Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Blizzard devs are all Horde fans. I mean, have you seen or been to a Blizzcon? They are pretty open about their Horde-leaning tendencies.

It’s not like they hide it.

They are pretty passionate about the Horde, but when it comes to the Alliance their hearts simply aren’t in it and the players pick up on that.

But this is NOT the players fault. This is Blizzard’s fault for devoting more time and consideration to one side over the other. You can’t fault the player base for wanting to go to the side that actually gets most of the attention.

I probably would have too if I wasn’t so invested into my characters at this point.


You say this while on a blood elf, the race that exploded the Horde population for the same reasons you’re deriding high elves?


Dude it’s sooooo easy, just delete blood elves on the horde and problem solved. :wink:


People play Trolls or Tauren? Because all i see in the horde is blonde humans such like yourself.

Like almost half the horde at 120 are Blood Elf, so i really dont think is the “distinct” races the reason people go horde.

Thats true, racials are pretty balanced and aint an issue now. The thing is they were in the past and a lot of people switch because of it in then, now the main reason making people go to horde is the bigger recruitment player pool.


this is just my hunter, i dont have any other belfs besides my demon hunter and im probably going to race change this guy bc his racials suck and he looks short and super weak

Ok, that doesnt change the fact that 1 of every 5 characters at max level are blood elf between both factions.

So that idea that people like playing “distinct” races so they go horde is wrong in the big scale, for you it can be but the fact remains that most horde players (almost half of it) just play a blonde human.


yeah its kinda sad that everyone picks belf when they are the most generic looking race, like i said before im probably going to race change. for me belfs are good for classes like mage and hunter because they arent big but i dont understand who would make a belf paladin over a zandalari or tauren

Not out of context no matter how you want to try to make it seem that way. Grats on writing the full quotation, it proves the point all the more that the story of Warcraft is about.

I guess if by not saying…at all…that the story of WoW is the story of the Horde is actually “it felt like it cut right to the roots of what the warcraft franchise is all about” in ACTUAL reference to the formation of the Horde itself then yes not at all even though its a direct quote of him saying it.

Keep trying hard though.

The entire story the the GAME was ALL ORC ALL THE TIME until they finally decided they needed a turn to the story and cut a large portion of WoD out. Races like the Draenei did nothing for 8 YEARS after introduction while we got green jesus and his story out of the way in cataclysm and they realized how over used green jesus was and put him in a shed for awhile. The other races hadn’t even been allowed to breath over the course of the game until then.


I mean, Blood Elf is tbh the reason why the horde is pretty much a live. Back before they were introduced the faction imbalance was way bigger that today skewed in the favor of the alliance.

And again another point for me when people say they care about “distinct” races or “better story” when in Vanilla horde was really underepresented and it was solved until a good looking race got added.


the main 2 were orc and humans. youre telling me that humans didnt play a huge role in the story? bullshlt


/checks my pulse

So to re-iterate. Because they enjoyed looking specifically at a very narrow aspect of of the Horde’s origins, during one specific expansion. And considering how important the Horde is to the Warcraft universe (which does not mean the Alliance isn’t important)…that means all of WoW is designed for the Horde?

That is the opinion you are taking from misquoting someone?


Yea because we didn’t quest through High Mountain at all or you know Suramar wasn’t a thing which it turns out was all Horde stuff…glad we got to do that as Alliance.

You are one of those deniers that actually thinks things are close to balanced, it is actually kind of funny to watch and see in action.

Let me know when you can actually come up with something close to the balance of the story and the game over it’s history.


Says the guy playing a short human.

itt: alliance still mad over belves being added to the Horde after 10+ years. Sad!

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and argus, and the army of light werent a thing? really?


Highmountain and Suramar weren’t part of the horde in Legion.

And they would be cancelled out by all of 7.3…where we spent the entire time with either Alleria/Void Elves or the Light Forged Spacegoats.

So even taking that into consideration, we still have Tyrande, Malfurion, Velen, we followed around. Night Elven and Space Goat Lore we explored.

While doing what for the Horde exactly? Having Baine content cut out? A single scene of Sylvanas and Genn going at it?


Legion was an Alliance expansion. Thinking otherwise is completely wrong.


I didn’t misquote him at all, in fact i directly quoted him. I just chose to use HIS QUOTE in context of all the other things that have been said and done over time that reflects his statement.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it not true, it just means you don’t like it.


Mad, why would i be? If anything im tired, can’t people pick another race in the horde? It’s getting bored seing blonde humans everywhere.

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well alliance keep complaining about having no high elves when they are already in the game