Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Honestly, it doesn’t matter who’s fault it is really. The problem is so bad now the factions need to be removed from the game.


No, the problem is Alliance players trying to somehow heap blame for everything on us. This is a problem that is 100% of the Alliance’s doing.


Sorry, you are wrong. The current problems are pretty much all due to Blizzard.


And here I am, never using warmode, surrounded by a plethora of orange names.

I find the imbalance hard to see from my vantage point as I’m the one outnumbered. At least for me it’s just mob tagging though and not ganking. :stuck_out_tongue:


Whats even more crazy is the fact that these threads are usually started by Horde posters. I mean, if you’re REALLY tired of Horde dominating the game then set an example and go full alliance. Otherwise you’re just a hypocrite barking at the moon.


i think alliance just complain too much about it that it seems like a bigger deal then it is. and now they have so much bonuses for being in warmode but they still are being cowards

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LOL your funny, wah Alliance dont warmode, wah Alliance are lazy, wah Alliance blame us for everything


I’m talking about normies, not the male human paladin prototype.

I ruined the game? I’m really sorry guys!


Devs ruined the game, players went along with it on both sides.


Clearly, OP has not been paying attention.

Right now, you’re just looking at the short-term effect - a virtual perma-war mode for Alliance - but this has seriously been an issue for years, and Blizzard cannot control who joins what faction.

It is not a technical gameplay problem, it is a social “problem.” The sad part is, you just answered your own damned question, and you still don’t get it.

Blizzard can’t give you a satisfactory answer to that question because the answer is right in front of your face: nearly all the major guilds are Horde, and people go where the community is. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle.

Want to get into a raiding guild? Go Horde, there are more players on that side. Want PVP? Go Horde, there are more players on that side. Want RP? Go Horde, there are more players on that side - unless you want to go to Goldshire, in which case, the Alliance is waiting for you.

“But oh,” OP might say, “Blizzard just needs to give players some incentive to join the Alliance!” Yeah, about that…what the hell do you think a 25% bonus to WM is, exactly?


As soon as I unlocked HM Tauren, Zandalari and Mahgar Orcs, I faction changed to horde because dev’s so heavily favor them. Its not the players fault the dev’s made Horde so much more appealing to play.


I wont ever be part of the problem. Blame everyone else. :+1:

Ive played horde in the past but that time has long since past. Alliance for life now.


You didn’t even sort it to level 120s. A bunch of in-progress alts doesn’t make the Alliance a healthy faction when the populations are completely unbalanced in current content, where the game is actually played.

Seems like you’re the one not trying.


Because several years ago, the horde were being roflstomped GY camped into non-existence, so Blizz gave active incentives to reroll horde through a pretty race (Belves) and OP racials. That led to (according to Ion!) a massive transfer of Alliance talent to the horde.
They just never stopped. In that same Forbes interview, Ion admitted that the OP horde racials had been “largely (not totally) remedied”.
Since most devs main horde, they didn’t notice the Alliance slide. They attributed it to Alliance whining or told them to “git gud”, forgetting that they could have said that about the horde at one point.
This is a horde game now. Alliance is largely relegated to the status of horde NPC. Which is sad in an expansion that at the onset declared that it didn’t want players to feel that they had chosen the “wrong faction”, that is exactly what happened.
Not wanting to address the actual cause (faction imbalance), they’ve tried several work around bandaids like Merc Mode and Warmode.
I truly believe they have no incentive to fix the imbalance and instead will create a second horde faction to balance out BGs, FURTHER ignoring the Alliance.


OMG an Honest person!!! Screenshot is being taken.


On my server (Moon Guard) I see far more when im on my alliance toons than i do on my horde. But its an RP server so that might have something to do with it. If your talking Warmode, not everyone wants to turn it on, i know I don’t on either side even for a bonus. Raiding, I only do minimal lfr for quests or I’m bored so cant really comment on it. Elite raiding bores me so I
Dont follow stats on it. But to blame players because they prefer racials, the races or not wanting to turn on warmode is petty B.S. we play what we like.

Really? Explain then why the queue for BGs is FOUR TIMES as long on the horde.

Answer in case you’re in denial: There are four times as many horde PvP players.


It’s only unfixable because they refuse to fix it. I know three people who worked at Blizz and they all have the mindset that if they fixed the Alliance like they fixed the horde, it would ruin the game because horde would basically riot.
So Alliance is the “just kidding, no we’re not” faction, an inside joke that is widely known, hence the public belittling of Alliance players at Blizzcon.
Proof of this would be to watch them treat horde players like that and watch an electronic meltdown unheard of since the creation of WoW.


You’re ignoring the fact that the REASON the horde is OP is BECAUSE the top guilds rerolled horde. Prior to that, the horde were losing 2/3 of all BGs.
It was sad.

And Joyeuse, the reason she didn’t sort to 120 because then her argument quickly falls apart and we see a better picture. That, taken along with the fact that there are far many more horde PvP players fills in the rest of the picture and explains the problem.