Horde players list things that would make you go alliance

I can’t tell you how much I hated the BFA garbage horde story…

I honestly did play a lot of alliance in 8.1 and 8.2. I just couldn’t stand the elf corpse and her lap dog.

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Not in my experience either.

I went alliance 'cause I find horde races ugly… too many edgy players playing out their fantasy on the horde lol.

Now I saw the Belf Customizations for Shadowlands and am rethinking things sadly lol.

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That’s one thing I have noticed. I dunno why that is.

Absolutely loving the irony here. :joy:


Human (not fatboi) Druids

That’s it.

There is literally nothing that could make me want to play this game from the alliance perspective, what got me into wow was the ability to play from the “monsters” point of view. I just am not interested in the Alliance or its lore.

Alliance protect their trees better.

haha, you’re kidding, right?

Horde is full of kids that think if they swear and be unpleasant they could be mistaken for adults. There are also those on the alliance, they are everywhere. There is no “mature playerbase faction” just you might luck out and find a mature guild within one.


Alliance more monster races also, though particularly Sethrak, would be the only thing for me.

Alliance is exactly the same. The more you know.

,and we get to kill off the banshee.
Talk about plot armor: first we get expacs about ORCS and now its all about every fanboi’s waifu.

Alliance do have “monster” races. You ever seen a Gnome? Disgusting creatures.

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Clearly you’ve never read the forums whenever the Horde thinks the Alliance is getting something.
‘‘Waa, thats not fair! We should get it too.’’

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The Alliance story will probably always feel like classic fantasy D&D human-centric stuff; that’s sort of the point. I like that the Horde feels like they are what would have happened if you developed a classic antagonist and gave it motivations that justified why it thought its actions were morally correct. Some of the expansions have taken a dump on that and haven’t highlighted the hubris or frailty of the Alliance enough. If they considered making the story more about moral gray areas, I might be willing to play Alliance (the BFA Alliance story was really intriguing and worth playing through).

Also, if they made Vrykul a playable race.

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Yeah I might have to disagree, Oceanic has 2 big realms, 1 for Horde(Barthilas), one for Alliance(Frostmourne)

I’m pretty sure one of those realms is already well known on the forums, I wonder why…

Nah: keep 'em Alliance, where we can keep an eye on them.
Move ALL the Elves onto a third faction! There’s more than enough of them!

I don’t see any irony at all.

The only ‘spotlight’ they’ve given Anduin is his current domestic issues.

yup, i said that