movies would never lie.

Actually you made Arizona sound rather nice, but I still would never go there because scorpions exist.

Now, back to more serious things!! Like World of Warcraft, very serious things!!

That’s been my assumption based on every bit of lore we have regarding Night Warriors. The reason we don’t know the name of Miss Hypothetical Past Azerothian Night Warrior sounds pretty self-explanatory; she did not last long enough after doing the ritual.

Every time Night Warriors are talked about, it ends with the NW’s death. It’s depicted as a big moment of mega-power to stop some suitably mega-bad, then poof, dead. It’s all so (relatively) quick, you might never know who it was that even did it.