Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Has nothing to do with “being edgy”, the only reason I ever went Horde to begin with is because the Forsaken model was the only one that didn’t look like a roided out freak. Then they introduced Blood Elves who look great in like 99.7% of all gear.

If Humans hadn’t been tree trunk monstrosities, I would have gone Alliance when I first started the game.

No. Because in WoD, Alliance dominated because of EMFH.

Alliance: waaa waaaaa waaaaa It’s ALWAYS AGAINST US!!!
Reality: What about that time just before the previous expansion??

Alliance: Well… uhhh… THAT DOESN’T COUNT!! waaaaa

Here’s a better question/observation:

It’s fair to say that Mythic raiders follow the path of least resistance. Ok… so why would other people follow them, if they don’t Mythic raid?? It doesn’t help YOUR play experience if Method is Alliance or Horde. I don’t get this mentality.

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I’m looking at this mostly from a pve perspective. I don’t pvp unless I have to.

the shift to horde being the predominant faction for end-game mythic raiding has been steady for multiple expansions.


Ok. But I would agree that IN GENERAL, things at least seem to skew Horde. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t … but it doesn’t help your argument when you post things that aren’t factually accurate.

It’s not like EMFH didn’t help PvE. cmon…

Sorry but I don’t log into World of Warcraft to play as a human. That sounds boring - and it is, I’ve tried maining Alliance a couple times since 2005; it doesn’t work for me. The Horde, at least for me, is so much more interesting. It seems to be more of a band of misfits, which I can really relate to. Being a giant, hulking cow man who shape shifts into different animals is so fun.


Faction change for $$ all the way back in wotlk made it a problem

Some alliance players can be so obnoxious.


Alliance is fine. We are having koba kola and laughing at the horde whining about no wpvp

We have enough players to faceroll the horde in wpvp as proven in the heroic raid quest debacle where Blizzard came and said “Hey Alliance we want you to be aggressive not but too aggressive hence we are nerfing the quest reward”


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human racial nerf

Citation? Lets be real, the Alliance is a bland and boring faction, the devs said so themselves.

If the Horde/Alliance player base is really 10:1 like people pretend (spoiler: its not) then why not just let the Alliance wither and die? Let it just be a npc faction and the tiny amount of Alliance whiners will either roll Horde or quit and honestly good riddance.

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what in the heck is your problem, dude?

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If alliance weren’t junk, maybe more people than teens and preteens would play them?

What’s fun about being a human playing a human, or a fat human, or a human who can become a furry?

Would much rather be forsaken, or orc, or anything than a bigoted alliance.

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lvl 56 DK with 0 posts?

How did an obvious bait thread take off so much?

Dont forget the half and quarter humans.

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Alliance gets flying first because of the rep increase so I have trouble feeling sympathy for them.
Especially the humies.

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Setting the level range to 120-120 makes it 53.6% Horde and 46.4% Alliance, although even THAT is probably slightly inaccurate. Over the past few days I have been seeing more Horde players roaming around BfA zones than Alliance, at least in Warmode.

I think the active 120 characters disparity may be closer to 55-57% Horde and 43-45% Alliance considering that both factions still feel populated, but are noticeably imbalanced enough to cause problems in certain kinds of content, including PvP and raiding.

I’ve been finding it harder to complete World Quests as Alliance in Kul Tiras with Warmode on lately because many of the WQ’s are literally being swarmed unopposed by Horde players.

I definitely think the faction disparity is more a dev problem than a player problem, though. Both gameplay and story decisions have often worked against players who only play Alliance. For instance, Night Elves tend to just be punching bags, which over the years has made Night Elf fans bitter.

WoW is best played as Horde-only or as both factions, IMHO. Both factions all the way if you care about doing World Events like Brewfest and Hallow’s End, as holidays tend to be dead on Horde and popular on Alliance for some reason.


sharding and 5 million servers is to blame and they cant fix it so they don’t say anything

Well good thing this was made an underleveled Horde Death Knight that way we know it’s a legit Horde player. :rofl:


What could they do? The exact same thing they did for the horde.

Introduce OP racials for the Alliance to the point that top players reroll Alliance.

How do I know it works? BECAUSE IT ALREADY DID.


Actually, in the Forbes interview, Ion admitted that it was because they gave horde OP racials. Get this; he said that the racials had been “largely remedied”, not TOTALLY remedied.