Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Now let horde win in story. Once.

Baring Blizzard actually putting caps on faction population, nothing short of a severe interventions will fix player imbalance.

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Is it my fault that I find the Horde races more appealing than the ones on the Alliance?


You already have. There’s enough content in BfA to fuel TWO horde factions (which will probably be the result).
Think about it: You could literally remove the Alliance from BfA and it really wouldn’t change much. You’d lose Jaina’s side story, Saurfang would’ve probably just went to Thrall instead of the sidebar Alliance story.
Then the horde ends up in Nazjatar and fight from there.
But you CANNOT remove the horde from the BfA storyline. There is far too much content DEPENDENT upon the horde.
The Alliance at this point are basically relegated to NPC status with the occasional carrot thrown our way. But in no way does the story line suffer because of the absence of the Alliance.


Yes, this is totally fixable IF Blizzard wanted to fix it. How do I know? THEY’VE ALREADY DONE IT for the horde. The horde hate to admit it, but at one point they were the weak faction, so Blizz gave them a pretty race to help Alliance players find something aesthetically pleasing and then gave horde OP racials…to the point that ION said they are still “largely (not completely) remedied”.

So if they wanted, they could do the same thing for the Alliance, give them say, High Elves and OP racials until enough high end horde guilds would reroll to Alliance. They know this works, but they refuse to do so. Why? I’d guess that since they all basically main horde, they don’t even see the problem with the Alliance at this point. Instead of listening to player concern, they provide bandaids like Merc Mode and Warmode.

Bottom line: the problem (faction PvP imbalance) will not be fixed until they provide a reason for guilds and players to reroll Alliance.


in terms of allied races looks, it was even but zandalari troll destroys kul tiran. in terms of racials you must be retarded if you think that horde has better racials. regeneration only works with paladins or spriest and the embrace of the loa doesnt doo much. but they look way cooler. honestly im surprised that competitive players havent all switched to alliance because they are getting much more bonuses for simply clicking a button with warmode, and their racials are generally better. especially for allied racials. nightborne racials are useless, highmountain is ok, maghar is horrible besides the 10% mount speed and that really shouldnt be a reason you pick a race, and like i said before i think zandalari are meh especially compared to kul tiran who have a knock back stun while zandalari are only good for spriest and paladin. compare these to the alliances and youll see a massive disparity. void elves literally have the best racials in the game and imo are the best race. lightforged draeni’s nuke is 10x better then anything Hm has, dark iron dwarves arent that good but if you compare them to maghar they seem like a godsend, and like i said before there isnt much difference in terms of usefulness between kul tiran and zandalari. so imo alliance have way better racials, but hordes look way cooler, so thats why ppl play them. i am confused that most top raiding guilds are horde because velfs are the most op thing ever, so all the pvp and raiding guilds should be alliance if they really want to be competitive

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High Elves will not fix warmode or raiding. But nice way to bring them uselessly into yet another thread that isnt about them at all.


you already have a huge incentive for warmode and void elves do have op racials


i dont know why people are obsessed with high elves. they arent even good looking and they just look like humans with big ears and slightly altered features. idk why people want to play as more human looking creatures


Time stamp 2:50 “what the warcraft franchise is all about”…in talking about the formation of the Horde itself.


Oh. I thought you had a real citation. Not a “I am going to take something out of context” line.

“So the opportunity to kinda go back to this time and place, where their whole destiny of their culture is at the fulcrum point, felt really good to us as story tellers. It felt like it cut right to the roots of what the warcraft franchise is all about”

That is not saying…at all…that the story of WoW is the story of the Horde. Sheesh. If thats all you have, thats a joke.

There are also story lines concerning the Alliance that “cut right to the roots of what the warcraft franchise is all about”.


well if the horde was never created this game wouldnt have a point. and vice versa with the alliance. also this xpac was about orcs. i dont know why you are surprised

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Because many Alliance players feel 100% of an expansion should be Alliance based. Remember how we did nothing but follow around Alliance based characters for all of Legion, where the Horde ones were either straight up cut out or had almost no showing?

Thats often deemed a “fair and balanced” expansion by a certain segment of the crowd that constantly complains about “horde bias”.


They are boring pasty copies of a horde race, not something new and different. At least with Velves they are somewhat different in looks and backstory although Blizz really needs to flesh that story out better.

I agree 100% with this. I cant even turn on warmode as alliance. Does not even matter if we have a group of 5. The unbalanced state of this game is so sad. i dont even care if you give me a 500% bonus, i cant even get 1 kill so whats the point.


honestly i dont care who the xpac is about. as long as it doesnt paint one side as the villain i really dont care who im following the whole time. bfa ruined that and horde is obviously being treated like the villain but sylvanas will probably be dead soon so im happy

Hey, they’ve been trying. Give it just a tiny bit more time.


yeah i agree. they actually have a ok backstory but it wasnt expanded on at all. with some further adjustments they could be really cool.

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I don’t understand why you are blaming legit Horde players when the issue is the Alliance players who are switching to Horde


dude what are you talking about? i dont see much horde out, at least not on kiljaeden, and it seems pretty even. i get warmode on as soon as possible on my alts and honestly its pretty even. ive only outnumbered a group twice, and leveling up in northrend is getting ganked by 120 alliances apparently. so to me it doesnt really matter which faction you pick, but if you want to be the most efficient you should play a velf with warmode on

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