Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

It depends one whether we are still questing there. If it is still part of the patch content for both sides, then it should just as easy to player for both sides.

Though I guess Horde players can always insist the if Horde players get watched and restricted to a ghetto, then the same thing should happen if there are quests in Silvermoon.

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After Bel’ameth becoming neutral, Silvermoon will welcome every member of the Alliance and the Horde with open arms without forgetting the great Amani in Midnight :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I hate the idea of any of the capitals going neutral. I still think it’s the dumbest idea they’re going with

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It is… for the most part, the difference for the factions is flavor, you’re not losing much from the fact that most of the inhabitants are yellow and you can’t bind your hearthstone there.

I’m not sure how much time we’ll actually spend there… it’s not a very large region, after all. It’s only a fraction of the size Teldrassil was.

The same thing can be said for having Horde players be able to use all the services there. An Alliance player isn’t loosing much.

You don’t care, that’s fine. I’m not sure I care a lot. But I am a little tired of complaints about NE players not getting everything they want while demanding the others get less.

The complaint is that the horde shouldn’t be allowed there at all. Which is valid, it’s basically rewarding them for the issue they created in the first place

Only way it becomes fair is if lordaeron or silvermoon goes neutral next. Which I personally hate the idea of any capital being neutral, but that’s me.

I still don’t get how the horde would be getting less if they weren’t allowed in the night elf city though


Bel’ameth encourages me if anything. If it’s made as clear to the Alliance player and their token reps that they’re very much guests in the blood elf capital, which remains the unequivocal blood elf capital, I’ll deal with it.


So… Amirdrassil is stuck on perpetual daytime to accommodate the rest of the races. Nice Job! :expressionless:

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No moon for you!

You are day elves now.

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I was flying through Onh’arah on my way to Amirdrassil at night watching the amazing black sky filled with million bright stars and the huge full moon only to be met by a zone in broad daytime with no Moon.
I was a sad elf at that moment :cry:


The Horde in general ISN"T being given a pass to the new city. There’s no portal for it in Orgrimmar. The city is giving a limited welcome to the Horde Champions who aided in Amirdrassil’s transition to Azeroth. They’re invited in for a limited time, but not to settle, not to make themselves at home.

The city has not gone neutral… In fact some of the residents there are still bloody hostile and you’re constantly reminded that the Sentinels are monitoring you.

Lordaeron City is still death to enter even for the Horde. My Forsaken Hunter found the Gineans friendly… at least for now.

Well, when the canon isn’t right we make up our own!

Amirdrassil is in a magic bubble of forever daylight which is the reason it was able to grow so big so fast.

All aboard the delulu choo choo toot toot

Having them use the Feralas Portal would be rather entertaining,

I would be perfectly ok if at least Horde Druids are viewed as friendly and get to use things in the city.


Yeah, my boy Hamuul can go wherever he wants. He’s an awesome Tauren in my book. Most of the horde druids are pretty decent folks


Anything is possible in the Dream.

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The reason Amirdrassil is stuck in perpetual daylight is simple and very easy to understand.

Night elves have been so grumpy for years because you do not go outside anymore and you never get healthy amounts of UV rays. Night elves stay in their elf tree houses, on their elf computers, visiting all the most horrible elf websites. This is also why Amirdrassil is so grassy, so you might even accidentally touch some.


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I always thought it was because they never got Snickers Bars.

Before Snickers

After Snickers


We’ve been told character perspectives can be wrong. Maiev never met the legend that doesn’t exist. No one did. The night elves did not have a night warrior to conquer the planet. They didn’t need one.

They had the well of eternity.

The entire patch gets focused on just the Night Elves. But “Oh no!” you mean that Horde players get to play the game too?

If they didn’t want Horde players around, they should have made it Alliance content and given us some long overdue development of Horde lore. But no, everything gets developed for Alliance players and forced on Horde players, and then we gets complaints that we aren’t excluded.