Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

I like it personally. Shows that the kaldorei are no longer a predominantly nocturnal race and are adapting to a changing world

But that’s me

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Yeah i like it too. The High elves didn’t make up a sun to worship so if they really are trying to breach some gap between Night Elf and Quel’dorei culture starting small with solar motifs is a start.

Albeit it does feel like ripping off a bandaid after years of conditioning that these cultures are polar opposites and at war.


Honestly, I’ve always had a bone to pick with Druid celestial motifs.
I would have much preferred Balance to be more “green”.
Insect Plagues, Vine Whips, Razor Leaves.

I get that Moon, Sun, and Star stuff is very Druidic. Both in common fantasy media and in what real-world inspiration they pull from.
But in WoW, the Druid’s celestial themes are nearly uniquely tied to Night Elves and Elune. And I kinda hate it.

Druid is a class that already struggles to distance itself from Night Elves. And an entire spec is essentially “Night Elf the Caster”.

Also Moonkin look dumb.
Do something about it.
No, really. Do something about that.
Let me drood without being a chicken and without using an instragram filter.


Moonkin is fine, there’s nothing wrong with it. Another option to cast as yourself would be nice to include. But we should stop trying to take things away because we happen to not like it

I agree. Gylph of Stars always.:last_quarter_moon_with_face::stars:

There is lore to support Moon and Star iconography since Night Warrior myth says Elune took the greatest warriors who died on the battlefield and turned them into constellations in the sky to join her war. We saw that with Y’sera in Legion.

In the story The Embrace it seemed like the Pale Lady and the stars had almost a judgemental view of the Sun. But who takes fairytales that are not “canon” seriously anyway?

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Night Elf npcs should be unfriendly with Horde characters but they could be allowed to come in this territory.

I could see DKs, darkfallen and DHs being friendly towards horde characters.

The illidari and Ebon blade sre both factionless groups that take priority over their racial factions, darkfallen have been part of the horde for a good 2 - 3 years.

The warlock part is interesting though.


I visited with first with the Human Mage I decided to main this segment for a change of pace. Then faction changed her to a Nightbourne Mage (easy to do on the PTR) and also tried getting a lowbie in.

It’s friendly to Alliance but neutral to Horde.

Also, Horde can’t bind their hearthstones to the Inn nor make use of any of the portals. plus the fact that apparantly there are some NPCs that will kill Horde on sight.

There’s also a flavor debuff that reminds Horde players that the Sentinels are keeping an eye on them.

Alliance has portal access to the city from the expansion floor of the Stormwind Mage Tower. Horde has to get there the long way around.

My level 1 Human Hunter was able to pass through (that will probably be fixed) but the return portal said it required level 58!) however had no problem using the Darkshore portal. The NPCs scaled down to level 3 but the wildlife outside remained 70, so she wasn’t doing any taming there!

Well you can’t use the innkeeper, and presumably the profession npc’s, like the tweets I linked said.

I later race changed Drahliana to a Forsaken Hunter, I had done the Lordaron quest but Blight still keeps Undercity inaccessible.

However everyone is friendly in Gilneas… if oblivious,so that’s clearly at a very early stage yet.

At level 70, no one is using the profession NPCs. :slight_smile:

Haha getting curbstomped as a Horde by a NE sentinal. Niiiice. Feels like home :joy:

The world is healing.

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I actually tried my best to get stomped on my visit as a Nightbourne but I was running out of time before work.

I actually had to make two because the first one got touched by one of those fling sky terros was instakilled and her ghost is sentenced to perpetually fall through the world…can’t evenlog back on o herfor more than a few seconds.


That’s why I abandoned SL beta. Somewhere Ren as ghost is falling forever in the Maw :joy:

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It’s nice they’re making the place feel a tad uncomfortable for the horde. Kinda makes sense since the kaldorei are the only ones who still strongly distrust the horde

Seems blizz is listening, even if it’s a little bit


On the other hand, with all those strategic portals to major night elf areas, The place is alot more than Darnassus 2.0, It’s Night Elf Central in a way no other race capital has been before.

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I do. Even if I don’t, it still has the effect of making the city unwelcoming to Horde.

That’s true. I see it as a good thing though because now the kaldorei can move their forces at will to whatever zone needs them.

If the game followed any sort of logic that is

Kaldorei, back to being the superpower on Kalimdor.

This is making me more and more nervous about Silvermoon being “neutral elf city.” I don’t like it one bit. But I’m saving my outrage until it actually happens.


I think this is the future, right here. All cities should eventually open up to everyone, where the factions still very much exist, but the situation is just reminiscent of traveling internationally to a country that isn’t on great terms with your home country. You can do it, but you can definitely tell you’re being watched and awkwardly stick out like an unwelcome tourist.

Moving from friendly+hostile cities, to friendly+unfriendly cities. The situation is ripe for some peacetime aggression, where flavor NPC visitors and temporary residents from the other factions are harassed by guards for papers, visas are “conveniently” lost, and so forth. The war is gone for good and you can technically visit any city, but faction identity survives through lingering distrust.

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