Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

It’s always been a thing, it was just never something that was in your face. Moonkins are unique as they’re the only casters with a Day/Night cycle depending on what spells you use that buffs your spells

And I would say Druidic magic has traditionally focused more on the life/maintaining the natural order side of life magic than anything else.

As I said, Moonkins are the only ones with the unique celestial aspect when it comes to casting. Which I suspect has more to do with the duality of Elune herself than anything else.

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No they haven’t.
Druids used to be all about Nature magic. They use Nature magic to heal and to attack.
The odd one was always Balance with adding some Arcane magic drawn from the Moon (hence Moonkin).
It was only since Cata that Blizzard chose to rework Balance turning Wrath (which was green representing nature) into Solar Wrath (now yellow). They also introduced in that expansion the Night Elf racial that gives different stats depending on Day or Night time.
Even the most recent examples are the Trading Post rewards. The SaberCat that is supposed to be used by Wardens or something that turns yellow during day and white during Night, as well as the Warden Set.


Yeah, that’s normal for druids. Sun is part of nature it makes plants grow.

We’re at least getting a green only warden set alongside the other one, so that’s a plus. I’m 5 months away from getting mine and I can’t wait to wear it on my worgen.

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I’m not denying that. We all need the sun to survive. I’m just pointing out how things have been changing from what we knew at the begining.
What I don’t really like is the implementation of Solar Motifs to Night Elves. That’s why I’m really hoping Amirdrassil doesn’t end up with its current perpetual daytime skybox.
With the Warden Set I remember when it was announced almost a year ago, they named the 2 colors “Solar Warden” and “Moon Warden” or something along those lines when they should’ve just named the green one “Warden Set” because it’s their default armor.
Hopefully when they release the individual colors, they scrap the “solar” part of the green one.


Not sure if anyone else posted this, but Bel’ameth is apparently much less neutral now.




Remember in the fairytale book when the Pale Lady “usurped the sun.” I wonder what that meant.

I honestly think the reason introduced the solar stuff into Kaldorei lore is to show that they’re no longer a mainly nocturnal race and are adapting to staying up with the rest of their allies/everyone else.

They’re no longer the dominate power on Azeroth and can’t afford having half their population sleeping centuries away in the Emerald Dream

It’s how I see it at least

This is what I was hoping we’d get. Horde players can walk around, sure. But they don’t get to use the services (except apparently in one area). I feel it’s a nice balance between “this is night elf land” but also “I mean, you did kinda make this happen, so we probably should let you visit it”.


Did you see the new SoD lore that had NE’s worshipping the Light? Crazy. I wonder where they are going with that.

Yeah I saw… I’m using a Night elf Druid (shocker XD) and a NE Priestess.
That had me rolling my eyes for a while but at the very least they said something like they shouldnt forget Elune’s teachings.


I think it’s just meant to depict that the races within each faction share their beliefs with each other. Share their beliefs to the point that they’d convert to another faith.

Don’t think there’s really any massive implication to that beyond ‘these races are made up with individuals all with their own individual beliefs.’

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I think it’s ridiculous people take issue with this. As if there aren’t outliers in every group who would gel better with other belief systems. The races should never have been monoliths of singular beliefs and alignments.


I feel like they never really were tbh.

Like, Blizzard usually depicts a baseline ‘norm’ for most races but I don’t think they ever explicitly discount the idea of ‘outliers’ among them.

Not really sure why the community has this perception that exceptions or individuals that break societal norms are an unthinkable thing, when Blizzard has never really told us it was ever an impossibility.

Even in older lore sources that people often point to as being less nuanced or especially bad at portraying races or peoples as not being monolithic, even they usually give examples of races breaking with standard traditions (like a Human member of the Horde in the Warcraft RPG).

Feel like Blizz has definitely made some steps forward with depicting people as being less monolithic and showing us individuals that break societal norms… Yet people seem to complain about that endlessly, for whatever reason.

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A race social belief or identity shouldn’t be molded or reflect to accomodate some outliers.
If Kaldorei, also called Night Elves, a nocturnal race devoted to the Goddess of the Moon suddenly are depicted as Sun followers then it is a big deal.
Keep in mind I’m not saying this is happening… we are indeed getting sun motifs but there’s no indication a shift from Lunar to Solar is taking place. I started these comments just to point out an increasing push by Blizzard to add some Sun to the Night Elves and my dislike with how Amirdrassil looks like it’s always summer on daytime around the clock.

I mean, as you said, I don’t think there’s anything indicative here beyond a single Night Elf being converted to Light worship.

Just like… an individual who found that faith attractive, or found something within it that spoke to them personally.

Think that’s fine to have for a throwaway quest, nothing game changing about it.

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I do admit I got carried away with how Amirdrassil is looking. I’m still cautiously optimistic this around the clock bright daylight is just something will be fixed as soon as next patch is ready.

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In fairness, this informs my current theory that certain facilities - Uldir and the Chamber of Heart among them - may have been built by one of the Keepers without obtaining the input or authorization of the rest.

In particular, the highly invasive nature of the experimentation in Uldir doesn’t really sync with their standard “isolate and contain” treatment of Old God corruption elsewhere, perhaps indicating that whoever built it may have been looking for more proactive and aggressive approaches to addressing the planet’s infestation that differed from those methods already sanctioned among the titan-forged and which the other Keepers wouldn’t have necessarily approved of if they’d known about it.

The Horde should be allowed in until maybe TWW as a thanks for their help. But after that it should go full Alliance. Then at the Org Trading Post there can be a neutral Night Elf who sells surplus stuff from Amirdrissil, so they can still get that gear.

I’d ask the same for the Undercity if the Alliance helps in some way.

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The solar motifs started appearing in cata. Before that, it was just nature and moon/star celestial motifs. I remember quite clearly how several night elf mains/druids complained about it.