Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that belves have an entire class exclusive to them. Or that for almost 10 years they were one of the only races in the Horde with good posture and looked good in every transmog. Or that until this January if someone wanted to be a Horde paladin they had to choose between an elf or a tauren.

also i was on the forum for zandalari to lose monks and gain locks and i just noticed your name on that too. thats a coincidence. your point was kinda dumb. no one wants them to have all classes just give them something that makes sense

It’s Fallynn’s fault, not Blizzard’s.

Not really. Back when Zandalari classes were announced people were saying that they should lose monks and gain warlocks. I remember making the argument that they should have both.

Ok so then we agree that the “distinct” or “fantasy” races dont attract people as most horde players said.


Except that’s not true because a lot of people play those races. I’m pretty sure almost every Horde races that you keep calling unpopular is still more played than a dwarf.

nope u said the opposite. that they shouldnt have all non heroic classes(which i agree with) but they shouldve had locks instead of monks. you said that we did this to ourselves

yeah while i am tired of belfs orcs and tauren are way more played then worgen,dwarves, and gnomes.

What? They should have all non heroic classes. It makes no sense that they can’t be warlocks.

The last post about that subject that I made on the old forums was me saying that you can argue for Zandalari warlocks without throwing monks under the bus.

Yet almost half of the horde play Blood Elves. Alliance has concentration of players in 2 races, the horde only in 1.

Oh, High Elves mean nothing to me. I’m just curious as to why there’s such a large push back to their creation.

How do you figure? Because it doesn’t make sense to me that people choose to play Alliance… on a server named after one of the most famous Orcs in the history of the franchise???

Beyond all this stupid chest-thumping about the moronic factions, I think that’s a valid question.

You’re ignoring a simple point; there are two classes of players regardless of faction: PvE and PvP. It is quite clear that there are about four times as many PvP players on the horde side than Alliance, hence the long queues even WITH Merc Mode.


WAAAAAAY better than Dark Phoenix!
Don’t forget to wait, there are TWO credit scenes, one is at the very end.

Turn off warmode. Problem solved.

Make blood elves uglier. That would even it out quite a bit. You want pretty? The alliance is waiting for you :slight_smile:


Yes, people play Tauren and Troll. And Undead, too. Each of these races on their own outstrip Draenei in both absolute character count and percent of total population. Staying with the same data for level 120 characters in NA:

Human 28.5 Blood Elf 36.7
Night Elf 26.9 Orc 14.4
Draenei 8.8 Troll 10.3
Void Elf 7.5 Tauren 9.8
Dwarf 6.3 Undead 9.7

Ah, the Meme Race mockery.

Let’s talk about that.

While it is true that the Horde has “a” tall humanoid meme race comprising 36.7% of its population (note: 36.7% != "about half), the Alliance is dominated by two of its own comprising 55% of its population.

Removing these three wildly over-represented races (and their contributions to total) better illustrates the reality of each faction’s racial mix.

Draenei 8.8 Orc 14.4
Void Elf 7.5 Troll 10.3
Dwarf 6.3 Tauren 9.8
Worgen 6.0 Undead 9.7
Gnome 5.8 Nightborne 3.8
Dark Iron Dwarf 3.2 Zandalari Troll 3.7
Pandaren 3.0 Goblin 3.5
Lightforged Draenei 2.6 Pandaren 3.1
Kul Tiran 1.4 Mag’har Orc 2.8
Highmountain Tauren 2.1
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years ago, the top players went horde for racials.
other players followed them
other players followed those players
their guilds went horde
more guilds followed because more mythic raiders were horde
etc. etc.

rinse and repeat for 10+ years.

and now you have today. the majority of mythic raiding happens on hordeside. the majority of end-game players are hordeside. it’s a self-perpetuating problem that only gets worse every tier as more and more organized groups throw in the towel, say goodbye to trying to recruit alliance side and go horde.

it has nothing to do with racials today. it’s simply a problem that has compounded itself over the years, and continues to do so.

there’s also nothing much blizz can do about it. what could they do to entice a raid from horde-> alliance when the pool of potential recruits on hordeside is so much bigger?


population =/= raiding population, or pvp population.

those players (at least in the case of mythic raiding pop) have largely gone horde.

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I mean, I’m going to believe a Blizzard employee over some random forum troll having a fit on public forums. And Blizzard has come right out earlier this year and said that the population is within a few percentage points of being even.

The factions are fairly even. It’s that Alliance for one reason or another have little interest in most group content.

At this point, they really just need to make things cross-faction.