Horde players showing up neutrally on Amirdrassil

I find it short of hilarious Ra-den, a titan keeper, lacked the security clearance to know of the chamber of the heart but MOTHER somehow did.


MOTHER knows best!



That looks like you put on a MOTHER costume just to do the dishes.

well how else was she supposed to scrub off that old god corruption from your shiny lootz.


Zekhan canonically think’s the Dark Portal was in Azshara thought doesn’t he

Taken a step further, i’d argue a lot of Elune’s lore prior to BfA showed that she also wasn’t the kind of god to coddle. Like if she wanted to, especially with the Night Warrior, she could’ve have Azshara killed and the Highborne deposed when their imperialism started. But in the same way that the books describe that she doesn’t even ask constant, endless service of her most faithful and ardent, she also lets them make their own mistakes. She’ll show the horse the water but wont make them drink. It fits in with this idea of the Kaldorei as a self-sufficient and self-conscious race. They have access to these things- but try not to be reliant on any of them generally. (Compared to the other elves, who are immensely reliant on big sources of power.)

I feel like they completely lost sight of that with this story though.


I never get tired of this picture.

Zekhan conflating the portal in the Well of Eternity that was letting the demons through with the Dark Portal is not unreasonable, given that in description rather than in name that’s what it was.

Though, yes, obviously a mistake on Copeland’s part.

When one of her priests in desperation asked for a means to combat the Legion, she handed her a Scythe which she could not master and summoned a forbidden race that ultimately left her dead half a world away from her home.

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I dunno my dude.

Elune didn’t seem to mind when I used her power to shapeshift into a fire tornado and wreck face in Desolace.

What aspect of Elune is associated with fire tornados?


Inside of all of us, is a little person who wants to just watch the world burn.


The same one who crossed an owl with a bear and gave it sun and moon lasers.

Elune’s “wouldn’t it be cool if…” aspect.


We don’t talk about the lazer death bear-chicken. He wil dance and moon fire enemies to death


Elune is the reincarnation of a Night Elf mad scientist from the future who traveled to the distant past.

Basically Doc Brown with Ears.

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Well… she gave them Moon Lasers… Blizzard then started shoehorning the Solar Theme.

Because it’s her secret weapon. What you don’t know, is this

This is what happens when a solar blessed death chicken goes nuclear

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I believe it was the new Night Elves expansion that started the war, as it’s said that the trolls tried to stop the Kaldorei expansion and that the Night Elves started their rise by defeating the nearby troll tribes. Keep in mind that the troll nations were quite peaceful with each other at this point in time as it’s even said that they didn’t really clash outside of a few border skirmishes as they were quite isolationist. What would be the reasoning to fight some far-off group not even in your territory you don’t have beef with? And we know that the early night elves lived in peace with the world at the very start while being taught by Cenarius (whose teachings would be largely forgotten during the empire until Malfurion started studying under him) As it’s said that it’s during Azshara’s reign that the Kaldorei would expand and starting to explore the world. From what we know pretty much the only place where this ancient night warrior could have been present to “secure Kalimdor” would have been during Azshara’s reign. As we don’t know of any large pre-Azsharian conflicts of the night elves, and they seemed to have lived in peace before the highborne made them expand.
I would also like to point to the ancient Elune temple in Desolace. Where there’s a pair of artifacts that was used to offer Elune the weapons and flesh of the Kaldorei enemies in return for her blessings. Elune has many faces, not all of them peaceful.

Edit: I just realized that there’s the earthen-kaldorei war that was apparently quite harsh that I forgot about, but we don’t actually know really anything about it outside that the ravencrest family and castle were crucial for the victory. So maybe it’s possible the night warrior was in that war? But I don’t think it fits the narrative as it is a major thing that the victory is attributed to the ravencrest family.
There’s also the vrykul conflict where they kicked out the highborne from Stormheim, so that’s a loss for the highborne so it can’t have been the one where the night warrior was used, as by this point in time the night elf empire must have crushed the trolls since the broken isles are firmly in troll land pre-conflict.
Either way all these fall within Azshara’s reign.

Edit 2: A bit off-topic but I believe we have a rough date for when the troll-nelf war happened by comparing lore events. And the date for that war is roughly 12,2k-12k years ago. We know the night elves lived for at least a few hundreds of years in a peaceful small state, and that it was Azshara that made them expand.
Now keep in mind that the Mogu had their first empire which should be roughly 15k years ago when Lei shen got to power. And when this empire was new they were approached by the Zandalari and made an Alliance that lasted all the way until 12,2k years ago, yet we have no info of the Mogu also fighting the Kaldorei alongside the trolls, which is what would have happened if they were active during the troll-nelf conflict, so clearly it must have happened at some other point in time when these two empires weren’t allied and it does not make sense for it to occur before the troll-mogu alliance, so it must have happened after.
This also fit in nicely with the first actual date we have from Azshara’s reign, which is that she had Eldre’thalas founded roughly 12k years ago. It would be the perfect time for a fledgling empire to expand since the old two largest powers on the planet had just been dealt a huge blow.
Also explains why the zandalari became so desperate for the fertile land promised to them in pandaria. After all the Zandalari (and the rest of the trolls) lost at least 50% of their land to the new Kaldorei empire.
Here is a map overlaying the troll empires and the kaldorei empire.


We don’t know that Cenarius was a general teacher among the Night Elf culture. We know that he taught a few individuals who became Ancients as a result but he seems to have been largely ignored as the Kaldorei became more intense with researching the Well of Eternity, demonology, and arcane magic in general.

It seems that Tyrande, Malfurion, and Illidan were engaging in the equivalent of teenage rebellion by seeking tutelage under the Wild God as they were the first to seek instruction without turning into walking trees.

We don’t know… we don’t have a chronology prior to the Sundering that tells us when her reign started or her activities before pimping herself out for the Burning Legion.

At the very least he had an influence on the early nelf culture, but yes he was increasingly ignored/forgotten as they started favoring the well, etc.

No, it’s clearly stated that some don’t leave. It’s also stated that fewer and fewer kaldorei sought his tutilage as time went on, and that it was he who guided their culture on the path of respecting nature before they went full arcane snobbery.

We are quite explicitly told that she expanded and had the night elves explore the world. We also have a date for Eldre’thalas which she had founded, which is 12k years ago so by that time they clearly had started expansion.
And why I say these are during her reign is because these wars refer to things that are in lands that used to be troll land, so they must have happened post-empire expansion. Again we know Azshara really is the one to have started and we know she was the Queen during the troll conflict.

Haven’t solar motifs always been in the druids skill set?

Nothing shorehorned about it. Arcane has always had a celestial aspect. Isn’t druid magic just Arcane/Life magic?

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