Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

I see a good mix of races in the Horde. Maybe the reason you only see blood elves is because you’re looking so hard for them. Case dismissed!

O really, then how did the HM Tauren and Nightborne become AR’s months before Legion ended?

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Yes, you took him out of context. Because he was not talking about the entire WoW story. He was only talking about one specific aspect of the WoD story. Trying to apply that to other things, immediately means you took it out of context to push an agenda.

Just because you want it to apply to all of WoW, doesn’t make it true.


My memory may be fuzzy. Didn’t you have to pre purchase BFA to access the ARs early?


Then let’s filter to just level 120 characters in North America.

January 2019:
1.164 Million Alliance characters (45.8% of Total)
1.376 Million Horde Characters (54.2% of Total)

July 2019:
1.740 Million Alliance characters (49.5% Change; 46.4% of Total)
2.014 Million Horde Characters (46.4% Change; 53.6% of Total)

On my main realm the place is absolutely crawling with Alliance with Warmode off, and few Horde are seen even in the cities save for some peak periods; with Warmode on, the reverse is true. It’s the same on 3 of 4 other realms on which I play casually.

Whatever the cause of Alliance’ poor representation in mythic and PVP content, it’s not because your faction is dead or dying relative to the size of the Horde.


nah fellow belf ima have to agree im getting tired of seeing blood elves

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You can’t have it both ways, either i didn’t quote him or i did.

I took him directly IN CONTEXT when talking about the WARCRAFT FRANCHISE. I hate to break it to you, but the WARCRAFT FRANCHISE…is the literally the WoW story.


You mean some alliance players? I couldnt care less about them tbh.

Yeah thats why the statistics clearly show the blood elves being almost the triple of the next most represented race in the horde (orcs) at max level.

Can’t people really pick something else? Numbers don’t lie.

Rofl, even another Belf agrees with me:



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He was talking about the story of WoD and how exploring it cut to the roots of the warcraft franchise.

He was not talking about the entire story of WoW.

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You know who Hellscream is, right? He’s an ORC.

I chose my server, the Hellscream server, because I’m an ORC! I’m HORDE!

I want to know how my server ended up being Alliance-heavy??? What person picks a server named after an ORC… and rolls Alliance???

So until my server goes back to being heavily-Horde-favored (which ended like when BWL released in Vanilla), I don’t give a damn about Alliance issues. The Alli issues are all fundamentally problems with the FACTION SYSTEM. End the factions. They serve no purpose anymore.

And get the lame-pansy Alliance OFF MY SERVER!!!

To be honest with you i don’t remember, that might be possible. Doesn’t change the reality that they were there to play regardless of whether you purchased it or not, the carrot is irrelevant.


Okay, when the Alliance stops having humans and ugly purple humans as their top races, while leaving other races like gnomes and worgen in the dust then maybe you’ll have a leg to stand on when talking about blood elves.

youre a huge part of the problem. dont be like them man

No, its very relevant. They were part of the pre-purchase early access of BFA. That made them BFA content. If you did not purchase BFA, you could not access them.


questing there was optional. the only reason for doing the quests was for allied races

Warmode on for alliance is not pretty out there.

Horde bands roving the world together and slaughtering everything in their path.

I keep my warmode on for principle, but I understand if alliance is keeping it off. Balance is completely off.

No he isn’t, he is talking about the foundation and complete story of the FRANCHISE…hence why he says that. NOT the story of WoD alone…otherwise he would say the story of Warlords and not the franchise.

No it’s not because they pointed to the story, doesn’t matter whether you played them or not, that was the story and the lore (which we are talking about) and not when you decided to play them.

Thus the story pointed to them being Horde which you are trying to assert they were not during Legion…but they were and everyone knows it regardless of whether or not you made the purchase.

Also they were not BfA content, they were legion content you could access early if you purchased the BfA and even today you need Legion rep to open the races, not BfA rep. Thus you need Legion content to open them.

Look i don’t have anymore time to argue this silliness. You are entitled to your opinion and you are not going to agree with me, that is ok. I play both sides i see both stories, the facts are what they are. Blizzard is CLEARLY biased for all the reasons i mentioned and alot more i didn’t. That is just the way it is and how it has played out over time.

Off to see Spiderman, toodles.


Yet our 2 most played races as you just said are well represented (13% and 12%) and the 3rd one the Draenei are 1/3 of what the top two have.

Meanwhile the 3rd race of the horde (trolls) have 1/4 of what blood elves have. Again, where is the good mix of races you said?

Just how orcs, trolls, tauren or undead are left in the dust for the horde except blood elves.

It’s sad horde do have “distinct” races, but must just go for the boring vanilla blonde human such as yourself.


hope you enjoyed it i watched it today it was pretty cool!

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